Escambia’s Bergosh To Head New Statewide School Board Member Association

February 16, 2015

Jeff Bergosh, a member of the Escambia County School Board, will head a new statewide association of school board members.

The Florida Coalition of School Board Members was formed due to frustration with the a lawsuit brought by the Florida teachers union, the Florida School Boards Association (FSBA) and others regarding Florida’s Tax Credit Scholarship Program.

The Coalition’s concerns include:

  • Lack of a cost-effective, student-focused member association that provides relevant professional development and counsel for Florida school board members.
  • Concern over litigation to eradicate the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program.
  • Waning influence of school boards on education issues at the State Capitol.

Founding members of the coalition include Bergosh, coalition president, Escambia County School Board; Shawn Frost, Indian River County School Board; Bridget Ziegler, Sarasota County School Board; and Erika Donalds, Collier County School Board.


5 Responses to “Escambia’s Bergosh To Head New Statewide School Board Member Association”

  1. M in Bratt on February 17th, 2015 6:28 am

    I wonder if he’s going to show the rest of the school boards how to turn out students that don’t have any job skills? See another article comparing our area to the rest of the state; ” Pensacola area, which includes Escambia and Santa Rosa \counties, placed 11th among of 22 Florida metropolitan statistical areas. The Pensacola area barely beat the average index score for metro areas in the state, but fell short of the average index core for metro areas around the country.”

  2. Bob C. on February 16th, 2015 2:32 pm

    @ Elijah – Thank You for the clarification and direction to the website.

    Much of the continuous Testing, Teacher & School grading, the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program, Public-funded Charter Schools and the No Child Left Behind Act are in huge part the Bush family legacy.

    No way in support of the Liberals in education but also not in support of wasting time that could be used really teaching and appropriately funding PUBLIC schools.

    Intended to ask – who is paying the bills for this “New Statewide Association of School Board Members”?

  3. Elijah Bell on February 16th, 2015 7:42 am

    If any parents are interested you might want to know that those yearly test that students take are just right around the corner in March. What your might also want to know is that it is a parents right to NOT have your child take those test. There is a national and state movement for parents to opt out of these test. Now you can be sure that everyone from the Governor to the Education Comm. to most superintendents and principals don’t like this movement and will fight you if you decide to not have you kids take these unnecessary test. For the best information on this visit OPT OUT ORLANDO on Facebook.

  4. Elijah Bell on February 16th, 2015 7:31 am

    I wonder how many readers really know what the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program does. Up front I would like it eradicated along with state mandated unnecessary test. The Tax Credit Scholarships allows some companies to divert corporate taxes which otherwise would go to the general revenue budget to a private organization that then doles out the $$$ to private schools. To put it in simple terms your tax $$$ or would be tax $$ are being spent to support private schools. Those in favor of this scheme will not put it in these simple terms but do the research and this is what it is. What the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program doesn’t tell you is that private schools come in many forms and they could be aligned with any group from those that support religious teachings to those that support ideas that hate the United States. The public school system is not perfect but it is the best in the world. The Florida Constitution states that the legislature is to support a public education system.

  5. Bob C. on February 16th, 2015 6:40 am

    Curious if this newly formed “statewide association of school board members” in the matter of “Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program” (FTCSP) is:
    A….in Support of the FTCSP
    B…in Opposition to the FTCSP

    My understanding, generally is:
    The FTCSP is utilized by large corporations to offer their support of Private / Charter schools which gives those businesses tax credits (they pay less taxes which would ordinarily go for Public Schools).

    If this new group is “student-based” then how does that apply to “professional development and counsel” for school board members?
    “Counsel” usually involves lawyers.

    Not against any of this just curious as to what is the real intent and if Mr. Bergosh supports the FTCSP?

    God Bless and watch over our schools and all who are in them.