Poll Shows Heavy Support For Medical Marijuana – Again

April 7, 2015

Five months after narrowly rejecting a medical-marijuana ballot initiative, Florida voters overwhelmingly support allowing doctor-prescribed pot in the state, according to a poll released Monday.

The Quinnipiac University poll found that 84 percent of Florida voters back letting adults use medical marijuana if doctors prescribe it.

But here’s the rub: Polls in late 2013 and the first part of 2014 also showed support for medical marijuana topping 80 percent. In the November 2014, election, however, a proposed ballot initiative received about 58 percent of the vote — shy of the 60 percent needed to approve constitutional amendments.

The numbers plummeted, at least in part, because opponents spent millions of dollars on television ads warning that the ballot initiative included loopholes that could lead to widespread abuse.

The group behind the 2014 amendment, People United for Medical Marijuana, has signaled it is willing to put a revised pot initiative before voters in 2016 if lawmakers don’t approve legalization. Republican legislative leaders have largely dismissed the idea of legalizing full-blown medical marijuana, saying they want to focus on moving forward with a 2014 law that allowed a limited type of non-euphoric cannabis for certain medical conditions.

People United for Medical Marijuana would need to collect 683,149 petition signatures to get on the 2016 ballot. The state Division of Elections website indicates the group had not submitted any valid signature as of Monday morning.

The Connecticut-based Quinnipiac frequently conducts polls in Florida and other states. The latest poll of 1,087 Florida voters was conducted from March 17 to March 28.


9 Responses to “Poll Shows Heavy Support For Medical Marijuana – Again”

  1. rugerman270 on April 8th, 2015 5:20 pm

    I have seizures after seizures meds after meds which side effects is ridiculous the marijuana they are allowing are taking THC out of it so Ur not getting high after seizure after seizure I would consider.

  2. Tammy on April 8th, 2015 5:44 am

    Elaine might need to move again, to a fortress with walls covered with pillows so she can be safe from her alarmist propaganda.

  3. Louise on April 7th, 2015 7:23 pm

    DONT LET THIS GO UP IN SMOKE. Sick folks need better medical treatment drugs…this is one of them.

  4. Elaine Gibson on April 7th, 2015 5:59 pm

    Floridians please don’t do this! I just moved here from Colorado, and what’s happened to that lovely state is horrible with the passing of pot. Crimes are up, road rage, weird things people are doing, murders are up. Please do your research. Read Colorado news from the last year. My brother is a deputy sheriff there, he says deputies are leaving the state in droves because this can’t be controlled. Now the Mexican cartels are distributing drugs through the pot shops. Yes you say only the medical marijuana now, but it doesn’t stop there. Colorado is a hole now. We had to move. People are moving there like crazy and prices have skyrocketed on everything. Be prepared to move because you won’t be able to afford to live here when prices go up to meet the demand, if you can even stand the potheads that take over. I’m speaking from experience. Even Gov Hickenlooper wishes he hadn’t supported making it legal. Medical marijuana is not the answer to your pain.

  5. Ruifus Lowgun on April 7th, 2015 4:17 pm

    “they want to focus on moving forward with a 2014 law that allowed a limited type of non-euphoric cannabis ”

    Well, we can’t have medicine that actually makes you feel good, especially not if you’ve got cancer. What a joke.

  6. Sage 2 on April 7th, 2015 2:30 pm

    There was a point in time aspirin was condemned, yet it is probably the best compound to relieve a variety of maladies. The same held true with a number of vaccines.

    If this “weed” will help, aid or assist any person in pain or the relief of any medical malady, then let’s go with it.

    If you are someone worried about your teenager getting this…worry no more! Most every child in any school can relate to you who has or is using any drugs and further can tell you where he/she/you can get them.

    If you or a loved one has ever been in chronic/severe pain, what would you do to alleviate that? Just asking?

  7. DavidHuieGreen on April 7th, 2015 1:15 pm

    ” saying they want to focus on moving forward with a 2014 law that allowed a limited type of non-euphoric cannabis for certain medical conditions.”

    Moving forward in a manner indistinguishable from immobility.
    (I’ve never touched the stuff, but believe those who can benefit from it shouldn’t have to wait until after they’re dead to legally find it.)

    {Those blaming Big Pharma are showing signs of paranoia, a known side-effect.}

    David for honest politicians

  8. Denise on April 7th, 2015 6:39 am

    YOU KNOW the real reason is BIG PHARMA does NOT want to allow WE THE PEOPLE to be able to take medication UNLESS we RISK OUR HEALTH . Have you heard of ANY MEDICATION CURRENTLY aval. that DOESN’T have WARNINGS ABOUT SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS???????

  9. 429SCJ on April 7th, 2015 5:34 am

    Keep up the good work legislators, growers also. Don’t forget to take breaks.