29 Arrested On Meth Warrants, 19 More Still Wanted

March 30, 2015

Monday, deputies with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit, Patrol Division, Gun Crime Task Force, and Hazmat Teams participated in an arrest warrant round-up targeting several local residents believed to be involved in the manufacturing of methamphetamine.

This event was the culmination of a year-long narcotics investigation that targeted numerous individuals throughout the Brownsville, Beach Haven, and Perdido Key areas of Escambia County.

The methamphetamine manufacturing process utilized by several of these individuals is a very hazardous and dangerous technique that involves the obtaining and mixing of hazardous and flammable materials that unfortunately often results in fire and/or injury to citizens and the environment.

There have been 29 individuals arrested, with 19 other suspects still at large. Anyone having any information concerning the whereabouts of any at-large suspect is asked to notify the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.

The arrested and wanted individuals and mugshots are below as provided by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.




35 Responses to “29 Arrested On Meth Warrants, 19 More Still Wanted”

  1. relievedmom on April 3rd, 2015 11:45 am

    I am glad they are off the streets and hope it is only a matter of time before the rest are. Chris and my daughter knew each other. He treated her very bad. I was shocked not to see her photo, but thankful. I really hope they all get the help they need.

  2. Kathy on April 3rd, 2015 11:11 am

    This is so sad. I can’t imagine living like these people.

  3. SParnell on April 3rd, 2015 1:02 am

    I don’t know what kind of homemade or regular prescriptions you take but mine don’t include lithium batteries or drain cleaner as ingredients.

    As far as L.E going as hard at drugs as the addicts are, L.E aren’t smoking it or stealing to get money for it. I dont run on L.E who are unresponsive due to their overdosing on meth nor do I see addicts trying to eradicate drugs from our society.

    L.E are for people. They sacrifice everything including their lives to TRY to protect us from the evil of drugs.Theyre fighting,albeit a losing battle, to keep drugs from taking over our communities. They’re trying to keep our communities from being over run by drugs and crime. When is the last time you’ve saw an addict go into an elementary school to counsel children on the dangers of drugs? The drug addicts are slowly destroying themselves and our communities. You say you want L.E to care more about people than drugs when an addict could careless about themselves or anybody else so you’re asking the men and women of L.E to care for a group of people who don’t care about themselves. The best thing for L.E to do is to take the addicts off the street where they can at least stay clean for a while,maybe get the help they need and realize that drugs are a nowhere deal.

  4. Mike Powers on April 2nd, 2015 7:51 am

    The irony for me is that Law Enforcement is constantly looking for drugs just like these offenders are. It is also sadly ironic that these people are are going to be arrested and thrown into prison for taking a homemade prescription drug.

    I don’t agree with what they are doing and I don’t agree with what the law is doing. I just think our system isn’t working and the parade of sad and ravaged faces proves it. I think that LE focusing on drugs with the intensity of a junkie proves it. Law Enforcement should be about people first in a civil society. Not drugs.

    We have a broken system.

  5. Wally on April 1st, 2015 9:38 am

    Reality check folks, get involved with Meth and life as you know it will be over. Too be involved in this controlled substance is to be controlled by it. Why not get addicted to life because an addiction to Meth is a self inflicted death penalty. Can we not learn from those that have that have chosen this path before. This is one road that if traveled will not lead to a good end. Using meth not only hurts you but everyone around you. Sudafed is a good medication when you have a use for it —other than making meth. Young people it is your choice, remember, make a good one. Your future and the life you will live depends on it.

  6. Mb on March 31st, 2015 11:42 pm

    Everyone has choices in life.These people chose to make ,sell and do drugs.. and some are repeat offenders.. funny how no drugs in jail or prison,but yet get out and return to same way of life. one has to want to change.and know people places and things will have to go!! most won’t.again choices!!

  7. No Excuses on March 31st, 2015 8:42 pm

    There is only one outcome with involvement in drugs: Death, prison or both. Don’t get involved with drugs! If you are involved, GET OUT!

  8. Leeann on March 31st, 2015 2:57 pm

    I am glad to see that they are making an effort to clean up these streets and getting these people of the streets. Meth is a disgusting drug. My husband is an ex meth addict and it almost ruined our relationship. I left him because he was on it and I told him I would not come back unless he got help and stayed clean. He has been clean for almost 2 years now. I hope all these addicts get the help they need and stay clean.

  9. coseys ex on March 31st, 2015 1:41 pm

    That’s methed up!!

  10. Judith on March 31st, 2015 11:42 am

    Well, it’s sad really. These people are someone’s mother, daughter, sister, brother, father, son….it’s sad, and it.shows just how much METH is affecting our community, from someone whose been there, I just pray that these young people realise what this drug has done to them an
    their families, and I hope they try to change. The state needs to look into providing some sort of rehabilitation center or something. METH an HEROIN ARE HERE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND THEY ARE NOT LEAVING. PERIOD. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

  11. Bus Driver on March 31st, 2015 9:12 am

    So sad to see one of the students I drove to middle school into this mess. I thought highly of her and was sure she would grow up to be a productive citizen. SAD, SAD, SAD!

  12. Robinhood on March 31st, 2015 8:49 am

    One would think that ALL those arrested and those being rounded up to be put in jail would look at their lives and see where in the heck they are at this point of their life and know that whatever decisions they have made were the WRONG decisions. I wonder IF they ever think about the LORD and what he can and will do for them IF they would only ask him to come into their hearts and help save them from this terrible mess they are making, using and selling. I know IF I was in their position I would definitely try something different like Changing my friends, Changing the environment I hang out at, Giving the LORD a chance in my life since those people I have been hanging out with have done nothing for me but trying to KILL ME or get me hooked on a killer of a drug. What a waste of time and life. If only they would try JESUS they all would be happy and probably more prosperous in life and HAPPY. JESUS is the ANSWER. Turn away from your wicked ways and turn to the LORD and he will most definitely bless you all and help you with your addiction !!!!

