New Florida EBT Cards In The Mail

April 2, 2015

Florida ACCESS EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards will begin expiring April 30 and replacement cards with a new design will be mailed to those receiving benefits. The “Good Thru” date printed on the front of the card indicates when the card is no longer valid – the last day of the month presented. Recipients should expect replacement cards to arrive by the 20th of the month that the card is scheduled to expire.

New EBT cards are activated prior to mailing and are ready for use as soon as they are received. After completing a transaction with a new card, former cards will automatically deactivate and can then be disposed of. Existing PIN numbers will remain the same.

Customers who’ve had a change of address since the last application or renewal of benefits was received should log into their MyACCESS Account at and report a change of address. This will ensure the new card is mailed to the correct address.

For more information and assistance with replacement cards visit,, or call EBT Customer Service at 888-356-3281


29 Responses to “New Florida EBT Cards In The Mail”

  1. Beatrice underwood on January 5th, 2019 1:31 pm

    I don’t get. Any of the money and I’m homeless and on the streets some days I don’t get to eat I’m scared and alone and alone they took my job I don’t no what to do please make me understand

  2. DavidHuieGreen on April 5th, 2015 8:03 pm

    “Nothing is what it seems. Nothing. Example : Do you have any evidence ISIS exist other than the govt. saying so ? Look like they could be a bunch of US Special Ops out in Arizona somewhere but heck, what do i know.what do i know.”

    Do you really suspect US Special Ops is beheading Christians?
    Or that it isn’t happening?

    David for good mental healthcare

  3. ScottyD on April 5th, 2015 5:54 pm

    Todays’ Lesson in Irony

    The food stamp program is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They proudly report that they distribute free meals and food stamps to over 46 million people on an annual basis.

    Meanwhile, the National Park Service, run by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us, ‘Please do not feed the animals.’” Their stated reason for this being that… “The animals will grow dependent on the handouts, and then they will never learn to take care of themselves.”

  4. Chris in Molino on April 3rd, 2015 5:16 pm

    You must be from the Orlando area (ie; Disneyworld), because your definately living in a fantasy if you’re happy the direction the country is taking. I don’t blame anyone. I have no problems.
    I would however, give an eye to have lived my life before the 1990’s hit when life was much simpler and cleaner. I care not for Obama. He’s horrible. However, it matters not who the president is. What was once a hidden agenda is unstoppable now. Republican or Democrat matters not, thats just to divide the people cause they do the same things, use fear through perceived or” created ” disasters as a means to control people. Nothing is what it seems. Nothing. Example : Do you have any evidence ISIS exist other than the govt. saying so ? Look like they could be a bunch of US Special Ops out in Arizona somewhere but heck, what do i know.

  5. Denny on April 3rd, 2015 11:24 am

    Ninety percent of those receiving these benefits are chidren, disabled adults or seniors. I couldn’t find the reason for the remaining ten percent – maybe those are the slackers, I don’t know. Also, most beneficiaries are white like me. I grew up on welfare and food stamps because my dad drank and couldn’t keep a job – call him a slacker or whatever, I don’t care. I’m just glad I benefitted from these programs because they helped me to get where I am today, in a profession devoted to helping others.

    Does the system need improvement? Of course, any system does. But don’t knock the system because of the abusers – stay positive and think of those who need it, and be glad you don’t.

  6. Herb on April 3rd, 2015 9:59 am

    I am a single father of two kids and a proud EBT user. Tammy for the record you cannot buy beer, cigarettes or lottery tickets with an EBT card and not every one gets cash assistance with the card so please educate yourself. Also if I want to eat chips all day everyday that’s a personal choice. And why should someone have to pick up trash to have an EBT card I pay my taxes and I have done more for my country than most (8 years honorable service USMC) so to call someone a parasite for needing a little help shows your ignorance Tammy. Just one more narrow minded person with a chip on their shoulder.

