Escambia Wants More Volunteer Firefighters Rather Than Raising Taxes, Using Reserve Funds

May 8, 2015

Escambia County is making changes related to volunteer firefighters, hoping to streamline the process of recruiting more volunteers rather than raising taxes or dipping into financial reserves to hire a large number of career firefighters.

The Escambia County Commission has approved the use of reserve funds to hire nine firefighters and three lieutenants to staff the Ferry Pass Fire Station. Thursday, they discussed the possibility of using reserve funds or raising taxes to continue those positions next year, and possibly staff the West Pensacola station with paid firefighters.

The commission decided late Thursday night to continue their discussions before raising taxes or dipping into reserves. Regardless, they want to see the volunteer ranks bolstered.

County Administrator Jack Brown is in the process of implementing several fire services changes related to volunteers.

Potential volunteers will be able to fill out and submit an simplified application at their local fire station or online. They will then interview with a district chief at their local state. A background check will be conducted, and the applicant will take a physical agility test that will not have to be passed on the first. Upon the completion of the background check, the applicant will be scheduled for a medical physical. The goal is to complete the steps in 30 days, rather than the months it can currently take.

A significant portion of training classes will be moved online, allowing volunteer recruits to complete modules on their schedule rather than attending required classes. Firefighter One training classes and modules will be designed to have a break during the schedule to allow for family time so it’s not five straight months of classes. If an individual misses a reasonable amount of time due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, the department will work with them to try to make up the material.

Volunteers without Firefighter One certification may support the overall operation as long are within the “safe zone” and are only performing duties they have been “trained commensurate to duty” — meaning they must have document training in the special task or a combination of skills to accomplish the assigned task.

Stipends paid to volunteers will remain in place, based upon events rather than hours. Volunteers, due to IRS regulations, are no longer to spend time at their station on a “duty crew” for credit toward their stipend, but the credit can be made up by special details.

The county also plans to hire a volunteer coordinator, a position that was already budgeted. The volunteer coordinator will be recommended by the Volunteer Firefighters’ Association, approved by the county administrator and will receive a stipend. The volunteer coordinator will provide input, concerns and issues from volunteers. The volunteers, through the volunteer coordinator, will present a draft recruitment plan to the county administrator and commanding officers. file photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Escambia Wants More Volunteer Firefighters Rather Than Raising Taxes, Using Reserve Funds”

  1. Huber on May 14th, 2015 1:53 pm

    I apologize. I know it is $50 per year not per month. I miss typed my mistake.

  2. Cantonment on May 12th, 2015 1:02 pm

    Huber it’s $50 a year not 50 a month that would be ridiculous.

  3. Huber on May 10th, 2015 8:51 am

    If the citizens don’t want to pay $50 extra a month for fire service, which includes a lot more then simple fire protection, then where are all the people willing to volunteer their time to provide the necessary service? It is difficult to get started but it doesn’t get easier after a person is certified. Sleep and Family time is always interrupted. You can count on it. Ask my mother.

  4. bin on May 10th, 2015 12:00 am

    I know of a couple of gentlemen who has moved down here from up north that used to be in fire departments/emt, but bailed out for more money in other occupations in other fields. asked them about it and got either too old or no way. but anyway, the talent is here. more of an outreach program is needed.

  5. EscCoFriend on May 9th, 2015 2:14 pm


    There is a clear divide bewteen city and county governments and that divide is the city limits. There are many clear differences bewteen the two……. city has a mayor with a city council….county has a county administrator with a commission. city residents pays an estimated $300 a year in fire protection, where the county residents pays $85 a year for fire protection.

    The county has alot more area that it governs, where as the city just a small amount of the county.

    We also have federal government in escambia county with the same duplication of resources, but do you really think you are going to get county, city, and federal governments to combine and provide the same service more efficiently… If you do, please tell me how you plan to do that

    And districtizing a bigger area makes it more manageable, did you know in the fire department… Span of control is used saying that 1 fire officer can manage between 3-7 firefighters, 5 would be the optimum number… once you get to 8 firefighters than a second fire officer is needed…… Same concept…… smaller areas are easier to manage than one larger area, plus different areas has different concerns

  6. Sage 2 on May 9th, 2015 10:54 am


    Read what was written again. We have duplication of services. The county, as is the city is so gerrymandered that it is difficult to know who is in what jurisdiction.