  13. horselover on March 31st, 2015 8:36 am

    good job mr.morgan. those girls look so young and with sores on thrie face yes they are users. I hope and pray they on birth control.we don’t need more meth babies to come in this world because of stupied girls like that.its going on every where around here but sooner or later they will be caught.thanks to the law enforcement. good job to all.now we have to pay to feed those idoits.

  14. Bob on March 31st, 2015 8:20 am

    Sam: Did you not read the article? These people were arrested for manufacturing…these are the makers, sellers and by their looks, some are users too.

  15. baby girl on March 31st, 2015 8:04 am

    This is so sad to see all these ppl going down for stuff this serious. And now this will follow them for the rest of their lives. Addiction is a disease that u will have the rest of your life once u get it n speaking from experience it isn’t easy to cope with when u have the struggles of everyday life stressing u out daily like it was explained to me its like having diabetes or cancer u will always have to treat it. Granted this drug is very much more dangerous than most others n these ppl needed to be caught cuz they don’t care who they hurt or who’s lives they ruin in there process as long as the y get that next fix n they have no consideration on who is around n who could be hurt once there’s an explosion or fire.

  16. babygirl on March 31st, 2015 8:02 am

    I pray to the lord above all these people open their eyes and realize they need to get their lives on the right track. People need to realize god can bring them out of anything they are in, all they have to do is ask him. I pray for everyone of these people and their families lord please open all the eyes of these people and help them draw closer to you and walk every day with you and lord please help there families through all of these trying times in jesus name amen.

  17. someone in molino on March 31st, 2015 7:56 am

    Its sad cause there are some who have kids who are good kids and they have to watch there parents go down like this so sad

  18. jeeperman on March 31st, 2015 6:21 am

    Blaming the drug for what these people do to themselves is like blaming guns when people commit a crime.
    As long as there is a market for the product, there will be people like the above willing to buy it.
    Legal or not legal.
    P.S. all of those warrant outstanding criminals (pictured =mug shot) have been in the justice system before and released onto the streets to inflict more damage to themselves and others.

  19. oz on March 31st, 2015 1:35 am

    Hopefully this will be a wake up call for some of these people. It’s possible to move forward and create a normal life in time.

  20. thankful on March 30th, 2015 10:46 pm

    Wow… I think it’s funny that someone who was messing with most of these people just went down. And now they are??? Like it ain’t obvious he told on EVERYONE… so glad I’m not in that game anymore.

  21. paul on March 30th, 2015 9:48 pm

    Birds of a feather..

  22. StinkyNuts on March 30th, 2015 9:27 pm

    look at these scumbuckets. Some are in my friends list.

  23. BentStraight on March 30th, 2015 9:04 pm

    Very sad to see familiar names and faces, I pray that they can redeem their lives. There is hope to be found if you look in the right place.

  24. Jefferson. bourgeois on March 30th, 2015 8:40 pm

    And they said sunday night was the last episode of walking dead…….lol season premier right here in Pensacola

  25. ROBIN GLOVER on March 30th, 2015 8:25 pm

    I hope they don’t stop there and keep looking fro these people cooking this meth crap that is hurting so many family’s

  26. Sam on March 30th, 2015 7:50 pm

    Need to get the makers and sellers of this mess. These poor folks are the result.

  27. Justin Bubien on March 30th, 2015 7:48 pm

    Its amazing how people change in the matter of a few years of being away. It was a blessing for me to move away and continue my work in the commercial fishing industry. Who knows. It could of been my face up there as well. God bless them all.

  28. Beth on March 30th, 2015 7:32 pm

    Great job done by our ECSD. Sadly this is only a drop in the bucket. Even sadder still is what this horrible drug does to its victims, their families and our communities. My prayers for these young people who’ve chosen the wrong path . . . that they can break free of this horrible addiction, for their loved ones who suffer helplessly while watching what this drug does to their loved ones, and to our Sheriff Dept for the danger they face in dealing with them. May God bless and keep you all!!

  29. cc on March 30th, 2015 7:24 pm

    It’s hard to believe that none of the federal agencies were involved? No DEA? No FBI? No weapons? Usually if you have that many arrested at least the DEA or FBI are involved.

  30. dawn dixon on March 30th, 2015 6:53 pm

    The other 19 better hide and I will bet anything, the 29 will sing like a canary. Great job getting them off the streets!!!

  31. TG on March 30th, 2015 6:47 pm

    This is becoming the largest industry in Santa Rosa and Escambia county. Wish Merk could come in and employ these folks making a safe drug.

  32. PRM on March 30th, 2015 6:12 pm

    what is wrong with people these days?

  33. Honest John on March 30th, 2015 5:29 pm

    Lovely bunch . Some of Escambia’s finer citizens . No , it is really sad to see so many young people involved drugs. So sad that drugs and crime are really out of control in this country.

  34. Chase on March 30th, 2015 4:51 pm

    I pray and hope every one of you even if you’re innocent that you all find a better path and outlook on life. I’ve lost a many family members to Meth and my brother is horribly scared and facing years in prison. Please listen to good reason and God be with y’all.

  35. molino jim on March 30th, 2015 4:34 pm

    SUPER JOB!!!!