Central Water Works Moving Toward Planned System Improvements

March 24, 2015

Improvements are ahead for customers of Central Water Works.

The utility held a a public meeting Monday evening to give the public a chance to preview planned improvements that include upgrading the water main on Byrneville Road and upgrades for all of the lines that serve customers just across the state line in Alabama.

The proposed upgrades include the installation of about 13,000 linear feet of new six-inch water main along Byrneville Road, from Crary road to West Highway 4. CWW provides service to approximately 836 households and the Byrneville Elementary School. This upgrade will provide improved fire protection for the residents as well as improving the reliability of the water service by replacing aging water mains with larger mains.

Central Water Works intends to submit an application to for federal USDA funding The Escambia County Commission voted to formally express support for the project funding and certify that the project does not conflict with any land development regulations or Escambia County’s Comprehensive Plan


One Response to “Central Water Works Moving Toward Planned System Improvements”

  1. Lisa Fuller on March 24th, 2015 8:55 am

    Just to add a few details: The scope of the project will include upgrading our entire infrastructure for our Alabama customers (approximately 180 households) and will cover approximately 50,000 linear feet of water main. Small existing water mains will be replaced with larger mains which can support new fire hydrants so that each water service will be within 1,000 feet of a hydrant. This will provide much needed increased fire protection and water supply reliability for our Alabama customers who should also see a corresponding reduction in their homeowners liability insurance premiums. Central Water Works is excited about this project and hopes to begin construction by the end of 2015.