  7. Suzie on April 3rd, 2015 9:44 am

    Care to explain Kyle? What facts are you talking about? I’ll wait because the fact of the matter is President Obama has done more for the American people than any other President. What’s wrong with everyone being allowed to have healthcare at an affordable price. Small government does not work that’s why medical costs are what they are because there is no regulation just greedy people trying to get rich. A bandaid should not cost $500 dollars at a hospital. At least with these new laws all of that is changing and medical care should not be a supply and demand issue. Thanks for Obama care because Obama truly does care.

  8. john on April 3rd, 2015 6:38 am

    Welfare has now become a generational entitlement, it is amazing to me that people believe these programs do help them, independence, hard work, motivation, self-worth this is what frees an individual not a government handout. Hard working Americans are getting tired of paying for these bums! The only people that need help in my opinion mentally and physically handicapped. That’s ok because austerity will soon make it here and much of these programs will go away, and only those that know how to take care of themselves will survive.

  9. Kyle Coggins on April 3rd, 2015 5:53 am

    Suze ok. .Before you make a coment.please get the facts..Forcing your aginda ON people is not helping someone. NOT FOLLOWING THE CONSTITUTION..i could go on but I’ll stop there..He hates America…

  10. Jane on April 3rd, 2015 3:45 am

    This is not about political parties…you all can vote. If you don’t like what your representatives and president do, vote for someone else. The article is about a change in policy regarding EBT cards.

  11. Tammy on April 3rd, 2015 3:43 am

    use the card for cokes and chips, the cash for beer, cigarettes and lottery. I’ll try not to call you a parasite under my breath. Everyone who works is angry about this, why can’t we stop it, or at least make them pick up garbage or something.

  12. Rocky on April 2nd, 2015 11:37 pm

    Personally I think we should Maine’s lead and adopt a program where anyone receiving assistance, who cannot provide a physician’s report deeming them unable to work, is required to report 20 hours of work per week, or donate 6 hours of community service per week, to receive their so called entitlement.

    It worked extremely well in Maine, 60% of those receiving entitlements were to lazy to provide a note from their doctor, or report their XX hours per week, resulting in a huge savings in state entitlement programs! Those that truly need help will benefit substantially.

  13. Thomas on April 2nd, 2015 11:24 pm

    And chris I am a hard working American who is proud of the direction our country is headed. It’s about time we had a leader who cares about the American people. Continue to have a chip on your shoulder and blame Obama for your problems.

  14. Reality Check on April 2nd, 2015 10:33 pm

    I’m not sure why this is so political. The children that these funds help feed have little to no control over the decisions that some, not all, of their parents might make. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes and it being used to feed children; I do, however, hate that my tax dollars are used to subsidize Income for farmers, yet food is so unreasonably expensive.

  15. DavidHuieGreen on April 2nd, 2015 9:58 pm

    If you’re going to help people, EBT is an efficient way.

    Opposition is not to helping the needy, but to having the money scammed away which COULD have helped the needy.
    Most would also hope to avoid trapping the needy into perpetual dependency.

    Convince folks both are uncommon or nonexistent and all opposition will go away.
    (Other than those who only want to support vegan, low-sugar, low-fat diets.)

    David for better eating

  16. Maggie on April 2nd, 2015 8:19 pm

    I’m an Independent, happy to help. Just tired of the abuse and scams that go on. Maybe better tracking and enforcement of people who sell them, abuse them, etc. would help all.

  17. chris in Molino on April 2nd, 2015 8:02 pm

    You MUST be one of these new-age tecchi gadget freaks. Thanks to Obama, i now must pay more for my health insurance, while the govt. spends billions on healthcare for people here illegally while asserting constitutional rights. (Emphasis on illegal ) Makes sense, i lose my rights so someone who shouldn’t be here in the first place, can have some. Man, whatever happened to the Molino of my youth ? And i’m only 36!

  18. BT on April 2nd, 2015 7:50 pm

    For being angry, Republicans do seem to get irony.

    Civility seems to be a work in progress on both sides, though.

