Century Residents Can Apply For Windstorm Upgrades To Their Homes

March 30, 2015

The Town of Century will assist local residents strengthen their homes against hurricanes and other windstorms.

The program will provide funding for the installation of hurricane resistant windows and doors, roof upgrades, installation of hurricane straps or clips, anchor walls or columns to the foundation and other upgrades.

Applicants must meet HUD low and moderate income limits, based on family size and reside within the Century town limits.

To apply, call the Century Town Hall at (850) 256-3208 during the application period which ends at 3 p.m. on Friday, April 10. Funding will be provided by the Florida Division of Emergency Management.


One Response to “Century Residents Can Apply For Windstorm Upgrades To Their Homes”

  1. paine on March 30th, 2015 7:03 pm

    why would they spend the money on this? 18 trillion in the hole and we got to spend money on brand new windows for people. I want new windows too!