Report: Crime Is Down In Escambia County

February 28, 2015

Crime in Escambia County was down 9.6 percent in 2014, while the number of violent crimes was down 1.2 percent, according to the latest numbers released Friday by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.  There were 1,761 violent crimes in Escambia County in 2014, down from 2,271 in 2008, the year before Sheriff David Morgan took office, a news release stated.

The numbers, Morgan said, disprove a common misconception that crime is up in the county.

“Often the perception, cast through social media,is that crime is on the rise. However, these are the accurate statistic sand they reflect a continually positive trend,” the sheriff said.

According to the report, there were 18 murders in Escambia County in 2014, down 21.7 percent from 23 reported in 2013. Robberies were also down by a double digit percentage, a 17.3 percent drop from 370 in 2013 to 306 in 2014. Rapes were up just under 10 percent from 135 in 2013 to 148 in 2014, and there was a slight increase in aggravated assaults. All other violent crime categories were down.

Burglaries and mother vehicle thefts were down about 15 percent, while larcenies were down about 10 percent. Domestic violence offenses were down slightly overall

“With our limited resources, we are focusing on violent crime. Our continued goal is to make Escambia County safe and improving the quality of life for our families and businesses. Much of our success in reducing crime is due to our partnerships with the communities we serve.We encourage citizens to form or join neighborhood watch groups and report suspicious activity to Gulf CoastCrime Stoppers.Let’s work together to make Escambia County a better place to work, worship and play,” Morgan said.

The Pensacola Police Department’s annual crime report released Friday also showed an overall 8 percent reduction of the city’s crime rate compared with 2013.  The report shows a 9.4 percent reduction in the non-violent crime rate and a 5.1 percent reduction in the violent crime rate, resulting in an overall reduction of 8 percent.

“Not only does this show a decrease in violent and non-violent crimes within city limits, but also  it reflects the outstanding work done on a daily basis by our officers,” said Chief Chip W. Simmons.

The Uniform Crime Reporting statistics are submitted and accepted yearly by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.


10 Responses to “Report: Crime Is Down In Escambia County”

  1. same old same old on February 28th, 2015 11:43 am

    Last time Morgan said crime was down we had 6 people shkt and 2 murders the next day. I have friends who are deputies all they talk about is how crime is up and the go to shooti gs all the time. Apparently Morgan cut the gun task force and TAC???. How does that help us the citizens? ??? I know that we never had the numbers of shootings and deputies shot under McNesby like we have had with Morgan. I for 1 will not be voting for Morgan…Its time for a change people, they can bend stats… Change a robbery to a thef or an aggravated battery to a battery… Plus Chief Haines likes to remind us how dumb we are because we belive all the violent crimes are really only the same ones over and over. He thinks we are stupid and social media is to blame.. Vote Morgan out!!!!

  2. BT on February 28th, 2015 11:15 am

    “Often the perception, cast through social media, is that crime is on the rise.”

    ……He’s talking about us, folks.

    Given his figure of 1,761 violent crimes, that’s almost 5 a day. If just 2 of those make the NorthEscambia pages, it could easily look like a crime wave. And that doesn’t count the “nonviolent” crimes like burglary and drug crimes. If William covered every last crime in North Escambia, it would appear that’s all that ever happens here.

  3. confused on February 28th, 2015 9:31 am

    Everyday i look at this website there is a murder or shooting someone getting robbed or even worse child predators being found how is crime down i guess good ol morgan feels if he says its down enough it will eventually go down i surely hope everyone sees how bad that escambia county has gotten since he was elected and hope that nobody tries to reelect him

  4. paul on February 28th, 2015 8:58 am

    he should be reminded of this the next time he asks for an increase in his budget. :)

  5. David on February 28th, 2015 8:22 am

    Any bean counter can create illusions with numbers.
    Lots of politics in the numbers

  6. chris in Molino on February 28th, 2015 8:09 am

    The only crime i care about is the crime in my community. That crime is only thievery from meth heads who dont want to work.
    All the rest of this crime, child predators, etc. is just perception. Children are much more safe today than when i was a kid. Hell, their all inside. If not, their not far from the safety of home or being tracked by gps. All perception. Yea, monsters are real but your child is more likely to be snatched from someone you know. I make my children get out. I even tell them, its nice, get outta the house. For every hour on tv or new tech gadget, they have to spend double the time outside. Its not me, its the tv and other tech. stuff that made em like that. Same way parents are so fearful. (What, the school didnt notify me when another kid in pre-k wet his pants) :( Things have always happened, you just hear about it more with all the media outlets you have now.
    The CIA/FBI couldn’t be happier about your facebook addiction. (I just woke up n brushed my teeth. Now i’m eating breakfast about to take a dump) Nobody cares, your not that important !
    I think the world is NUTS! At least criminals are the same.

  7. smokey on February 28th, 2015 7:26 am

    The Obama admin. must have put out guidlines on report writing.

  8. 429SCJ on February 28th, 2015 6:34 am

    We will never be safe, but we will experience varying degrees of danger.

    For all you people who/that, for what ever reason, hate Sheriff Morgan. There’s the report.

  9. Don on February 28th, 2015 5:46 am

    Everyone please turn in your cc permit and weapons at the nearest sheriffs office we are now safe!!

  10. Vincent L. on February 28th, 2015 2:33 am

    The reports of chickens disappearing are greatly exaggerated. In fact the chickens have never been in less danger than they are right now.

    The Fox