Florida Forest Service Warns Of Wildfire Danger Time

May 24, 2015

For some it’s beaches, others think of backyard cookouts or baseball games. For wildland firefighters and the personnel of the Florida Forest Service’s Blackwater Forestry Center, however, the  days and weeks around Memorial Day typically means a big fire or two.

While Florida experiences wildfires year round, spring traditionally is the height of the season across the state. In the three counties within the Blackwater response area (Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa)  that window can be narrowed down even more.

“Right around Memorial Day we usually see some pretty significant fire activity,” said David Smith, operations administrator for the district. “We get rain in April and early May that will prompt new growth and add to the fuel on the ground and then we typically get a drying period of a week, maybe two weeks, that usually produces some of our more difficult fire conditions.”

Current forecasts show no rain in the next week or so. In the past few days, moderate winds and low humidity have helped dry out vegetative fuels after the recent rains. That lines up with historical patterns that have helped make the time around Memorial Day busy for the FFS.

During the past 10 years, Blackwater has seen an average of about 16 wildfires from May 20 to June 10 — the 21 days centered on the holiday. During the past four years, each of the season peaks has produced at least one fire larger than 50 acres that has had a significant impact on residents, roads or the public in general.

Pictured: A wildfire in Bratt. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


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