ESCO: Pot, $42K Seized In Traffic Stop

April 21, 2015

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office seized several pounds of pot and thousands in cash following a weekend traffic stop.

Sunday morning deputies were proactively conducting surveillance in an area of Medford Avenue known to have high drug activity. At one residence there was considerable foot traffic, and deputies noticed large bags being transferred to vehicles in front of the residence, the department said.
A traffic stop was conducted which led to a felony narcotics arrest. During a search of the vehicle over 10 pounds of marijuana,  just over $42,000 in currency and the vehicle were seized. Hoang Thanh Huynh, 29, was a charged with possession with intent to sell.

Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “ESCO: Pot, $42K Seized In Traffic Stop”

  1. Marcos Watch on April 23rd, 2015 6:38 pm


    Marijuana is dangerous. Dealers still kill one another over it everyday. People are shot and killed for marijuana every single day. To ignore this fact is no okay. I will not stand silent and let marijuana become legal. I have been writing my representatives encouraging then NOT to decriminalize marijuana and presenting FACTS with citations.

    This is why it has not and WILL NOT be legalized because of CLEAN law abiding, hard working citizens standing up for what is right.

    It is an outrage to hear so many adults advocating for marijuana to be legal and to further end up in our children’s hands. To many juveniles are killed each year due to drug related homicides, overdoses and accidents. By advocating for marijuana you’re making it easier for our children to get it. YOU are the problem. Please SAVE our children from drugs! Of you advocate for marijuana, you advocate for killing our children! Stand up against the druggies.

  2. Denise on April 22nd, 2015 6:27 am

    I AM SICK of people acting like POT is DANGEROUS EVEN SICKER of FILLING prisons With POT USERS !!!! COME ON AMERICA!!!!!

  3. pain killer on April 21st, 2015 9:35 pm

    Something ant right.
    Supposed those were san bags? Just. saying

  4. Marcos Watch on April 21st, 2015 7:51 pm


    Not sure if you’re trolling at this point…

    If you think big white bags coming out of a house and into a car is enough to kick the door in, then I’m we have the constitution established. You might want to death the 4th amendment.

    At this point I can’t tell if you are trolling or what but either way, its still on you.


    Since when is it governments job to care to get criminals jobs? Lol You think the government is supposed to “care”!?!? Its not a living being it cannot care, nor is it supposed to, nor is government supposed to get you a job. That is a very backwards way of thinking!
    If anything we all have government to THANK to properly document and record criminal activity and criminals making g it public record to make it easier to hire qualified people for jobs.

    Theives usually don’t last long at jobs nor do harscore drug users. They FAIL to use proper judgement and make sound decisions. I’m so thankful for public criminal records requests to NOT hire criminals. Thank you to our system for that.

  5. coseys ex on April 21st, 2015 6:56 pm

    There is never any good reason to sell drugs and it’s not the gov’t job to help felons to get jobs. It’s the felons responsibility not to cimmit a crime and become a felon.

    I can’t believe that anybody would ever think that it is ever okay to sell drugs and if they do blame it on the gov’t. Perhaps a family could sleep better at night after their loved one overdosed and died. Maybe the family of a 16 y/o girl who was shot while sitting in her car simply because she was the girlfriend of a rival drug dealer who needed to learn a lesson. Maybe they’ll get closure for her death.Perhaps the little girl who’s throat was burned because her mommy put meth chemicals in her sippy cup to make meth,maybe she’d be healed. Perhaps the family of an 91 y/o grandmother raped and batered simply because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Tell me again why it’s okay to sell drugs…

  6. really on April 21st, 2015 2:54 pm

    there are so much more, worse problems u dont have any idea why this guy is selling drugs.. i do agree that its not right in certain circumstances but ya know the government just doesnt care about helping people get jobs if they have records

  7. emschick on April 21st, 2015 2:03 pm

    or the police could’ve had the house under surveillance and pulled the car over to flip the driver for information on the goings on at the house so that they have exactly what they need to get the search warrant in the morning.

  8. jeeperman on April 21st, 2015 10:18 am

    Okay so ESCO observes these goings on at a certain house on MEDFORD AVE.
    And then pulls over a vehicle that just left it after big white bags were seen being loaded.
    And then issues a press release so that it gets into the local news and the ones in the house will not see or hear about it and wait for ESCO to come back later with a warrant?
    Ya right, try again there Mr. Marcos

  9. me on April 21st, 2015 9:55 am

    Glad to see they got that harmless stuff off the street. God forbid anyone was to use that stuff instead of alcohol or cigarettes. We don’t need that. The states that have legalized it are rolling in the money and laughing at those still doing this.

  10. Marcos Watch on April 21st, 2015 9:14 am


    your misunderstanding of it works is making you look bad. You’re suggesting they invade the house without a search warrant? That takes time to do and they won’t wake a judge up in the middle of the night for that. No ones life is in imminent danger. You must think the police can just whip up a search warrant out of thin air and force a judge to sign in within a few minutes huh? It takes more than a few paragraphs to justify to a judge the need to kick a door in and look for drugs.

    Keep watching NCIS and CSI Miami haha

  11. jeeperman on April 21st, 2015 7:00 am

    Soooooooooo what about the house?
    Did ESCO not bother to bust the house or is the house a sting op ????
    Let the residents in house selling slide so ESCO can bust more buyers later?
    What the hell ESCO?

  12. SHO-NUFF on April 21st, 2015 6:48 am

    They didn’t get all of his money…. He bonded out in 3 hours after he was booked!

  13. coseys ex on April 21st, 2015 6:07 am

    Patrol units do surveillance on drug houses? Wouldn’t that be in the duties of the narcotics dept or TAC unit(which has since been disbanded)?

    Great job ECSO!!

  14. chris in Molino on April 21st, 2015 5:57 am

    Great job getting that bad ol drug off the streets. No really, thanks for doing it so easily instead of wasting hundreds of man hours and outlandishly expensive gadgets to do it like you normally do. I can’t understand why so many people want to use that horrible drug. I’m glad an even worse drug is being kept off the street. Oh wait, they repealed prohibition.

  15. Gman on April 21st, 2015 4:59 am

    Guess he thought he was in Colorado celebrating 420 day.

  16. emschick on April 21st, 2015 4:59 am

    Great job guys and K9!!

  17. Mike on April 21st, 2015 1:39 am

    Wow, he’ll probably be going down for this, unless he can afford to hire a good lawyer, or knows someone that can foot the bill.

    What kinda car was it? I still remember the Cadillac ECSD cruiser. :)

    Good job deputies!