Jim Allen Elementary Placed On Lockdown Monday

February 2, 2015

Jim Allen Elementary School in Cantonment was placed on a brief lockdown Monday after someone reported hearing a single gunshot near the school campus.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, a school resource officer from Tate High School was moved to Jim Allen after the report.  No evidence of any gunfire was found.

“It was simply just a precaution to make sure the children were safe,” said Rhonda Ray, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.


One Response to “Jim Allen Elementary Placed On Lockdown Monday”

  1. dman on February 3rd, 2015 9:25 am

    Probably someone illegally hunting in the woods to the north of the school or some kids being kids. I grew up roaming about those woods, as a young kid who attended the old Assembly of God church there at the corner of Neal and 95A. We had all sorts of boyhood adventures back there…which may have included some rifles, saws, bows and arrows, bowie knives, and bonfires. :-)