    For the record, I live in the county. Yet, when one looks at a city/county situation such as Duval/Jacksonville where if you’re in the city, your in the county and visa versa. Power struggles…sure, yet there is a definitive governmental structure that is responsible to all citizens, not just those in a district. Districts divide the community on a number of basis and issues, do you see?

    My suggestions were a voice in the wilderness so to speak when it comes to consolidation of services or trying to improve the area where we live and call home.

    There will always be blocks of concrete placed in the way in the attempt to improve the various services we, as citizens, pay our taxes to support.

    Maybe proposals from you as to how to make a better place to live called Escambia County/Pensacola could be forthcoming.

    Inquiring minds like to know what others think and how they may solve problems.

  7. EscCountyfriend on May 9th, 2015 1:01 am


    We have 1 fire department, its called Escambia County Fire Rescue
    We have 1 police department, its called Escambia County Sheriffs Office

    I think you have the wrong idea about government consolidation…. A consolidation in this area would only be utilized to combine the governments of Escambia County and the City of Pensacola, which will never happen… The city is not giving up anything. Heck the city doesnt even want to do mutual aid fire protection between the two jurisdictions

    You named ECUA, ESP, ECSD, but the thing with those agencies, there is not two seperate governments that have those same services….. we dont have a county school district and a city school district, nor seperate gas companies or sewer companies

  8. Fred on May 8th, 2015 7:36 pm

    @sage 2 – well said!

  9. Sage 2 on May 8th, 2015 3:08 pm

    This is just one more reason we, the citizens of Escambia Co., need a form of consolidated government.

    If you live in Century, Perdido Key, West Pensacola, Ferry Pass or the beach the consolidation would bring better services to ALL.

    One law enforcement agency, one fire department etc., etc. Think better for less!

    Most of the county already has services rendered by ECUA, ESP, certainly the ECSB as well as ambulance service.

    Cost: Duplication of services always increase costs in business or government.

    While we are at it, have a unified commission, no districts. If you have a problem call Bubba or Hortense as your representative…because these commissioners are responsible to all the people in the county, not their little dedicated district.

    This is falling on blind eyes and deaf ears, yet until the people (all of them) of Escambia Co. realize there is a better way to do things that have been done since dirt was made…all you’ll be getting is the same old song and dance by the power structure and bureaucrats that may have to take the hind teat, so to speak!

    Bottom line as in buying a product…you get what you pay for.

  10. Well on May 8th, 2015 7:39 am

    Back in the late 70’s I joined a volunteer firedept. as a 16 year old to help my fellow man. Back then it was the thing to do to help others. I also joined a search and rescue unit at the same time to help my fellow man. I was young with no money yet I would do what had to be done.
    Alot of young kids learned alot we could have cared less about the money it was to help folks. As I got older I went to work 8-5 job. Still running calls sometime up all night and worked all day to to help others.

    Some were along the way we as fellow humans have lost our way and think money fixes all. There was nothing wrong with the system just some one wanted to change it all up now look what has happen? throwing money will not fix everything you have to have love an care in your heart for your fellow man.

  11. Beenthere on May 8th, 2015 7:21 am

    North end of escambia county is still Pensacola. It’s is all one, city of pensacola or county of escambia. There is two different fire departments. The City of Pensacola or Escambia Country Fire Rescue. The City is completely paid, no volunteers! The county is a combination of volunteers and paid, which is wjere you live Jane. This story effects you and your department.

    I think they county should go back to the old way. BEFORE the stipend agreement came along. Yes still give our guys and gals what they deserve for serving their time to helping the county. But also let the station chiefs handle everything. The county had gotten in over their heads trying to control everything. They can’t do it. Or let the City and County combine and have even better structure.

  12. Gman on May 8th, 2015 5:15 am

    In this day and age there shouldn’t be a firehouse in America without paid firefighters.

  13. Jane on May 8th, 2015 3:46 am

    We live in the north end. We have volunteer firefighters who do a wonderful job. They should be paid also…if not, then let Pensacola pay for theirs. I resent paying for their (Pensacola’s) bills all the time.