Arrest Made, Drugs, Cash Seized In Warrant Sweep

March 5, 2015

Early this morning, members of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team and Narcotics Unit served multiple search warrants in the Montclair community. The investigations targeted different drug distribution organizations, one involving the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine and the other involving the sale and distribution of marijuana.

A warrant was served at a residence in the 700 block of Lasalle Way. A search of the residence produced numerous chemicals and products used in the manufacture of methamphetamine as well as quantities of methamphetamine in different states of the manufacturing process. The ECSO Hazardous Materials team was utilized to assist in the cleanup of the site.

An additional narcotics search warrant was served in the 4500 block of Landes Drive. Michael Ashanti Rashon Moultrie, 24, was located inside of the residence during the warrants service. Over a pound of marijuana was seized from within the house along with scales and packaging materials used for distribution. Over $18,000 in currency was located in a safe along with additional quantities of marijuana. Moultrie was charged with marijuana possession with intent to sell.


21 Responses to “Arrest Made, Drugs, Cash Seized In Warrant Sweep”

  1. Wally on March 9th, 2015 8:52 am

    Did anyone else notice how close these address’s are to Montclair school? I am glad they got these bad apple’s out of the barrel.

  2. Def. on March 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

    @David Huiwee Green:

    Did Sunshine strike a nerve? Take that corn out, and read her comment again. And these rehabs you mock of, they do exist. Time to get out that high horse, and pray a little harder.

  3. David Huie Green on March 8th, 2015 5:28 pm

    “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
    I’m so sick of reading negative comments.
    And btw, the problem will continue to exist because…I mean, are we really targeting the problem or the cause of the problem???”

    I am the cause?

    Yours was a negative comment, blaming everybody else for the decisions of junkies and pushers.

    The problem is that many can make money doing whatever is illegal, but making all things legal is not the solution. Taking away the profit is.

    The problem is that drugs enslave the brain to want more. The solution is to avoid drugs to start with and to kill the desire of users. Magical rehab doesn’t exist.

    Legal drug makers and doctors are not the problem. Hatred of big business just for being big and a business is just negativity without thought.

    President Obama can’t just spend money on pipe dream solutions.

    David for truth

  4. Sam on March 8th, 2015 11:22 am

    Well – there’s always the approach used by the former Shah of Iran. If convicted – you’re executed – immediately. No appeal, no paroles – just dead. A pretty strong deterrent. You know what? It worked while he was in power.

  5. Sunshine on March 7th, 2015 2:26 am

    Let’s see here…
    We dont need more prisons for drug addicts. We should build more Drug Rehabilitation Centers. We do it now, do it quick, before we slowly kill ourselves. For once, think of others, stop judging. Most “drug addicts” take the same medications you are legally prescribed with. Do you know where your drugs come from? Hospitals? No. From BIG & RICH Pharmacitucal Companies. What doctors don’t tell you is that there are other ways to “help” your problem, other than popping pills. When pills ran out, these big Pharmas had made it so easy for you to get them… just call your doctor. Get another refill until that rans out too. It never did help your problem, did it? Then you will look for other things to fill that dependency. Every part of your body that has aches, there’s a pill for it.

    If Obama can spend $16billion+ for warfare, he can help this country rise back up. Have some kind of compassion. This problem didn’t just come out of nowhere, it was created.

    If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

    I’m so sick of reading negative comments.

    And btw, the problem will continue to exist because…I mean, are we really targeting the problem or the cause of the problem???

  6. emschick on March 6th, 2015 10:37 pm

    @fairmaiden Maybe you should come to work with me on a weekend shift. I bet the first child you see laying dead with foam coming out of her mouth because they got hold of mommy or daddy’s drugs or perhaps a relative of yours laying face down with a bullet to the back of their head just for being somewhere at the wrong time or the innocent teenager killed sitting in a car in retallion for a drug deal gone bad.simply because she was the drug dealers baby momma. Maybe the call of a 89 y/o grandmother beat senseless over $65 in a home invasion. What part of this nightmare I work on a daily basis seems appealing to you? Legalize monsters to kill more innocent people? It doesn’t matter if you legalize drugs or not because there will always be somebody who wants your job as a seller or someone who can’t afford their habits and kill,rape and victimize innocents to get the money for their drugs.

