No Serious Injuries In Hwy 29, Neal Road Accident

February 24, 2015

There were no serious injuries in a two vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon at Neal Road and Highway 29 in Cantonment. The accident is under investigation by the Florida highway Patrol. photos by Kristi Price, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “No Serious Injuries In Hwy 29, Neal Road Accident”

  1. James on February 25th, 2015 10:07 pm

    We should put in a traffic light…that will solve everything. ..Cause stop signs and traffic signals slow people down and make them stop texting and pay attention. ..LOL. ..!!!

  2. fastlane (V) slowlane on February 25th, 2015 1:36 pm

    One thing is for sure, if your in the fast lane and no one is in front of u, and someone, or a lot of vehicles are behind u, and u can see the car in the slow lane right out your side window, next to u, PLEASE speed up or slow down and get in the slow lane. Please DONT drive from Cantonment to Molino in the fast lane at 60 MPH or less, blocking traffic wanting to travel at 65, the posted limit.

  3. countrygal on February 25th, 2015 1:00 pm

    I witnessed this accident as it happened right in front of me. The blue van crossed the South Lane on Hwy 29 at same time the black car was in left turn lane & collided into the black cars side when it was entering the median to turn. The blue van was supposed to yield to traffic on 29 but just darted right across as if it had the right of way. No one was speeding; just failed to yield to Hwy 29 traffic. Glad no one was hurt!

  4. Haley on February 25th, 2015 8:39 am

    I travel to and from work everyday from Cantonment up Hwy 29. People act as if they are driving the Daytona 500 on that stretch of Hwy. Im not sure what we can do to control the way these ppl drive. Just about a month ago I witnessed a young girl pass between two cars right down the middle of the lane. I was appalled. I tried to get her tag but she was driving so erratically, I decided to stay away from her. I was behind another vehicle that was texting/running off the road and being very dangerous. Ive noticed in the last couple of weeks more State Trooper presence. Its this incredible lack of disregard for ppl on this road lately. Yes, as was mentioned above, if you do anything to alert another driver (for instance the person texting the other day), to stop what they are doing, you are soon given the middle finger. As much as I like to text, I wish they would total outlaw it in cars. People need to slow down and have respect for other drivers. Hwy 29 is dangerous…..

  5. Suzie B on February 24th, 2015 10:08 pm

    Molino Jim – keep up the good work. Flashers usually help the big trucks take note if nothing else. People flipping you off are just showing their ignorance. I use my flashers when I see something like this and if someone doesn’t like it…oh well. One night I came over a hill on Cervantes and a lady was laid out in the road beside a wrecked vehicle. I put on my flashers, slowly backed up a distance so drivers could be alerted that something was going on. Back then, people stopped to help instead of being rude. There are still many good people in Pensacola, but yes, there are still a bunch in too much of a hurry. Glad this accident didn’t cause any deaths or severe injuries.

  6. grandma on February 24th, 2015 9:12 pm

    I live near Neal Rd. and drive Hwy 29 all the time (daily). FHP keep up the work on 29. Add some more late night and early morning.

    Community let’s try for ONE day without a Hwy 29 accident. Then TWO days!
    Maybe even the north end of the county.

  7. molino jim on February 24th, 2015 8:41 pm

    I stopped south of the crash and with flasher on and brake lights on trying to slow traffic before drivers would run into the wreckage that was in the inside north bound lane and was flipped off a couple of times. Drivers coming west on Neal Rd just drove through the mess and the people trying to help at the scene had to move aside for them. A lady north of the wreck was trying to flag traffic to slow down with little luck. (in case no one thanked you lady you were sure trying to do a good job) The county and state may want to take down all of the speed signs and sell them for scrap metal. Glad to read that there were no serious injuries.

  8. Sage 2 on February 24th, 2015 5:11 pm

    …and the wrecks continue! US HIGHWAY 29 North…Danger Zone!
    A day should pass without a wreck or worse. Drive smart people!!!