Tate Hosts District Special Olympics (With Photo Gallery)

March 28, 2015

The 19th Annual Escambia County School District’s Special Olympics Spring Games were held Friday at Tate High School with over 500 student athletes. Over 600 Tate student volunteers assisted as “buddies” and event workers.

The event began with Special Olympic athletes running with the Special Olympics Torch around the track.  There will was also an Olympic Village with plenty of fun and games, and even a petting zoo, for the athletes to enjoy after they completed their track and field events.

Athletes received the traditional gold, silver and bronze medals for top finishes, plus a participation medal for all athletes.

For more photos, click here.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Tate Hosts District Special Olympics (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. SHARLANA.D.SMITH on March 28th, 2015 11:38 am

    THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!! TATE HIGH SCHOOL It is so nice of the young ladies and men to take their time out at school to help, love and make them feel so bless to enjoy having fun……. HELPING GOD CHILDREN YOU WILL ALWAY BE BLESS……

    THANK YOU TATE….2015

  2. Jackie Johnson on March 28th, 2015 7:32 am

    Thank you Tate for sponsoring this event. Thank you to all the students who volunteered to help in this “Special Olympic” event. Events such as this might help young people see the need to further their education to helping in the future needs of “Special Children.” To see the smiles on all the faces participants as well as volunteers makes for a great end to your week. Enjoy your Spring Break!!