64 Arrested In Warrant Sweep

May 22, 2015

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office warrant sweep resulted in 64 arrests and 136 warrants being served. The sweep targeted those who had outstanding warrants for sex crimes, fraud and stolen property.

For a list of those arrested, charges and mugshots, click here (pdf file).


14 Responses to “64 Arrested In Warrant Sweep”

  1. Parent on May 24th, 2015 2:11 am

    Until the parents step up and make their children mind and know where/what they are doing, it’s only going to get worse.
    As far a the girl shooting a bird at a ref., if that was my daughter she would have been picking herself up off the ground from a back hand.

    My daughter started acting up in school years ago I ask the principle to paddle her butt. They told me they couldn’t do that, I said I would come to school and do it. They told me I couldn’t punish my child at school. I checked her out of school, drove her across the road and spanked her butt and drove her back to school crying.. She never acted up in school again.
    Before anyone goes off on me in here, I did not beat my child, I left her butt red with a belt. It should be left up to the parents on how they correct their children.
    We never heard of the crap that is going on today back in the days when u got ur butt tore up for doing wrong. Now days they want to call it child abuse! But look at where we are headed! SAD!!!
    All I’m saying is know where and who ur child is with and what they are doing. Punish them they way u see fit, if that don’t work try something else or call and ask for help. We can’t have 11 year olds with guns or 13 year olds doing what they want with another child.

  2. David Huie Green on May 23rd, 2015 1:33 pm

    ” these kids are the future leaders of the world…. how scary is that!?!? I hate to sound like an old nay-sayer but really people…”

    It isn’t that bad.
    Most of those listed in the arrest record never become leaders because they’ve already shown poor judgment. The rest of us have better judgment than to trust them.

    David for better judgment

  3. melodies4us on May 22nd, 2015 6:03 pm

    Well said grandma. In reply to WOW’s comment. Little league sports is a big influence on children. This is where they should be learning good sportsmanship. Unfortunately not only are some of the parents and spectators setting a bad example, but some of the coaches are horribly bad sports. I’ve heard them cuss at the boys and cuss at the referee. There should be a meeting held for ball park parents , where everyone agrees on a code of ethics. ITS SO IMPORTANT.

  4. The DOER on May 22nd, 2015 3:27 pm

    @ Wow:
    You’ve said it correctly. As a teacher in this county, I can personally tell you that many, many parents do not care about raising their children with morals any more. I went to my nephew’s baseball game recently. These were all 10-year-olds out there playing. The game was in Molino; however, there were people there from all over. Obviously, audience members thought the referee called a bad play. I could not believe what I was hearing. Teenagers were hollering at the referee, calling him an “idiot,” and other words. Their parents were right beside them, not saying a word. After a while, I couldn’t take it anymore and just left. I even saw one teenage girl shoot a bird toward the referee. Her mother was right beside her and laughed.

    That is just one example. We have so many people reproducing who don’t need to be. Those children come into the school system. If our own children do not have morals in place, they can certainly be influenced permanently and negatively. On the other hand, I have had some wonderful students whose parents stay totally involved and expect their children to do what is right.

  5. jeeperman on May 22nd, 2015 2:30 pm

    Don’t get too excited or be too impressed.
    Per the dates on the linked pdf, these warrants were served over the past month.

    Since there are a thousand or more outstanding warrants for Escambia citizens on any day of the year, 64 served per month is maybe the average per month?

  6. Robinhood on May 22nd, 2015 12:39 pm

    @ Molinoman……
    None of those live in Cottage Hill area. I notice that most live on the WEST side of Pensacola such as Mobile Hwy, Balboa, Charbar Drive, Citrus street, West Mallory street, MASSACHUSETTS AV, HWY 98 west, Patricia Drive, Seattle Avenue off of Community Drive, Booth Avenue, etc. Get the picture. Not sure where in the heck you got Cottage Hill from those addresses.

  7. wow on May 22nd, 2015 12:37 pm

    I have to say that I’m completely shocked and saddened that there are children on that list. Not because they were arrested… because if they did something wrong they needed to be arrested. One of them is 11 years old (for a few more months) arrested for a sex charge and one is 13 (for a few more weeks) arrested for a weapon charge. I’m in my early 30’s and while looking at the list I was thinking ‘wow there are some young people on here’ (Born in the 90’s which makes them 20 something year olds) and then I see DOB listed as 2003 and 2001 and I just stopped and shook my head. I have a small child and it absolutely terrifies me to see what is becoming of children now days… these kids are the future leaders of the world…. how scary is that!?!? I hate to sound like an old nay-sayer but really people… we as a society need to get back to the way things use to be, we need to start being more family oriented and keeping up with what our kids are doing and teaching them and guiding them and RAISING them. At 11 years old I was terrified of making bad grades because I would be put on restriction (no phone, no tv, no friends) until the grades improved. And yes losing those privlidges was a terrible thought because those things were all important to me. I was worried about making sure my chores were done because I didn’t want to get in trouble and I knew I would get in trouble if they weren’t done. I was becoming a responsible person, being held accountable for what I did and being punished when I failed to what I was suppose to do. What has happened to our world?

  8. William on May 22nd, 2015 7:41 am

    >>William …do ya have names for these Mug shots?

    Follow the link in the last line of the story

  9. Frank on May 22nd, 2015 7:41 am

    William, Sorry… Read the fine print you have it…. Thanks!

  10. William on May 22nd, 2015 7:40 am

    >>Wow!! Lotta thugs in Cottage Hill!!! 64 arrests?! 136 warrants!? I guess when you’re a thief or pervert Cottage Hill is the place to live.

    This story does not say anything in the world about Cottage Hill.

  11. Frank on May 22nd, 2015 7:40 am

    Gman, Where did you get that did-bit of info, It seems to me every other week I am reading about a sweep…. William …do ya have names for these Mug shots? … I think me knows a few of these…

  12. Grandma on May 22nd, 2015 7:11 am

    Way to go! Need more of this. Build the temporary facility at the road prison and fill it up! This is how you make it safer for law abiding citizens!

  13. molinoman on May 22nd, 2015 7:09 am

    Wow!! Lotta thugs in Cottage Hill!!! 64 arrests?! 136 warrants!? I guess when you’re a thief or pervert Cottage Hill is the place to live.

  14. Gman on May 22nd, 2015 5:02 am

    Must be getting close to election time. Seems the only time we have a warrant sweep, major drug bust or pawn shop sting is when an election is near.