ECUA Warns Of Scam

March 21, 2015

The ECUA is warning customers about a potential fraudster.

ECUA officials said they learned late Friday that a person claiming to be an employee of the utility has been contacting ECUA commercial water customers, specifically hotels, seeking immediate payment on alleged overdue accounts using an online money transfter.

ECUA is advising all customers, commercial or residential, that their customer service representatives never seek to collect payments on accounts by telephone or call to verify a customer’s banking information. ECUA is urging customers to never divulge personal information over the telephone or by email. Instead, get the caller’s name and contact information if possible, and call ECUA customer service at (850) 476-0480 to report of verify the caller’s claims.

Friday’s incidents have been reported to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.


One Response to “ECUA Warns Of Scam”

  1. Patsy Roselle on March 21st, 2015 9:40 am

    ECUA would not call a past due customer, they will just show up and disconnect your service.
    Are there really that many people in Escambia County that would actually fall for a scam like that?