Ernest Ward Teacher Receives Surprise Visit From Soldier Son (With Video)

May 26, 2015

Ernest Ward Middle School teacher Connie Chamberlin received a lunchtime surprise, as her soldier son popped into the school cafeteria Friday. Aaron Gaff, U.S. Army CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) Specialist was home on leave from Ft. Bragg. He is also a former Ernest Ward student and a Tate High graduate.

The video is below (if you don’t see it, it is because your home, work or school firewall is blocking YouTube videos).


3 Responses to “Ernest Ward Teacher Receives Surprise Visit From Soldier Son (With Video)”

  1. patti on May 26th, 2015 6:02 pm

    Congratulations! Mrs. Chamberlin, can’t think of a better surprise! Hope your visit is what you’d have it be and PLEASE THANK your son for me for what he’s doing!! I also have a son in the military (he’s been in the Army Reserves for 30 years) and has served overseas. Again CONGRATULATIONS! I pray for our military that God will protect each and everyone of them.

  2. clint on May 26th, 2015 9:14 am

    I love those surprise homecoming videos!

  3. Mrs. Ellis on May 26th, 2015 4:51 am

    How special, Connie! That’s the kind of visit mom’s will take any day!