Old Ernest Ward Middle Fixtures, Furnishings To Be Donated To Century Prison

March 11, 2015

When students moved into the new Ernest Ward Middle School last month, everything down to desks and chairs was brand new. That left a lot of items in the old buildings, which date back to the 1940’s. The old buildings are slated for demolition, but before they go the Century Correctional Institution wants items that can be put to use at the prison.

The school district has already removed all items from the old buildings that can be repurposed within the school system. Everything that remains is considered surplus property.

Desks, chairs, file cabinets, homemade tables, ceiling tiles, water fountains, sinks, toilets and urinals are just some of long list of items that  Century CI is asking the Escambia County School Board to donate to the prison system before demolishing the old EWMS campus.

Prison Warden John Sloan, in a letter to Superintendent Malcolm Thomas, said the donations will allow his facility to better manage its budget while not compromising the services provided.

Century CI already provides thousands of dollars worth of  inmate labor and other services at no charge to the Escambia County School system, especially at North Escambia area schools.

The Escambia County School Board is expected to approve the recommended donations to Century Correctional Institution at their next regular meeting on March 17.


5 Responses to “Old Ernest Ward Middle Fixtures, Furnishings To Be Donated To Century Prison”

  1. Pop on March 12th, 2015 6:29 am

    Leslie, I’m sure if u go by there when they are doing the demolishing they would give you some bricks for memorabilia.

  2. Audrey on March 11th, 2015 8:28 am

    The prison saves the county a lot of money providing inmate labor for school projects. The prison doesn’t get enough money to purchase chairs for staff or for maintenance of the facilities. Would be nice to know the items were used to save our state tax dollars.

  3. William on March 11th, 2015 8:19 am

    >>It would be great if we could take a tour of the old school house.

    That was already done. Now it is in the dismantle process before demolition.

  4. Carl Mcghee on March 11th, 2015 8:06 am

    It would be great if we could take a tour of the old school house.

  5. Leslie on March 11th, 2015 7:36 am

    It would have been nice to possibly let past students be allowed to have something from the old school.