Students Place In Calf And Heifer Show

March 11, 2015

The 2015 Escambia (AL) County Calf and Heifer show started long before the audience actually saw the prize cattle. Early in the morning, the cows were brought into the stables to begin the grooming process, which includes bathing, brushing, blow drying and fluffing. The  key ingredient for a making a cow beautiful? It’s shaving cream, which helps the hair puff out and become smooth and shiny.

“We begin with a bath and when all is said and done, use a bit of shaving cream and blow dry upward,” said Teresa Rutherford, whose son, Dawson Cox, was showing for the first time at the event. She said it is about a four-month process getting Dawson’s cow ready to show, including making sure he  is in control of the animal, is comfortable and not nervous around the cow.

Show judge Smokey Spears said he has a few criteria he looks for when choosing first, second and third places. The children must always know where the judge is in the ring and keep eye contact with him throughout the judging. This tells the judge the participant is knowledgeable, respectful and proud of his or her cow. Another rule of showing is how well the participant keeps the cow under control and sets the animal’s feet in the correct position/stance. The feet must be set directly underneath the cow, side by side, and its back should align straight with the horizon.

The judge also evaluates the handler’s quick response to the cow’s demeanor.

Winners at the annual show were as follows:

Senior showman class:

  1. Makayla Bohannan
  2. Wyatt Rutherford
  3. Shae Dortch
  4. Jude Parham

Intermediate showmanship class:

  1. Denver Schrock
  2. Austin Schrock
  3. Jason Davis
  4. Dawson Cox
  5. Rowdy Rutherford
  6. Jacelyn Chunn

Junior showmanship class:

  1. Colbie English
  2. DJ Parham
  3. Caleb Davis
  4. Landon Barrentine
  5. Noah Smith
  6. Dylan Rolin
  7. John Braxton Rhodes

Heifer class born December 2013-March 2014

  1. Noah Smith
  2. Jude Parham
  3. Dylan Rolin

Heifer class born June 2013:

  1. Cole Lowery (black)
  2. Cole Lowery (white)
  3. John Braxton Rhodes
  4. Jude Parham

Heifer class born November 2013:

  1. Noah Smith

Supreme champion heifer:

  1. Cole Lowery

Reserve champion heifer:

  1. Cole Lowery

Lightweight steer class:

  1. Makayla Bohannan
  2. Caleb Davis
  3. DJ Rolin
  4. Wyatt Rutherford
  5. Jacelyn Chunn

Medium weight steer class:

  1. Denver Schrock
  2. Austin Schrock
  3. Landon Barrentine
  4. Rowdy Rutherford
  5. Dylan Rolin

Heavyweight steer class:

  1. Colbie English
  2. Jason Davis
  3. Charleigh Parham
  4. Shae Dortch
  5. Dawson Cox
  6. Landon Barrentine

Grand champion:

  1. Makayla Bohannan

Reserve champion:

  1. Denver Schrock

County bred champion:

  1. Denver Schrock

Gain per day champion:

  1. Dawson Cox
  2. Colbie English
  3. Jason Davis
  4. Charleigh Parham

Pictured top: Caleb Davis. Pictured inset: Cole Lowery. Pictured below: Jason Davis. Pictured bottom: Makayla Bohannan. Photos for, click to enlarge.


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