Free Small Business Workshops Available In Century

May 1, 2015

As part of Century’s ongoing economic development efforts, the town has partnered with the Small Business Development Center at UWF to host a free “Amplify Your Business Through Fundamentals” training series for businesses in Century and the surrounding area.

All workshops are free to the general public but pre-registration for each workshop is recommended through the SBDC’s website. Attendees may pick and choose the workshops that will be most beneficial to them. All workshops will be held at the Century Business Center at 150 East Pond Street from 9 am. until noon on the dates below:

Tuesday, May 5

Marketing I – Winning with Social Media: Learn practical, cost-effective strategies for marketing your small business. Not sure where to begin with social media or why you should bother? Businesses of all sizes are using online tool like Facebook, Twitter and Constant Contact to connect with customers. Let us show you low-cost ways social media can bolster your current marketing efforts and you will leave with your own social media marketing plan. Learn which social media tools are a good fit for you, where your target customers are looking online, and what it could mean for your business if you are not involved in social networking.

Thursday, May 7
Marketing II – Using Google Tools and Boosting Your Business with Great Customer Reviews: If you have heard of Google Ad Words, Alerts, or Analytics and wonder how they could benefit your marketing efforts, this workshop is for you! Learn how to track website visits, research keywords, find articles relevant to your business, and most importantly, manage your brand online. In addition, customer reviews through online sites such as TripAdvisor and Yelp are crucial to the success of a small business. Don’t overlook this vital tool for marketing your small business. Discover the various online customer review sites, how to create compelling business listings for the most popular sites, and tips for getting great customer reviews.

Tuesday, May 12
Financial & Cash Flow Statements, Pt. 1:
Learn how to create and use profit and loss statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements to manage a small business.

Thursday, May 14
Financial & Cash Flow Statements, Pt. 2

Tuesday, May 19
Human Resources:
This training will provide an overview of the many aspects of human resources management. During this session, we will provide training on the following topics: Fair Labor Standards Act, effective recruiting, effective hiring, drug testing, employee motivation, costs of employee turnover, and effective communication. file photo.


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