Group Makes Plans To ‘Reimagine Century’ In May

February 11, 2015

An organizational meeting was held Tuesday night to make plans for the second Reimagine Century event on May 16.

Organizer Linda English said the group is on a mission to serve those less fortunate — both  their physical and spiritual needs. “It is an outreach, but it’s also a chance for the body of Christ to come together and reach those in the community,” she said.

The event will include a wide variety of activities, including a 15,000 pound food giveaway, health screenings, AIDS testing, diabetes information, live music, fishing lessons from Mission Fishin’, free manicures, a laundry detergent giveaway, information from community agencies, a clothing giveaway, free lunch, free haircuts, youth and teen activities and sports, a diaper giveaway and more.

About two dozen people, representing a variety of churches, businesses and community groups, attended Tuesday night’s organizational meeting. Interested persons are invited to attend the group’s next meeting on Tuesday, March 10 at 7 p.m. at the Century Community Center on West Highway 4.

Pictured top: Volunteers discuss Reimagine Century Tuesday night. Pictured inset: Organizer Linda English. photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Group Makes Plans To ‘Reimagine Century’ In May”

  1. Gman on February 11th, 2015 4:50 am

    If it helps one true person or family in need it will be a success.