Possible Partial Meth Lab Discovered Alongside Rural Bratt Road

February 23, 2015

Two people out walking along a rural North Escambia road discovered what they believed to be part of a meth lab late Sunday afternoon.

They noticed the case just a few feet into a wooded area along Dortch Road, just north of Highway 4. The case was clearly visible from the side of the road.

Escambia Fire Rescue responded to the incident and determined that it was not an active meth lab, and that there was no hazardous materials threat from the case and its contents. The case did contain plastic bags, tubing and other items commonly known to be used in the manufacture of methamphetamines, but several components needed to actively produce meth did not appear to be present.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office took possession of the case and contents.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Possible Partial Meth Lab Discovered Alongside Rural Bratt Road”

  1. Flippant Dan on February 24th, 2015 3:22 pm

    Facetious Bob, I must agree with your comment. I was coming home one night and drove up on an individual making meth on the road I live on, at 10pm, he had a fire in the middle of the road burning the evidence. He got mad when I stopped to asked what he was doing or if he was in need of help. Dumb me, trying to be a nice guy I ended up in a confrontation with a meth head. Our quiet country living is being over run with druggies and pedophiles. Can’t even let the kids ride their bikes down the road for fear of what or who they may run into. SAD, SAD, Days in America.

  2. concerned on February 24th, 2015 11:19 am

    GREAT JOB!!!!

  3. Facetious Bob on February 23rd, 2015 8:37 pm

    I am really surprised, and shocked, that this type of activity ever occurs in a bucolic community such as this. I’m looking at the drive-bys, and gang banging, which, incidentally, keeps LEO’s busy in the southern part of the county. (Put the most water where the most fire is.) If there is a problem up here, I’m moving to New Orleans, where I could at least expect it. (LOL.)

  4. Terri Sanders on February 23rd, 2015 1:49 pm

    The law could not have watched the case than arrested who ever came back.That would be viewed as entrapment and according to our wonderful judicial system law cant do that..Just as they can’t sit outside a bar and arrest people coming out who are drunk..Gotta love the system designed to protect the criminals.

  5. Sue Ballard on February 23rd, 2015 9:17 am

    I have called the law before on people on this road. Black truck runs me off road and he is still driving. Where is the cops?

  6. The real deal on February 23rd, 2015 7:13 am

    They should have left it and watched it from a distance to catch whoever was supposed to pick it up .Thats the trend I see all the time around here is they drive down the road and throw something out the window for someone to pick up later seems to be there way of getting stuff to other people or from point A to B