Florida Lawmakers To Return June 1 For Special Session

May 18, 2015

After weeks of conflict, House and Senate leaders have formally called a special legislative session to reach agreement on a new state budget and to hammer out differences on major health-care issues.

House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island, and Senate President Andy Gardiner, R-Orlando, issued a “call” that said lawmakers will go into session at 1 p.m. June 1, with the session possibly lasting through June 20. An accompanying news release made clear that the leaders expect to pass a budget before the July 1 start of the new fiscal year, putting to rest the idea that state government could be forced to shut down.

The call listed issues that can be addressed during the special session, including a series of health-care bills and a House tax-cut package. It did not include some high-profile issues, such as bills dealing with water policy and gambling.

“Florida will have a balanced budget by June 30,” Gardiner said in the release. “Narrowing the set of issues to those outlined in today’s proclamation enables us to focus on the critical work before us and to meet our constitutional obligation in the open and transparent manner the people of Florida expect.”

But it was also clear that House and Senate leaders have not reached agreement on the health-care issues that led to a messy, abrupt end to this spring’s regular session. The biggest difference involves a Senate plan to use federal Medicaid money to offer private health insurance to hundreds of thousands of low-income Floridians — a plan that House Republican leaders and Gov. Rick Scott vehemently oppose.

The special-session call includes the Senate coverage plan (SB 7044), signaling that the issue is still on the table.

Also, however, the call includes controversial health-care bills that have been a priority of some House leaders. The call includes a bill (HB 7097) that would revamp the health-insurance program for state employees; a bill (HB 281) that would give new drug-prescribing powers to advanced-registered nurse practitioners and physician assistants; and potential legislation aimed at repealing what is known as the state’s “certificate of need” program for hospitals. That program helps regulate the addition of new health-care facilities.

“Today is an important milestone,” Crisafulli said in the release. “Although we differ on policy approaches regarding health care, the House welcomes the opportunity to have a vigorous debate over the issue. We look forward to working with our Senate partners to craft a balanced budget that supports our schools, our environment and provides tax relief to Florida’s hard-working families.”

Lawmakers face a constitutional requirement to pass a balanced budget. But they never reached the point of formal negotiations during the regular session because of differences on health-care issues.

In addition to the clashes about the Senate’s $2.8 billion coverage plan, the chambers also disagreed about how to handle the $2.2 billion Low Income Pool program, which is scheduled to expire June 30. That program funnels money to hospitals and other providers that care for large numbers of poor and uninsured patients. It remains unclear whether state and federal officials will reach agreement on extending the program beyond June 30.

Before they can start negotiating a spending plan, House and Senate leaders still need to work out “allocations,” which divvy up money between areas of the budget such as education, health care and criminal justice. That is a key initial step in the process, and Crisafulli and Gardiner indicated it will be done before June 1.

Along with health care, another closely watched issue will be tax cuts. Scott early this year proposed a $673 million tax-cut package, and the House followed with a plan (HB 7141) for $690 million in cuts. But amid the questions about health-care funding, the Senate did not offer a tax-cut package during the regular session. The call sets the stage for negotiations about the issue.

by Jim Saunders, The News Service of Florida


One Response to “Florida Lawmakers To Return June 1 For Special Session”

  1. Rufus Lowgun on May 18th, 2015 5:22 pm

    “Although we differ on policy approaches regarding health care”

    But the one thing you all agree on is that you want the federal government to foot the bill for paying for health care for the poor, so just take the medicaid expansion already.