More Details Released In Weekend Shooting In Century

February 3, 2015

More details have been released in a weekend fatal shooting in Century that the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said was the result of the “reckless use” of a firearm.

Jaran Britt Myles, 20, was booked into the Escambia County Jail Sunday morning on charges of negligent manslaughter, two counts of aggravated assault and two counts of kidnapping false imprisonment. He is being held on a $260,000 bond after turning himself in for the shooting death of 20-year old Jonathan Wilson.

Investigators said multiple witnesses stated that Myles shot Wilson in the head about 8:00 Saturday night. Both were at a residence in the 1000 block of Backwoods Road.

One witness told deputies that “Run Run”, later identified as Myles, pulled out a gun and asked him if he was scared of it before taking the magazine out of the weapon and pointing it him. Myles then pulled the trigger of the gun, without the magazine, but it “dry fired”, he said

The witness said Myles then pointed the gun to Wilson’s head after loading the magazine back into the gun. Wilson then adjusted the height of the gun to his head, “correcting the placement of the gun pointed at him,” an arrest report states.  The witness said when Wilson let go of the gun, Myles pulled the trigger and shot Wilson in the head.

The witness said they all ran out the front door of the residence, and Myles stuck the gun in a witness’ ribs then pointed it at a second witness, ordering the witness to drive him home. The witness told investigators that he then drove Myles to his nearby Backwoods Road home out of fear that Myles might harm them.  Myles, the witness said, kept the gun pointed at him while he drove to his residence.

Once they arrived at Myles’ home, he pointed the gun at the two witnesses and told them that “they better not tell on him or they would be next,” according to the arrest report.

The report does not detail the type or caliber of weapon involved.

Myles made his first court appearance on Monday. photos, click to enlarge.


35 Responses to “More Details Released In Weekend Shooting In Century”

  1. Jonathan's Mother on February 12th, 2015 9:14 am

    JUST ME – as Jonathan’s Mother, I have no words for your cold hearted soul. All I can do is pray for you.

  2. accident my butt on February 6th, 2015 10:36 pm


  3. just me on February 5th, 2015 2:09 pm

    Jennifer. .you have your opinion I have mine. .so don’t don’t worry about mine focus on yours..

  4. AFriend on February 5th, 2015 10:27 am

    Prayers to both families, Especially for Curtis Lowe, i know it must be hard for ya man but you guys are in our prayers.

  5. Another concerned citizen on February 5th, 2015 8:28 am

    Here are my concerns. Why are people under 20 running around with guns….that obviously have no respect for what they are capable of. Guns are not toys and our young people are just wrecklessly taking life for granted. No matter the circumstances 2 families have been destroyed….one life is no longer here and one life is going to be behind bars for years. I think this needs to be a wake up call to all of our youth. STOP the wreckless violence….quit putting yourself in danger just because you’re having fun or trying to prove how badd you are. In the end….it isn’t worth all the pain and anger brought to the famillies. Also, I don’t care how “nice” you deem someone…..nice doesn’t keep you from killing.

  6. jennifer on February 5th, 2015 6:17 am

    Just me: why would you say, you don’t feel sorry for either family? Basically you just showed everyone how truly ignorant you are with that statement. You may not feel sorry for the perpetrator or the victim but to actually say you don’t feel for their families is very low. I don’t know anyone involved in this and I feel terrible for both families. One has to bury their child (and no one should ever have to go through that) the other has to deal with fallout from their child’s actions plus potentially see him enter the justice system for a long period of time. Not to say he might not deserve it, but still feel terrible for the families involved

  7. opinion on February 4th, 2015 9:43 pm

    After he killed one guy he points the gun at two more people ordering them to take him home he tells them “don’t tell anyone or you’ll be next” that right there tell me he ment to do it .

