A Century That Lasts Forever — Town Slogan Winner Awarded

March 3, 2015

Century Mayor Freddie McCall presented a personal $50 check Monday night to the winner of the town’s recent slogan contest. Josie Leonard of Milton, a Northview High School graduate, submitted the winning “A Century that lasts forever” slogan. Pictured top: Century Mayor Freddie McCall, Josie Leonard and her husband Caleb Leonard. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.

Curious about the other slogans submitted in the contest? Click here for an earlier story.


3 Responses to “A Century That Lasts Forever — Town Slogan Winner Awarded”

  1. 429SCJ on March 5th, 2015 7:32 pm

    To be eternally written into the history of Century, by creating Century’s history and with $50.00 to boot.

    I hope that you are enjoying your celebration.

  2. Janet Horn on March 4th, 2015 9:29 pm

    Way to go Josie! Congratulations!

  3. Linda Powell on March 3rd, 2015 8:52 am

    Perfect slogan for Century!! I wish I had thought of that! Good job, Josie!!