Motorcyclist Dead After Falling Off I-110 Bridge

March 31, 2015

A Navarre man was killed when he flipped his motorcycle off a downtown I-110 bridge near the civic center Monday evening.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, 20-year old Timothy Ryan Davey was southbound on I-110 exceeding the posted speed limit. He failed to maintain control of his 2015 Suzuki GSXR as it entered a downhill curve. He struck a sound barrier wall and was ejected off the bridge while his motorcycle continue in an upright position around the curve and into a grassy median at the Gregory Street exit.

Davey was pronounced deceased at the scene.


21 Responses to “Motorcyclist Dead After Falling Off I-110 Bridge”

  1. Anonymous on June 13th, 2015 4:16 pm

    I still can’t believe this is real. I went to High School with Tim in Madison Heights and at the time he had a 600. He’s been riding bikes for a very long time.
    Like many people, myself included, when you have the chance you like to go fast.
    I’m thinking more than just speed came into play. I’m sure he was speeding but there had to be a reason he slung to the far right. He probably got cut off and tried to avoid hitting a car which in return ended his life. It’s true what they say, the good ones die first. He was an amazing person, but I refuse to accept that it was entirely his fault. He was way to skilled to get killed in that fashion.

  2. Charlie on April 1st, 2015 7:42 pm

    Jeeperman–BLT & Robinhood are correct. You seem to think highways should be designed as if being used as a racetrack. As BLT states, are we to expect it to be changed so someone can do that curve at 80 or 100 mph? While we are at it, perhaps a safety net on every curve on the highway, for those who wish to exceed the highway design limits? I highly doubt that shiny metal expansion joints have any more effect than oil deposits have, after a rain. According to the story, the “crotch rocket’ as they are now commonly called, did not go over the wall, but stayed inside all the way to the bottom. Perhaps they need seat belts so the driver doesn’t get thrown over the wall? I don’t care if the driver had been my own brother. The driver was clearly at fault, no matter how experienced or how nice of a person he was. The cause was excessive speed, & absolutely nothing to do with age, gender, or personal character, or road design.

  3. Robinhood on April 1st, 2015 2:08 pm

    To those who say we speak ill will towards the victim SHOWS that you did not even get the picture yourself. SPEED KILLS and really do not care what you think or say. Responsible driving is what saves lives, showing off or just being careless does not. With that said, Let me at least make another thing really clear … I do not believe anyone on this site has really stated anything ill will towards the motorcyclist BUT just trying to make you all understand that he was speeding and had nothing to do with those metal joints on the ramp. If the DOT did make corrections it would cost MILLIONS to fix and you all that say it needs to be fixed would be the first in line crying and complaining about having to pay more taxes to fix something that is not a problem at all. SPEEDING , TEXTING, TALKING ON PHONES, NOT PAYING ATTENTION is truly the problem here. Take responsibility for your OWN ctions FOR ONCE.

  4. jeeperman on April 1st, 2015 11:20 am

    All of you that say do not blame the design, blame the rider/driver.
    Think about this………
    We have cars and trucks that wonder too far right, drop a tire off the pavement.
    Then over correct and end up crossing all lanes of traffic before either saving themselves or hitting someone or something.
    Very wide metal expansion joints, polished by thousands of tires after it starts to rain after a prolonged dry spell ARE SLIPPERY. Now run over the same at an angle at speed and see what happens.
    Then drift to the right enough to make contact with the concrete barrier with your front tire.
    A concrete barrier that is thicker at the bottom than at the top = a ramp.
    A ramp UP and then over the barrier.
    Those barriers should be slanted in towards the roadway at the top so that there is no ramped surface going up.
    Which is what the wall does on NASCAR and most race tracks.
    That way if any vehicle rubs into the barrier, it is forced down into the roadway.
    Not launched up a ramp.
    Think about that.

  5. BLT on April 1st, 2015 8:45 am

    Yes, let’s spend millions of taxpayer dollars to fix this. Better yet, let’s see who wants to donate their own money to this cause.

    I think I would like to kick in some money so that motorcyclists can safely exit the interstate at 80 mph.

  6. alyssa on March 31st, 2015 10:20 pm

    this is a sad time for everyone to me driving in the car over that bridge is scary enough and I can’t imagine even being on the back of a motorcycle being careful not bridge is key but the correct speed limit should be listed and 55 going over that is not good. You people make mockery over his desk and say speed speed speed is what killed him maybe the bridge wasn’t built right how many deaths need to happen before this is fixed

  7. Charlie on March 31st, 2015 6:27 pm

    @ bob white–As far as I am concerned it is NOT the responsibility of the DOT to fix every possible issue with a road problem. All of the money in the world can’t fix every possible problem. The problem is driver responsibility. It is up to the driver to drive within the limits of the road design & its limitations. Period! As far as those thinking commenters are speaking ill of the victim, I think you are overreacting. They are simply making comments on the cause of the accident. The facts are the facts, even if you personally knew the victim.