  8. just a thought 2 it on February 4th, 2015 9:32 pm

    I would believe that if you unload a gun, and know you just reloaded a gun and pulled the trigger…..well I’d say that was premeditated seeing that he held it to him twice………so if this was a accident I guess 9/11 was to……NOT

  9. Just Read on February 4th, 2015 4:46 pm

    Regardless of the fact that a boy was running around with a gun he was being very stupid with it. This has really crushed the town and now friends of mine has to cope with the death of her brothers son, This should have never been in the hands of someone who shouldn’t never had it to begin with I remember growing up and we as kids wasn’t even allowed to point cap guns towards one another. This boy could have shot someone elses child with him running around playing with a gun is something he apparently had no gun sense and its apparent that he didn’t have any common sense if so he wouldn’t had the gun or been playing stupidly with it. This could have been in his pocket walking around are town, then he points it at the other to take him some where we lucky it didn’t happen to them two. Yes, they was friends this wasn’t no hunting accident this was someone already jeopardizing someone’s life by even doing what he was doing, and others by carrying a gun that he had no training no permit and no common sense. If this would have been turned around this situation would be unable to handle, I’m sure this boy feels like crap but you don’t even know what this family is going through copeing and trying to get things ready to lay rest there son who lost his life BC of this. I suggest everyone talk to their children about safety and be responsible with firearms. Praying and remember don’t play with any kind of gun, Talk to your kids.

  10. A on February 4th, 2015 4:37 pm

    He was a brother, not just any brother, but my own. I loved him and I hope he’s in a better, safer place.

  11. what the hell on February 4th, 2015 4:37 pm

    all these people talking about how nice run run is what about Mr.Wilson and his family run run was a big bully playing with a gun make him sweet yall keep talking this bull corn about run run he need to burn in hell a eye for and eye…….

  12. just me on February 4th, 2015 3:31 pm

    gs can you tell me how that is important? Haha but if you must know..gean has been a part of my family for years and years..I know daddy o..jermiah… there mom..there aunt here little boy here other son Jermaine aka Smitty & a whole lot More.. anything else you need to know??

  13. Concerned on February 4th, 2015 6:04 am

    This is a tragedy !!! What really bothers me,
    young children live in this house (Thank God they were not there at
    the time) there was no concern for any one else’s safety. He should never
    get out of prison.

  14. Robert on February 4th, 2015 4:00 am

    I try very hard not to post comments about articles that I read until I am sure I know that my opinion is based on facts. Nobody cares about other peoples opinions unless they are based on facts. People need to stop jumping to conclusions and let the case play out in court where ALL of the facts can come out. As for all of the “you do the crime, you do the time” people, I hope one day you are in a situation where you did a crime(driving with a suspended license that you did not know was suspended, which is a crime) and you think your situation is different because you are different. According to you, you gotta do the time-6 months county jail. Hope you have fun.

  15. gs on February 3rd, 2015 11:40 pm

    Just me how do you know run run and his family I would like to know

  16. resident on February 3rd, 2015 11:02 pm

    Just because Jaron was never a mean or troubled child doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of killing someone. Whether you like it or not, he is a murderer. If he was so “innocent”, he wouldn’t of fled the scene AND held two other people at gun point telling them “they would be next” if they told on him. Jaron is old enough to know what he was doing, under the influence or not. This was no accident in my opinion.

  17. alisha on February 3rd, 2015 10:34 pm

    Condolences to the family .

  18. chris in Molino on February 3rd, 2015 9:34 pm

    Run run played with a gun gun and now will have no fun fun

  19. bamagirl on February 3rd, 2015 9:17 pm

    All this is ridiculous a family lost a loved one regardlessof how n why the one who did it should accept responsibility period point blank everyone wants to praise run run etc yet someone is dead because of him n if the role was reversed I honestly believe there would be a whole different reaction in this case for sure n for all the people ignoring the fact another young life is taken at the hand of another prayers for both families they both now have losses

  20. saddened citizen on February 3rd, 2015 8:01 pm

    Okay parents, now is the time to think about teaching your children gun safety! Also bringing them up better. All this free RunRun crap makes me so sick because one of my friends lost her CHILD because of someone’s stupid mistake. it’s common sence not to point any type of gun at anyone! RunRun deserves to sit in prison like any other criminal, he committed the crime so now he can do the time!!

  21. stc4433477 on February 3rd, 2015 7:19 pm

    you’re callong the people & family that want Runrun back ridiculous but you’re being pretty immature by mocking his name in these so called “mature” comments. he did kill someone weather accident or not but he is not a murderer. & it’s sad how everyone is making him out to be this god awful person that deserves to die. he’s already got to live with the fact that he killed one of his best friends / brothers without you all making it worse. JARON, told me not to fight fire with fire or to argue. he knows what people have been saying ab him. negative & all but you know what he said to all of you people bashing him? he said pray. that’s it. not one negative thing rolled off his tongue. I feel so bad for the other family too, idk what I’d do if my brother died.. but you’re being foolish by calling someone who’s never intentionally hurt anyone a cold hearted killer. just flat out amazes me how people are telling us to stop when you’re all sitting here bashing our family also.

