Cantonment Area Clean Up: Free Debris Pick Up Monday

April 19, 2015

Escambia County will hold a Cantonment Community Amnesty Day Monday — residents are encouraged to clean up and place debris by the roadside for free pickup.

Items should be on the road right-of-way by 6 a.m. Monday morning.  Debris should be separated as follows:

  • Hazardous Materials
  • Old Appliances
  • Tires
  • Yard and Construction Debris
  • Furniture and miscellaneous items

Absolutely no household garbage will be picked up.

This is a one time, free event only for those that live in the area identified by the map below (with the exception of Bibbs Road, a private road).


4 Responses to “Cantonment Area Clean Up: Free Debris Pick Up Monday”

  1. JW on April 20th, 2015 8:02 am

    Well “Dan”, maybe “When” can’t afford to take whatever to the dump, i.e. size, money, etc. I tell ya what, why don’t you offer to help “When” and together you can demonstrate good citizenship and neighborly values….things we as a society have gotten away from.

  2. Dan on April 20th, 2015 7:18 am

    @when If you have these type things around your house why haven’t you taking them to the dump already instead of sitting around waiting for it to be free as soon as people here the word free they get mad wanting to know when is it my turn to get something free that’s what wrong with people today don’t want to earn anything just gimme gimme gimme

  3. Chrissy on April 19th, 2015 3:52 pm

    Is it just the areas on the map?

  4. When on April 19th, 2015 6:29 am

    When will the OTHER areas of Cantonment get this free