Sheriff, Woman Shot In Hostage Standoff Settle Lawsuit For $975K

February 21, 2015

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has settled for just under $1 million with a woman being held hostage who was shot five time by deputies.

Jackie Rosenbloom was taken hostage by Philip Monier, a former boyfriend, in her home in 2010. He used her as a shield when deputies opened fire; she was hit five times in the neck and legs. Monier was not seriously injured, shot only in the hand.

Rosenbloom sued in federal court, claiming excessive force was used and that Morgan failed to provide proper training.

Three deputies were also shot in the incident, including Jeremy Cassady who was critically injured.

Monier was charged with multiple crimes arising from this incident and was convicted by a jury on eight felony counts, including four counts of attempted murder and aggravated kidnapping with a weapon. On January 20, 2012, he was sentenced to life without parole and consecutive additional sentences totaling 20 years in state prison.

The lawsuit was set to go to court in Panama City earlier this month. The Florida Florida Sheriff’s Association-sponsored Risk Management Fund made the business decision to settle the lawsuit for $975,000, of which $10,000 will be paid from Morgan’s budget

According to a statement released Friday by Morgan, the settlement avoided the risk of an adverse jury finding and judgment that would include the requirement to pay the extensive attorney fees incurred by Rosenbloom’s legal team, and also avoided potential costly appellate litigation, possibly to the Supreme Court.

“This was purely a business decision” said Morgan. “This is not a concession of any fault or misconduct by this office or any of the deputies involved, each of whom demonstrated extraordinary bravery by risking, and, in the case of former Deputy Jeremy Cassady, nearly losing their lives in their effort to rescue Ms. Rosenbloom.”


17 Responses to “Sheriff, Woman Shot In Hostage Standoff Settle Lawsuit For $975K”

  1. Dreign on March 6th, 2015 2:11 am

    I would sue her back. He did get hurt on her property. It doesn’t matter how it happen and ending results. As twisted as it sounds it’s apart of God’s good will.

  2. Boo on February 25th, 2015 2:06 pm

    I would like to apologize to the readers of the North Escambia comment sections. After reading some of the comments on this article a few days ago my eyes started throbbing and my mind was not clear. I inadvertently misspelled and mistyped several words. Again I apologize for any confusion as to where I was going with my comments. As a side note reading the comments from some of our fellow citizens will do nothing for your blood pressure. Thank You.

    Boo for lead poisoning

  3. Vicki on February 24th, 2015 10:05 am

    No fault, or misconduct Mr Morgan? Well let’s just call it bad judgement on behalf of your officers……..but never mind because you’d never admit that either! I have NO respect for you, you’re a heathen & a wolf in sheep clothing who refuses to acknowledge the truth!

  4. Boo on February 24th, 2015 7:15 am

    You know the courts in this country are getting a little crazy but that is not what gets me. A very few of these comments are sick (tammy). You or whoever calls for help (I NEED HELP!!!!) and then if it doesn’t go the way you think it should it is evryone elses fault. You sick, sick, little Monday morning quaterback. I’m so sure that if you were there handling this situation you would have done a much better job, whatever. Here is an idea, if you ever need help do not call (don’t even think anout it) the ones that but it all on the line everyday. To the deputies & other officers of this county I salute you.

  5. DavidHuieGreen on February 23rd, 2015 8:11 pm

    “He made split second
    Decisions while someone was shooting at him. David put yourself
    In his shoes and endure what he does on a daily basis”

    I continue to consider the situation.
    Someone’s shooting at me so I shoot through his hostage to save myself.
    Her neck stops my bullets, so I fail to hit him and he shoots ME.
    Has he no shame?
    It’s all her fault!

    No, I don’t want to be a law enforcement officer. People frequently try to kill you. If your err, people kill innocent victims.

    I respect the ones who do their jobs properly. I shouldn’t pretend they are always doing their jobs properly, especially when they repeatedly shoot the one who begged for their help.