  19. Suzie on April 2nd, 2015 3:41 pm

    Freddie it seems that’s all republicans can do is name call. They are so bitter over our President and cannot stand the fact that he had done more to help Americans than any other president. Anyways I came here to make a comment about the article. Nothing wrong with using an EBT card. They are here to help people who are in need. I had one while I was in Nursing school and could not have survived without it. Do not see why some people must always criticize. THANK YOU to those who care especially our President! Wish you could do one more term so you can finish the job! #2terms

  20. Freddy on April 2nd, 2015 2:48 pm

    Angry republicans! The majority has spoken and guess what Yall aint right! Why does anyone who uses public assistance have to be degraded? Stay angry and bitter because you are only making your lives more miserable. Face it we live in a progressive society where helping people is nothing to be ashamed of. I am glad my tax dollars help those who need it. Thank you for EBT and Medicaid because it helped my family when I needed it and I hope it continues to help those who need it.

  21. Robinhood on April 2nd, 2015 2:35 pm

    Don – Thomas is probably one of those LIBERAL / DEMOCRAPS who does not mind working himself and giving all he works for to those who will not and does not work and does not intend to work at all. Sucks off the Government like leaches.

  22. Thomas on April 2nd, 2015 12:50 pm

    More Anericans must have compassion for one another. Thanks to President Obama more Americans are being given opportunities to succeed. We are no longer being held back by the Reagans and Bushes.

  23. Saddened on April 2nd, 2015 11:32 am

    Right the rest of the country is more hateful than you! Nobody is more angry than a liberal whose had his lies exposed! Who else comes up with self-sufficiency to describe welfare handouts? Answer: the same ones who call them “entitlements”.

  24. MM on April 2nd, 2015 11:04 am

    Yep, reference should read… “Office of Highway Robbery”

  25. Don on April 2nd, 2015 10:54 am

    Thomas-you would surprised at how hateful and sick and tired of these entitlement
    programs Americans are,,what once was a safety net is now a choice lifestyle with the able bodied person applying at the aid dept. before the employment dept.
    Cheetos,monster drinks,and candy bars are not in my description of nutritious meals,and when a 6 year old plops the ol’ EBT card on the convenience store counter without a “parent” in sight make ya kind of bitter…..don’t get me started on the Alaskan king crab legs……

  26. Thomas on April 2nd, 2015 10:36 am

    Don you are probably just an angry conservative. I have news for you the rest of the country is not as hateful as you!

  27. Trish on April 2nd, 2015 10:26 am

    OMG Don! Had to be a Democrat who came up with that.

  28. Robinhood on April 2nd, 2015 8:16 am

    My Dad and Mother always taught me and my siblings that you MUST WORK to receive anything since nothing comes for FREE. I guess both my Mom and Dad lied to me since the system is set up to provide FREE FOOD for those that do nothing to deserve to eat or live for that matter. The BIBLE states clearly: 1 Timothy 5:8King James Version (KJV) But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. The LORD also spoke about how a Man that will not work does not deserve to eat. Totally agree !!!

    What a JOKE as the JOKE is stated on the card itself: Office of Economic Self sufficiency. Those people use those cards to trade for dope or anything else they can’t get without cash. There are people out there that do need the help due to losing their job and no fault of their own BUT there are plenty of losers / sorry scum out there that can work, healthy enough to work BUT WON’T. Too sorry. Believe that everyone owes them something. The system is BROKE and it is all due to those SORRY Liberals / Democraps that believe it is OK to take away from those who went to school / college and did the hard work to achieve a diploma / degree and provide to those who are too sorry to work / lazy / no good. I did not go and get an education to take care of people … I went to school to better myself and to support my family in a good way without having to ask others to support me and my family that I decided to make on my own. I struggle now to keep up since I am TAXED to death to provide to those sorry people who do not work. I am tired of it and WISH all WORKING PEOPLE would stand up against this crime of stealing from the workers and giving to those who are too sorry to get out of bed until NOON. Let them start starving and then they will get up off their sorry lazy butts and go look for work or just maybe a handout on the side of a road which is illegal but still goes on.

  29. Don on April 2nd, 2015 5:29 am

    Look at the top right of the new card! had to laugh at that one!
    “office of economic self sufficiency” right…….