  22. just another citizen on February 3rd, 2015 2:13 pm

    How is this called a accident? Myles pointed the gun at John’s head. Everyone is saying free run run, why cause he killed someone. Myles did the crime therefore he needs to serve the time. John should have told Myles to stop playing around. RIP John

  23. Roll Tide on February 3rd, 2015 1:56 pm

    Run Run ran ran. Now he’s in jail jail where he belongs. Do the crime, do the time!!

  24. wondering on February 3rd, 2015 1:52 pm

    So is playing Russian Rolluette the new game now? I have a hard time believing that a gun was pointed at his head and he “adjusted” it knowing that someone was going to pull a trigger. Sounds like some major cover up to me…..praying for the families involve.

  25. really.... on February 3rd, 2015 1:00 pm

    Why should he be free? Everybody else has to take responsibilty for their actions why shouldnt he?

  26. ms.lady on February 3rd, 2015 12:33 pm

    I’m glad that my friend Jonathan can now rest in peace.
    He was a very sweet boy an will be greatly missed R.I.P Jonathan

  27. just me on February 3rd, 2015 12:08 pm

    I personally know runrun and his family very good myself! And trust me he is not at all the good guy people are making him out to be! People are making there self look really bad with all this free runrun junk you can scream that until you can’t scream no more but it is not going too help it just makes yall look really immature! Runruns real friends would sit back and keep there mouth closed so they wouldn’t cause anymore drama than it already is for the family ect.let me add this yall yelling free runrun and all this and that but if he was to get out today would he come hang out with yall call yall send a simple thank you? NOPE!! I don’t care who you are they was both old enough NOT TO PLAY WITH GUNS! you are taught that as a child! ! I do not feel sorry for neither families!! This whole thing is just such a big deal because it is in this small town I’m so sick of hearing about it..just hush up with all the nonsense because at the end out the day runrun is not getting free and it will not bring the other guy back..sorry not sorry but the truth hurts!!

  28. Jim Jordan on February 3rd, 2015 11:31 am

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Run Run is done done. What a waste of two young men’s lives.

  29. southern rebel on February 3rd, 2015 11:28 am

    Its ridiculous to play with guns, loaded or not. But now someone has lost their life because of this boy. In my opinion he shouldn’t be “freed”, you do the crime,you do the time. Point blank. To me it sounds like this was no accident, your gonna load a clip in the gun and point at his head and pull the trigger… No that’s not an accident. #doyourtimeforyourcrime

  30. Kidding Me on February 3rd, 2015 10:35 am

    I agree with Amused Reader. I personally went to school with Run Run, didn’t know him as great as others, but just because he’s a “good friend” doesn’t mean he’s innocent. Obviously it wasn’t a mistake! He’s got to live with it the rest of his life. And all this “Free Run Run” nonsense just shows the immaturity of people. You have to pay the consequences.

  31. Century Mom on February 3rd, 2015 9:00 am

    I don’t know how anyone reading these stories could be “amused”. This is a tragedy for all involved. I pray for the victim and his family as well as Run Run and his family.

  32. paul on February 3rd, 2015 8:21 am

    Some people just don’t have Any sense.. If you play with a gun there’s a good chance something bad will happen..

  33. Amused Reader on February 3rd, 2015 7:52 am

    After reading all these posts by the “Free Run Run Club” this article should shed a little light on whether he should be free or not. If your going to be dumb you gotta be tuff….and playing with a gun loaded or empty is just plain dumb. Two people lost their lives , one is dead and the other is headed to prison. The scary part of all of this is how many people have voiced to “Free Run Run” how could any of you think this is ok? Accident or other wise? # norespectforhumanlife

  34. Curious on February 3rd, 2015 4:42 am

    The first story didn’t sound like no accident, & this one surely doesn’t. Run Run gonna be running up river. People, you don’t play with guns.

  35. coseyex on February 3rd, 2015 3:49 am

    So much for him being a nice guy!