  8. Tammy on March 31st, 2015 5:54 pm

    it is kind of designed poorly. the curve compounds and tightens up as your altitude is dropping out from under you.

  9. bob white on March 31st, 2015 5:37 pm

    This is at least the 5th motorcycle death at that spot since I moved here. I ride and know that this is a poorly designed curve that must be taken at the proper speed and positioning. I agree that it is the rider’s fault of excess speed or incorrect positioning in these tragedies, but it is the fault of the DOT and the city to not have made corrections or improvements to this dangerous curve to prevent further incidents. How many more will die before something is done?

  10. Jim on March 31st, 2015 4:22 pm

    i knew Tim well.. His family and friends are all grieving for his loss myself included. How dare any of you speak ill of him. He was young and made a mistake that ended his life. It is hard enough dealing with his loss without people making a mockery of his death. Keep your comments to yourselves.

  11. Matt on March 31st, 2015 1:43 pm

    i know the rider personally. He moved down here from Michigan state to come work for coca cola in Valparaiso fl. I’ve know him for well over a year that he was here to know he isn’t dumb enough to put his bike to far. He was a well experience rider. He had to done something to show off for the girl behind him and lost control of the bike. It’s such a tragic lose to many. To all of you to don’t know him you comments aren’t needed. He obviously did something dumb to end his life. May he rest in peace. RIP Tim Ryan Davey. Ride strong in paradise

  12. paul on March 31st, 2015 10:17 am

    The limit is 45 MPH at the location of the wreck.. It’s well marked for the curve also.. Signs on both sides of the road.. I’ve been riding my motorcycle there since the road was paved and never had a close call.. The road isn’t banked too well and anything 20 over the speed limit will put one on the edge..

  13. Mike on March 31st, 2015 10:09 am

    Makes you wonder what he was thinking, since you gotta stop pretty soon by the time you reach that point, correct? I mean, by the time you are on that downsloping ramp you must exit or come to the entrance to the street leading to the bay bridge, right?

    You do your “cutting up” on your crotch rocket out in the sticks, not in town, any fool knows that. Unless of course you have a deathwish. Most sportbike guys wear helmets, but I really don’t think one would have helped the poor guy in this case.

    I agree, too much bike for a rider can be disastrous, one rider in the same area came off the hiway with too much speed, came to the bottom of the exit ramp at Cervantes (I think) & just kept going, the bike stayed at the concrete barrier, the rider was launched into the air & never had a chance. This was years ago though.

  14. Nick on March 31st, 2015 9:35 am

    Maybe a catch fence or a higher wall. Hitting a wall isn’t super survivable but it’s better than falling off that bridge. Thoughts with the family. Sorry for their loss.

  15. kathy on March 31st, 2015 9:27 am

    Speed, speed and more speed! That is what killed that boy!!

  16. slipperywhenwet on March 31st, 2015 9:24 am

    Ignorance is bliss…those slippery metal joints are expansion joints for the expansion and contraction of the roadway due to the temperature of the road…thank you that is all

  17. Gary on March 31st, 2015 8:50 am

    It is not slippery joints. It is drivers, (And riders) going way above the speed limit. I have ridden that ramp so many times and at the posted speed limit, there are no issues.

    May God take care of this young man but for the others who like to test the speed and handling of their motorcycles, you may be next.

  18. Patriot on March 31st, 2015 8:27 am

    This has NOTHING to do with “slippery metal joints” and EVERYTHING to do with riding a sport bike in a manner that far exceeds the rider’s skills.

  19. Robinhood on March 31st, 2015 8:27 am

    @ Terrycars ………… Got to blame something to deflect responsibility like most people do BUT lets do not blame the young and dumb Man for speeding well over the speed limit.

    SPEED KILLS. Nothing to do with slippery metal joints on ramp. All those that have died in that area of I-110 have ALL been doing well over the speed limit. That is why they have SPEED LIMITS. Praying for the family.

  20. john on March 31st, 2015 6:44 am

    What a waste of a young life, so sad now he’s in eternity. Praying for the family that’s in mourning. Maybe other riders will learn something from this.

  21. Terrycars on March 31st, 2015 3:34 am

    Please do something about the slippery metal Joints on this ramp … How many more will die before someone takes action on this on going problem. ??? So sad to see innocent people die because no one will take action.