Jay Doctors Cleared Four Years After Federal, State Investigation Began

May 29, 2015

Two Jay doctors say they have been cleared of any wrongdoing, four years after their medical practice became the focus of a federal and state investigation and they were forced to surrender their licenses to prescribe narcotics.

Back in July 2011, the FBI, federal Drug Enforcement Agency, the Attorney General’s Office, the Florida Department of Health and Florida Department of Law Enforcement raided the Jay Medical Clinic Thursday as Florida Highway Patrol troopers stood guard outside the complex, which is located next to Jay Hospital. Federal and state agents seized patient records from Dr. C. David Smith and his son Dr. J. S. Michael Smith.

Now, Dr. David Smith says they have been cleared by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. He also said the pair will soon be able to get back their licenses to prescribe narcotics from the DEA.

Pictured top: Federal and state agents were conducting a search at the Jay Medical Center during July 2011. Pictured top inset: A Florida Department of Law Enforcement officer questions a patient outside the complex. ictured below: Florida State Trooper Todd St. Clair turns away a Jay Medical Center patient during the 2011 raid.  NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Jay Doctors Cleared Four Years After Federal, State Investigation Began”

  1. William Mangino II, M.D. on July 27th, 2016 5:08 pm

    They have the guns and the badges…but they operate based upon their beliefs in typical “myths” and “prejudices” which have always surrounded even legitimate prescribing of opioids for chronic refractory pain.

    It happened to me in 2004-7: arrested, prosecuted and convicted on five counts-sentenced to twenty years (max) in a Pennsylvania prison.

    Not one patient offered in-trial testimony that I had any reason to believe they did not have the pain they complained of…all were examined-even The Court admits: and the Court admits that all “suffered” from pain.

    You can look up my case under William Mangino II, M.D. at doctordeluca.com or borden@DRCnet.org for comments on my prosecution. I will be blogging about opioid prescribing and convicting doctors [ some of whom are guilty ] on my new website DoctorBillMangino.com at “BLUEHOST” starting in mid August. FOLLOW ME. I have blogs on LINKEDIN and FACEBOOK and comments on DISQUS and KEVIN/MD as well as MEDSCAPE. I’m not hard to find…by choice-and anxious to overturn my unfair conviction.

    I believe I have become the most knowledgeable expert on this issue-combining the expertise of a pain specialist and one who reviewed mostly every case since 1910.

  2. john jr on May 30th, 2015 10:54 am

    The Docs will not get their narcotics license back. This is now a standard attack on all providers of pain therapy. Bad Acts has nothing to do with it. This tactic is repeated thousands of times in almost every state. Untrained cop squads close down any provider they choose, and rely on the weight of the system to squeeze out the business they have chosen. Look at the other cases all over the U.S. and you will see 2 things. This tactic is standard procedure for DEA, victims of the DEA abuse cannot recover, a result of the harm done. A smoke screen cover of legitimacy covers their actions and prevents the Physicians from getting damages in return. Yes, these are good doctors and innocent of the charges, but they will not recover or be made whole.

  3. Larry on May 29th, 2015 10:15 pm

    I know both Doctors. They are great physiciaans and everyone who knows them knew that this is the way it would go down. The real problem is that drug companies make these narcotic pain relievers, which are needed, People who do not really need them get hooked on them and it is a vicious circle. In turn those who really need them , like myself and others I know have to go through an act of congress to get them.

  4. Jane Eliff on May 29th, 2015 8:31 pm

    Have known Dr. Smith for so many years. He diagnosed my health problems years ago and he is one of the best physicians I have ever known. So glad he and Dr. Michael Smith are being cleared.

  5. jeeperman on May 29th, 2015 3:51 pm

    Will be interesting to see if any lawsuits are filed against the persecuting agencies, or not.

  6. c.w. on May 29th, 2015 1:13 pm

    Some “judge” had to issue the warrants. Who ever the judgeis, they are educated well past their intelligence. It’s a shame that we the people have to endure these nazi tactics. Last time I checked, Jay was not in Germany.

  7. EMD on May 29th, 2015 12:10 pm

    I know Dr. Smith and used to care for his HH patients. I never believed he or his son were guilty. I also believe that our “rough shod govt of late” should reimburse him and his son every dime they spent on their own defense and every penny they lost from their practice because of our “new and NOT improved” “Bad Boys.” They need to go play with paint balls and get it out of their system. SHAMEFUL !!! This is NOT Nazi Germany. Or is it? Seems we are headed that way. Every destination begins with one step, and we are already beyond that.

  8. Chris Saul on May 29th, 2015 11:19 am

    The doctors can re apply for their licenses. They will not be awarded just because they took them for no reason. One doctor is out over a half million in attorney fees and he will not recover that. To mention all the bad press spread of the names of these two doctors. Loss of income due to not being able to treat medical issues using narcotics. Its travesty and an outright abuse of power.

  9. Sandy on May 29th, 2015 11:07 am

    We Jay Folks knew they went after the wrong Doctors… Now do we get our records back and does the Doctors get their good name and reputation back. Oh but wait I am talking to the Government and I forgot….. you do not care about us or the Doctors. I am so glad no one died because you have all the Doctors files…
    Just saying

  10. KC on May 29th, 2015 8:48 am

    SAD DAY!!!!!! Here we go again!!!!!!

  11. randy on May 29th, 2015 6:23 am

    Where the feds wrong.. did they harm these good men

  12. David Huie Green on May 29th, 2015 5:36 am

    abuse of power, sounds like
    If you don’t have a legitimate charge, leave people alone.

    David for better government

  13. 429SCJ on May 29th, 2015 5:26 am

    The sad fact is that the FBI gets the cream of the crop graduates and everything else goes, well you go figure.

    Four years of harassment and false persecution. Perhaps one of these antagonist may find themselves one day thinking, how nice it would be to have the assistance of a physician.

  14. Buddy on May 29th, 2015 4:33 am

    “He also said the pair will soon be able to get back their licenses to prescribe narcotics from the DEA” What I want to know is where do these good, caring, dedicated men go to get their reputations and the years as well as the money they were forced to spend to defend themselves
    , back from an out of control government agency?

  15. coseys ex on May 29th, 2015 3:36 am

    It seems with four federal agencies involved they would have found something simply by what evidence they had to have to get the warrants. Somebody definitely dropped the ball here.