Sheriff’s Office: Track Your Valuables With Online Tool

March 25, 2015

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is introducing a free online system that will help keep track of valuable personal property. ReportIt is a free, secure online service which will allow citizens to record serial numbers and upload images for phones, electronics, and other valuables. Should those items ever be stolen, investigators say, having the information will go a long way in accurately and quickly identifying your property.

The ReportIt service is a part of LeadsOnline, the online system that works with police across the country to track and recover stolen property. ECSO Investigators use LeadsOnline to help track and recover stolen property —- everything from jewelry to sporting equipment to electronics, computers, cameras, and other items such as designer clothing, collectibles, and other items with invaluable personal worth.

The system allows detectives to search for the items using a variety of parameters, including item descriptions and serial numbers. When an item is sold to a pawn or secondhand shop, the product information is entered in the LeadsOnline database and is immediately viewable by participating law enforcement agencies across the country.

Citizens can store an unlimited number of serial numbers, item descriptions, pictures, and scans of receipts so items may be more easily identified in the event of theft. This record may also come in handy when filing claims with insurance providers in the event of loss.

Citizens wishing to participate in ReportIt can register for the free service at and begin building their personal property inventory list.


9 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office: Track Your Valuables With Online Tool”

  1. ECSO Deputy on March 26th, 2015 8:43 pm

    The Pawn reporting program, Leads Online, is the program that ECSO has been trying to go to for some time. It’s the same program that the entire panhandle of FL and connecting AL agencies currently use. As such if someone steals your property in north Escambia and runs across the border to Santa Rosa or AL the ECSO will still get the hit. Before we did not. It is much more advanced then what we were using. If your stolen property is reported that night we’ll have a hit the SAME day as it’s pawned resulting in you getting the property back sooner and the bad guy going to jail sooner. This program has built in the feature for pawn shops to store pictures of the person pawning the property if the shop decides to do so. The Investigator has no access to your property information. It helps in that when you’ve just been robbed and are to shaken up to think straight you can log in, print out the list, and the Deputy can add it to your report the same day. As far as the people worried about gun info being stored, FL law fixed that awhile ago. I believe it’s 90 days (or some such) then the info about the gun is deleted from the computer and replaced by “Deleted per F.S.S. whatever it is”. If the agency is found to be keeping it the federal fines are waaayy to large for them to pay. Also, the second hand dealers (We buy gold places) that the majority of stolen jewelry ends up will now be electronic! Before it was not. they only have to keep it 15 days then off to the scrapper. The chance to get back stolen jewelry was slim to nil. Now its much better as ECSO will get the info the same day as its pawned, with pictures of the jewelry to make identification by victims much easier. All in all the citizens should really be happy for the switch.

    ECSO Deputy who knows exactly what we had and are what we are getting.

  2. William on March 26th, 2015 8:12 am

    >>That does not seem to jive with what is described in the article above.

    Just FYI…the info in the article was provided by the ECSO.

  3. jeeperman on March 26th, 2015 7:09 am

    This is from the FAQ’s on website posted above:

    Are the police able to search the information I store in ReportIt?

    No, your information can only be accessed using your username and password. Should your property go missing, you’ll be able to print the information from any computer with internet access and give it to your detective.

    That does not seem to jive with what is described in the article above.

  4. CL on March 26th, 2015 6:05 am

    Can we just say, a tricky way to get personal informaiton about people’s firearms? I mean, come on, this is a bit much…

  5. David on March 25th, 2015 9:16 pm

    Do people actually think its free…its paid for by your taxes one way or another…and secure……if man made it–he can break it.

  6. Moneyman on March 25th, 2015 4:14 pm

    A camera or camcorder with an SD card and a safe. Record the pictures on SD card then put card in safe or safety deposit box. I won’t post my serial numbers or any info like that on the internet. Look what happened at with the V.A., Target, and Sacred Heart Hospital, hackers already have enough information.

  7. Oversight on March 25th, 2015 3:05 pm

    Really?! People must have lost their minds if they’d actually list all of their personal property with some online service – go ahead and give them your credit card numbers too. Jim has it right – do it yourself and make your own list and NO THANKS!

  8. Jim on March 25th, 2015 11:12 am

    Will this method of recording your valuables always remain secure or become a shopping list for thieves when it is leaked or hacked?
    I have my own list ready to give to law enforcement if needed, thank you.

  9. Grandma on March 25th, 2015 10:30 am

    How secure is this site?
    Who has access to it?
    It would be a robber’s DREAM LIST! Just saying…