Scott: Area Gained 5,500 Jobs During Past Year

April 18, 2015

Gov. Rick Scott announced Friday that the Pensacola metro area experienced positive annual job growth over the year, with 5,500 new jobs added as of March 2015.

The metro area’s unemployment rate declined by 1.1 percentage point over the year, from 6.4 percent in March 2014 to 5.3 percent in March 2015. Florida businesses have added more than 841,000 private-sector jobs since December 2010. according to Scott’s office.

“Job creators across Florida are continuing to create opportunities for families to live their dreams, and this is clearly evident in Pensacola. The additional of 5,500 new jobs over the year in the area is great news for families, and we look forward to continuing to build on this economic success until Florida becomes the top destination for jobs,” Scott said.

The industries with the largest job gains in the Pensacola metro area over the year were leisure and hospitality with 1,300 new jobs, trade, transportation, and utilities with 1,200 new jobs, and education and health services with 1,000 new jobs. The Pensacola metro area had the second fastest annual job growth rate compared to all metro areas in financial activities at 5.8 percent in March 2015. The Pensacola metro area had 5,535 online job openings in March 2015 and 983 openings for high wage, high skill science technology engineering math (STEM) occupations over the year.

Escambia County’s unemployment rate decreased from 5.9 percent in February to 5.7 percent in March.  There were 7,827 people reported unemployed  during the period. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 6.7 percent.

Santa Rosa County unemployment decreased,  from 4.9  to 4.7 percent from February to March. Santa Rosa County had a total of  3,431 persons still unemployed. The year-ago unemployment rate in Santa Rosa County was 5.8 percent.


4 Responses to “Scott: Area Gained 5,500 Jobs During Past Year”

  1. 429SCJ on April 20th, 2015 6:15 am

    This is the new Amerika people, get used to it.

    It is not the responsibility of corporations or government leaders to create jobs, it is their responsibility to create profits/dividends and to get elected. The influx of cheap labor they have brought in will help assure that.

    We need to worry about paying taxes and breeding bodies so that the military can keep fighting unfinished, open ended political wars as directed by congress. We also consume the alcohol and tobacco products, genetically altered and sub standard food products, and other consumer commodities created by these corporations.

    Just a heard of cattle.

  2. Dan on April 19th, 2015 11:01 am

    Thanks governor Scott for all the new family dollar stores fast food restaurants and gas stations that cook chicken meanwhile Alabama is building ships Airplanes and automobile what were they thinking

  3. Jimmy on April 19th, 2015 12:42 am

    Low wage jobs that you can’t live off of. Rick Scott you have done nothing for this state. All you have done is line the pockets of your buddies.

  4. Don on April 18th, 2015 2:46 pm

    90 % low wage,part time minimum hours,no benefits,goverment subsidies required “jobs”……all smoke and mirrors.