Burglar Gets More Prison Time

March 4, 2015

Craig Warren Jackson, sentenced last month to prison for a string of Cantonment area burglaries, received another decade in prison Tuesday for additional crimes.

Jackson, 36, was sentenced to an additional 10 years by Judge Linda Nobles on additional burglary related charges.

In Escambia County, he has been charged with burglaries during early 2014 on Southern Oaks Drive, Woodrun Road, Filly Road and Tanager Circle. During those burglaries, jewelry, electronics, weapons and safes were stolen. He was also charged with burglaries in the city of Pensacola in which thousands of dollars worth of electronics, jewelry and other items were stolen.  Many of those items have been recovered.

Jackson is still facing trial on several additional burglaries.


6 Responses to “Burglar Gets More Prison Time”

  1. DavidHuieGreen on March 6th, 2015 9:01 am

    “…and what happens 10 or 20 yrs down the road when they are released with felony record? no job,leads to what? a vicious cycle. There needs to be a better solution put in place.”

    Simple solution: YOU hire him.
    If it’s a good idea for anybody, it’s a good idea for you.
    You already have an idea how trustworthy he will be.

    David for the right one for the job

  2. JT on March 5th, 2015 7:24 am

    @Id – I’m not sure how this is messed up. He will not be out pillaging the community for at least his original sentence +10. Sounds good to me. I’m tired of the scourge of this county taking from those who work daily trying to make a living.

  3. Just me on March 5th, 2015 3:13 am

    …and what happens 10 or 20 yrs down the road when they are released with felony record? no job,leads to what? a vicious cycle. There needs to be a better solution put in place.

  4. ld on March 4th, 2015 3:03 pm

    This is really messed up. He is only one among many many many! This example will not change nothing! Not for now! God bless and keep us all safe!

  5. mick on March 4th, 2015 10:31 am

    The more prison time tacked on the better…keep him behind bars long enough that if and when he is finally released he wont physically be able to prey on anyone anymore… I can with certainty tell you he is very fortunate that a bullet hasn’t stopped his stealing ways.

  6. good grief on March 4th, 2015 3:50 am

    The things we do to ourselves!