Century Correctional Inmate Labor Saves Thousands For Schools

April 20, 2015

Inmate work crews from Century Correctional Institution are continuing to provide thousands of dollars worth of labor to towns and schools in the North Escambia area.

Recently, CCI inmates completed several projects on the Northview High School campus. They cleaned overgrown foliage from around the school’s retention pond, which school officials said had become a dangerous eyesore along Highway 4. The prisoners also painted a storage shed on the campus and edged sidewalks.

All total, Northview officials estimate the Century Correctional prison labor save the school about $8,000 in just a few days.

About 200 CCI inmates per day –less than 15 percent of the total inmate population — work on multiple prison works crews from Century Correctional’s  Main Unit on Tedder Road and the Berrydale Forestry Camp near Jay. Dedicated crews are assigned to the Town of Century, the Town of Jay, Gulf Breeze and other entities.

The prisoners also work on projects for multiple schools in addition to Northview, but they are only allowed on campus when students are not present. Earlier this year, CCI inmates delivered 25 newly constructed picnic tables to Escambia Westgate School.  It’s estimated that Escambia Westgate saved about $5,000 with the Century Correctional built tables versus purchasing commercially available tables.

Pictured top: A cleaned retention pond at Northview High School. Pictured inset: The pond prior to clearing. Pictured below: A storage shed on the Northview campus painted by inmates. Pictured bottom: CCI inmates deliver new picnic tables to Escambia Westgate School. NorthEscambia.com and submitted photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Century Correctional Inmate Labor Saves Thousands For Schools”

  1. chris in Molino on April 21st, 2015 6:31 am

    They should be using every non violent prisoner to work in the community, for the community. Not just county or state roads. Or employee housing.

  2. horse lover on April 20th, 2015 8:48 am

    I think that’s great way to spend tax payers dollars. no inmate should sit in jail all day and do nothing.they would rather be outside working im sure. the county could save lots of money on just their labor alone.There is enough inmates to spread around all our schools and over grown cemetaries. some cemeatries don’t have care takers and should be cleaned to.

  3. Faye on April 20th, 2015 8:37 am

    I say thanks to the inmate for doing a good job. I’m sure it gives most of them a good

    feel ing to know they did something they can be proud of.. So I say thinks to all

    of you.