    David for jobs done well

  6. Kelvin on February 23rd, 2015 7:45 pm

    Yall need to read the official report. Guy never touched his gun until after fired on. Deputies fired 13 times. 10 times thru a wall where they could not see anyone. Lady was hit 5 times and the guy with her was never hit. I support law enforcement but this whole thing sounds like a big mess

  7. Gman on February 23rd, 2015 5:42 am

    I’m sure she will do the right thing and donate some to a nice charitable organization. NOT.

  8. Alex A on February 22nd, 2015 7:15 pm

    Maybe Cassady can sue her for part of the money,seeing she is alive.surely there is an HONEST ATTORNEY to take this case

  9. molino jim on February 22nd, 2015 7:10 pm

    As I recall there were a number of drugs found in the house at the time– I guess she was lucky that she wasn’t arrested. I guess it was better that the county (you and I) didn’t have to pay her medical bills. I wonder how much she’ll clear after paying her “legal team” and medical. Sorry that our officers had to be hurt doing their job. For all LEO please try to be safe, and a big THANK YOU.

  10. chillywilly on February 22nd, 2015 5:55 pm

    David for real help
    Consider this:
    Deputy Sheriff’s do not appreciate being shot by ungrateful people ,they are called to help Boyfriends.
    She should use better judgment of character when choosing her boyfriends. She makes bad choices , receives almost a million dollars.
    Deputy sheriff life changed forever, $ 6000 per month drug bill to
    Stay alive, Retires on disability, career over, He made split second
    Decisions while someone was shooting at him. David put yourself
    In his shoes and endure what he does on a daily basis.

  11. Tammy on February 22nd, 2015 4:42 pm

    In case you guys have forgotten, the cop shot the hostage in the neck first. I repeat, the cop started shooting and shot the hostage in the neck . First shot, cop. cop shoots hostage in neck. criminal returns fire to save his own life because cops are attempting to shoot him in head. once again, the first shot was the cop shooting the hostage in the neck. I am not standing up for the criminal but you pretty much are forced to shoot back to save your own life unless you are willing to allow the cops to shoot you in the head.

  12. Terri Sanders on February 22nd, 2015 3:03 pm

    You are known by the company you keep. I bet she knew what kind of a person her boyfriend was yet continued to see him.5 lives are changed forever and she gets the money? The deputies also risked their lives and they got zip….She should pay them for saying her life…25k for everyone except the sweet little boyfriend…

  13. Gembeaux on February 22nd, 2015 8:32 am

    If a participant in a crime where someone is killed can be held liable and chargeable for the death even if they were not directly responsible, it seems that Monier should be deemed solely responsible for the outcome of his actions. But he probably doesn’t have the $$$ that the County has.
    The Sheriff’s office, along with all LEO’s will continue to have my gratitude. They face tremendous danger every day for us, and I am thankful for each and every one of them.

  14. Lu on February 22nd, 2015 7:01 am

    Sounds pretty ungrateful for her life! Good example of what is fouled up with our system. The responsible person is the boyfriend. Let’s see how much of a donation she makes to the Sheriffs Dept and/or Domestic violence help. To think the deputies put their lives on the line to save her….then she sues? Wow!

  15. David Huie Green on February 21st, 2015 6:30 pm

    “This is a sad day for law enforcement. Two deputies almost lost their
    Lives trying to do their job and rescue Rosenbloom. This is the thanks they get . ”

    Some ungrateful people just don’t appreciate being shot by the people they called for help.

    David for real help

  16. chillywilly on February 21st, 2015 4:01 pm

    This is a sad day for law enforcement. Two deputies almost loss their
    Lives trying to do their job and rescue Rosenbloom. This is the thanks they get . She receives almost A million dollars. What about the deputies civil
    Rights, she dialed 911 and led these deputies to a ambush between her
    And her boy friends domestic issues. . Maybe they can sue her and boy friend for violating
    The deputies civil rights. This is wrong.

  17. me on February 21st, 2015 6:42 am

    Guess they shouldn’t have tried to rescue her. Turned out it cost our officers envolved and our law enforcement agencies to do their job. Thing dont alway end up working out properly in the heat of the moment. I say good job deputies, he is where he should be. And thank you!!