  7. IMJUSTAYING on March 6th, 2015 4:50 pm

    Montclair isn’t the only neighborhood that needs cleaning. There are drug dealers in every neighborhood. Just like the shooting in Scenic Hills a few years back. You wouldn’t expect to have drug dealers living there now would you?

  8. Robinhood on March 6th, 2015 2:29 pm

    Tammy, Sounds like you are upset they arrested YOUR dope dealer. Now what are you going to do ???? Can not just let them sell drugs and get away with it.

  9. Haley on March 6th, 2015 9:29 am

    WOW. Montclair seems to be a hotbed of drugs, murder, etc as it relates to crime. Not sure how that neighborhood can be cleaned up. It is frightening to think that at one time, so I hear, Montclair was the typical nice neighborhood. Now, it sounds as if it has been invaded by out of control criminals. That is a shame that a few bad can destroy something that once was……This town has become so full of crime with all the thugs……Ive lived in Pcola for 45 years and have seen it go from a small (safe), town to a crime ridden disaster. I am glad I grew up when I did.

  10. Really? on March 6th, 2015 7:00 am

    @FairMaiden…..OMG do you think people that use drugs actually work and save their money to buy drugs.??.WAKE UP…they steal…from me …from you …from your family…and if you happen to be there when they need money for a “fix” maybe they hurt you… or worse..and depending on what their drug of choice is , they may do something even worse than you can imagine …just for the fun of it…why don’t you take a trip to Colorado and see how great the legalization of drugs is working there..and then google faces of meth or krokodill and see what these drugs do to people…I can’t help thinking that your judgment has been clouded by some drug use!

  11. Gman on March 6th, 2015 5:00 am

    There will many more neighborhood entrepreneurs lined up to take his position. Keep on busting them ECSO, Montclair deserves better.

  12. 429SCJ on March 6th, 2015 4:50 am

    Montclair in the 70s was a much different place from what it is today. I used to frequent garage sales there. I would not go in there now unless armed to the teeth.

    People are what make a community. Montclair is a prime example of that fact.

  13. Dreign on March 6th, 2015 1:20 am

    Wheap and Sow. Is all it is. You do bad bad is done to you. What goes around comes around ten folds.

  14. Football Star on March 5th, 2015 11:00 pm

    I once played football with this guy. I played at Century & he played at Belleview. We played together on the All-Star team. Good kid. Great athlete. Just got caught up in the streets & fast money. Keep ya head up MikeMike.

  15. Don on March 5th, 2015 9:34 pm

    I just saw on jail view he spent around 9 hours in jail before bonding out,just long enough for him to see some old friends and a quick lunch.

  16. Don on March 5th, 2015 9:26 pm

    Get them probation forms ready judges!!

  17. FairMaiden on March 5th, 2015 8:23 pm

    legalization of drugs would be one solution to solving the crime problem…..or build more prisons and arrests more drug sellers…who can always be replaced and keep going round and round in circles..for every one drug seller who gets arrested…theres a hundred more who can replace them…face it…if people are going to take drugs…people are going to take drugs!!! ….so make it legal ..take the crime out of it….allow the drug users to pay for the drugs legally .and tax it…simple as that.

  18. melodies4us on March 5th, 2015 7:33 pm

    Great job , law enforcement. Keep up the good work. Montclair still has a way to go.

  19. Alex A on March 5th, 2015 6:16 pm

    Yes,stay the course .Tammy, michael Brown,Travon Martin the list is endless on dead thugs with pot in their system .look at national news,sherifs in Kansas Colorado wants the Colorado pot law void.

  20. Tammy on March 5th, 2015 5:25 pm

    keep stuffing those prisons full. When those get full, build some more. Stay the course everybody. Billions and Billions of tax dollars down the toilet. This is the most adolescent and naive approach to a social problem. Our grand children will look back at us and shake their head.

  21. Mike on March 5th, 2015 3:31 pm

    Believe it or not, years ago Montclair was a fairly nice neighborhood. Such a shame! :(