House Seeks More Oversight Of Florida’s Prison System

April 8, 2015

Saying that reform must happen, a Florida House panel on Tuesday pushed forward a plan aimed at increasing oversight of the state’s troubled prison system but stopped short of endorsing an independent commission included in the Senate’s corrections overhaul.

The House Justice Appropriations Subcommittee approved the measure (HB 7131) in a 13-2 vote, with two Democrats objecting that the legislation does not go far enough to quash inmate abuse and cover-ups first exposed last summer.

The panel also signed off on a separate bill (HB 7113) intended to steer mentally ill people into diversion programs or other services instead of putting them behind bars. Department of Corrections Secretary Julie Jones, whose appointment received preliminary approval from a Senate committee earlier Tuesday, has maintained that many of her agency’s problems are rooted in a skyrocketing number of mentally ill inmates.

House Criminal Justice Chairman Carlos Trujillo, the prison reform bill’s sponsor, amended the proposal Tuesday to add two more administrative regions to the agency’s three current regions, which he said would increase accountability over the state’s 56 prisons.

The Senate’s plan, approved by the full chamber last week, would create a nine-member, governor-appointed panel that would have broad investigatory powers and essentially take over the job now performed by the agency’s inspector general, who answers to Gov. Rick Scott’s chief inspector general.

Calling his bill “a work in progress,” Trujillo did not rule out a commission but said lawmakers would be abdicating their responsibility by approving such a panel.

“One thing we won’t accept is just passing this problem onto somebody else,” Trujillo, R-Miami.

Establishing five regions — a revival of the same number of regional divisions once employed by the corrections agency decades ago — would introduce “more eyes, more bodies, more people, more boots on the ground,” Trujillo told reporters after the meeting.

“Part of the problem is you have to attack the culture,” Trujillo, a lawyer, said. “In some facilities there’s this camaraderie and this culture of, ‘This is our house and you people just have to live by whatever rules we pass,’ whether they conform with the laws of morals and ethics of everything we live by in society. That’s what has to stop.”

The House and Senate plans come in response to widespread reports about problems and abuse in the prison system. Those reports have included allegations about cover-ups involving inmate deaths, complaints from inspectors who say they faced retaliation for exposing cover-ups and complaints from guards and others about a culture of intimidation against whistleblowers.

Last week, an FBI investigation resulted in the arrest of two prison guards and one former prison worker who were allegedly members of the Ku Klux Klan. They were accused of plotting to kill an ex-inmate after he was released from a rural North Florida institution.

But Allison DeFoor, a prison-reform advocate who heads Florida State University’s Project on Accountable Justice and has pushed the oversight commission, told the panel that adding more regions won’t solve the prison system’s woes.

“It’s structurally broken. It’s not a crisis situation. It’s much worse than that,” DeFoor, a former judge and sheriff, said.

Jones, who objects to the commission as “another layer of bureaucracy,” said she supports the House’s decentralization.

“With as many facilities as we have, it’s important to have additional supervision that answers to Tallahassee, and a smaller span of control for those regional directors is going to be very helpful in the accountability piece,” Jones said Tuesday afternoon.

Jones, like her six predecessors in the past decade, is well-intended, DeFoor said.

“You can’t lift a car with good intentions. You have to have a posse. You need people to do it,” he said.

by Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida


3 Responses to “House Seeks More Oversight Of Florida’s Prison System”

  1. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2015 7:07 pm

    “Please people some of those inmates would welcome a chance to help themselves. Of course a few would not. But lets stop the swinging door.”

    Just so we understand some of what is currently offered:


    Just listing a few

    Apalachee CI — Carpentry

    Avon Park CI . — Automotive Technology Career Services, Cabinetmaking, PC Support Services, Printing and Graphic Communications, Turf Equipment Technology, Applied Welding Technologies

    Baker CI — Cabinetmaking, Electricity, Masonry, Brick and Block, Plumbing Technology

    Calhoun CI — Printing and Graphic Communications

    Columbia CI — PC Support Services

    Columbia Annex — Masonry, Brick and Block

    Cross City CI – Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing, Cabinetmaking, PC Support Services

    DeSoto Annex — Carpentry, Masonry, Brick and Block, Applied Welding Technologies

    Franklin CI — Plumbing Technology

    FSP West — Printing and Graphic Communications, Plumbing Technology

    Gulf CI — Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology

    Hamilton CI — Cabinetmaking, Electricity, Masonry, Brick and Block

    There are many other prisons and services some of which are:

    Wastewater/Water Treatment Technologies
    Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts
    Environmental Services,
    Architectural Drafting,
    Equine Care Technology,
    Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts
    Fashion Design Services,

    It isn’t like nothing is being done or made available.

    David for useful trades, trustworthy workers

  2. concerned on April 10th, 2015 11:07 am

    I still say an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Train those inmates to have a trade when released. Show them some self worth. Let the ones that have skills use them for just a little reward. It would also save the state a little money. Please people some of those inmates would welcome a chance to help themselves. Of course a few wouldnot. But lets stop the swinging door.

  3. David Huie Green on April 8th, 2015 8:40 am

    “You can’t lift a car with good intentions. You have to have a posse. You need people to do it,” he said.

    Or a jack, maybe?

    Not arguing with the general thinking, just use of a posse to lift cars.

    David for the right tools