House To Consider Online Voter Registration

April 14, 2015

The House on Wednesday is expected to take up a bill that would lead to online voter registration in Florida.

The bill  is one of about four-dozen measures the House could consider during an all-day floor session. Under the proposal, the state Division of Elections would be required to develop a secure website that could be used to register first-time voters and update existing voter registrations.

Wednesday’s House agenda also includes a proposal that would make a series of changes involving the Florida Public Service Commission. As an example, the bill would limit commission members to three consecutive terms. Also, the bill would prevent power utilities from charging customers higher rates because of increased electrical usage stemming from extended billing cycles.


4 Responses to “House To Consider Online Voter Registration”

  1. nod on April 16th, 2015 10:48 am

    429scj. Ain”t that the truth!!!!!!!

  2. Jane on April 15th, 2015 6:14 am

    If the reform voter registration using computers how do people who can’t afford the internet or a computer register? Are the people who don’t drive supposed to find a ride to a library to sign up? Are the planning on making it secure? I don’t use the computer for any information I want to keep secure. Second, how do you provide proof of citizenship? Is this going to turn into the same mess driver’s licenses have turned into? I have a friend who has to take 13 pieces of paper to the DMV just to get her driver’s license!

  3. Agro'Nok Gro-Malog on April 14th, 2015 12:55 pm

    As an employee of the Florida Department of State in the IT branch here, I can not imagine a more fulfilling project then helping reform my state’s out-dated and confusing voter process. Although this website would be a step in the right direction, I feel that our elected officials need to do more then just examine the registration process, and come up with a plan to reform the voting system in Florida as a whole.

  4. 429SCJ on April 14th, 2015 4:00 am

    Why not just scrap voter registration requirements.. Citizenship is a joke and none of our elected leaders seem to care anyway.