Teen Arrested For Burglary, Theft Of Multiple Firearms

April 4, 2015

An Escambia County teen has been arrested on multiple charges after an investigation determined he took multiple weapons during a burglary last week.

Anthony Walker, 17,  was arrested Saturday afternoon. He was charged with eight counts of grand theft of a firearm, and one count each of possession of ammunition/weapon by a convicted felon, burglary, grand theft, and dealing in stolen property.

Pensacola Police Detective Pat Bradley said thousands of dollars worth of firearms plus jewelry and other valuables were stolen from a home in the 700 block of West Moreno Street. Video surveillance provided by the homeowner showed the suspect entering the residence through an unlocked door around 1:30 p.m. Monday. The suspect spent approximately one hour removing items from the home. Walker left with the stolen items but later returned to the home around 3 a.m. Tuesday. During his second visit, Walker looked around the outside of the house but didn’t break in again.

Bradley said Walker sold some of the firearms; however, seven of the firearms along with jewelry have been recovered and will be returned to the homeowner.

Bradley credited the arrest and recovery of stolen property to the hard work of detectives from the Pensacola Police Department along with assistance from deputies and investigators from Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and agents from the Bureau of  Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. This cooperation and joint effort was facilitated by the Gun Crime Response Team.


10 Responses to “Teen Arrested For Burglary, Theft Of Multiple Firearms”

  1. Dwight on April 6th, 2015 5:24 pm

    How about we make him get a job that would be worse than any prison sentence.

  2. Robinhood on April 6th, 2015 2:39 pm

    Sure wish he was lucky enough to come over and pick my house out to steal from. I would love to help the county out by ridding of trash on the streets and put him 6 foot under just to put him out of his misery since he will not work to earn money to pay for things he wants. Oh, His Grandparents (his parents are probably in Jail or does not know who his sperm donor is) are going to say he was a sweet kid, always has smile on his face ( smiling because he got something for nothing) and would do anything for anybody. Yeah Right !!!

  3. Laine on April 4th, 2015 7:41 pm

    Lock him up and throw away the key. He will never learn if he keeps getting out, free to do it again. Look at the mugshot ~ he isn’t scared and has no respect.

  4. molino jim on April 4th, 2015 11:25 am

    This should help the people who questioned the value of the “gun response team” to understand better. Good work on the part of all that were involved. To all LEO– try to stay safe, it’s much more dangerous than when us old dinosaurs were working.

  5. mick on April 4th, 2015 11:02 am

    Don’t let the efforts of law enforcement officers be for nothing, put this scumbag away so at least he has doubled in age at the very minimum. It is obvious he has no intention of living in the bounds of civilized society.

  6. well on April 4th, 2015 8:36 am

    Unlocked door and cameras.

    Glad he was caught.

  7. Alex A on April 4th, 2015 8:35 am

    17 and a convicted felon,make room in THE BIG HOUSE,adut time.

  8. Marcos Watch on April 4th, 2015 8:19 am

    Some pushover liberal judge will just give him a slap on the wrist while he sucks his teeth in court and wears baggy pants in the courtroom making a mockery of the system.

    And you’ll see his face on jail booking/north escambia in the next few months. That’s about the only thing you can count on!

  9. Ryan on April 4th, 2015 8:05 am

    I hate to say this about a kid that’s only 17, but I hope he gets the max sentence. Not because I think he deserves to spend his life behind bars for his crime, but because it appears as though it’s only a matter of time before he kills someone with the guns he steals. He’s already a convicted felon at 17 and judging by the mugshot, he thinks burglarizing houses and dealing in stolen guns is cool and part of being “bout that life”. He will get out and he inevitably will continue to commit crimes like this until one day someone gets shot and killed. Please lock this kid up for the safety of our community!

  10. cosey's ex on April 4th, 2015 2:20 am

    Doesn’t he look “special” in his booking photo.