A Century That Lasts Forever — Century Approves New Slogan

February 17, 2015

The Town of Century has settled on a new slogan — “A Century that lasts forever”.

The new slogan is part of a rebranding process recommended by the University of West Florida’s Haas Center along with a new strategic plan for the town.

The town council voted earlier this year to remove “Welcome to Century” signs that greets visitors to Century from the north and south on Highway 29. The signs, dedicated two years ago, were built by Century Correctional Institution and feature a giant saw blade with the town’s most recent slogan “The Dawn of a New Century”.

The sawmill signs were a throwback to the town’s history and the Alger Sullivan Lumber Company, which has been closed for over 50 years. The signs will be donated to the local Alger Sullivan Historical Society for use in their museum.

The town received 45 slogan entries in an informal contest promoted on NorthEscambia.com, with the winning “A Century that lasts forever” submitted by Josie Leonard of Milton. Mayor Freddie McCall offered to provide a $50 prize for the winning slogan from his own pocket.

All entries in the slogan contest are listed below, with those making a “final” list following a preliminary council vote listed in bold:

  1. Come take a small step into Century and make a huge leap toward progress.
  2. Century: Gateway to the Gulf
  3. Century- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  4. Century – Florida’s Gateway
  5. Century– Florida’s First Place Town
  6. Century – Florida’s Welcome Center
  7. Century- More Than You Imagined
  8. Century- Let Us Surprise You
  9. The Next Century
  10. Century- Small Town, Big Heart
  11. Century- Town of Tomorrow
  12. Century- Southern Hospitality, Florida Fun
  13. Century – Florida’s Front Door
  14. Century- Florida’s First Stop
  15. Century- Tomorrow’s Town
  16. The Next Century Awaits
  17. Century- Florida’s First Choice Town
  18. Century -This is where Florida begins
  19. Century- Florida Proud
  20. Century -A City of Progress, Pride and Possibilities
  21. Century- Building on the Past, Preparing for the Future
  22. Century – A Community (or City) Working for a Brighter Future
  23. Century – A Community (or City) with a Vision of a Brighter Future
  24. Century – A City in Motion
  25. Welcome to Century – Trust the Journey!
  26. Century- Building on the past with the challenges of today. Keeping hope alive as we work, care and play.
  27. Welcome to Century. Florida’s 1st Horizon
  28. Century -If you Can’t Stop- Wave
  29. Century- Small Town, Big Heart
  30. A Century that lasts forever.
  31. Century- (On) the Cutting Edge of Florida
  32. Century – Cutting Edge of the Florida Panhandle
  33. Century- Escambia’s Quiet Little Town
  34. Century- The Little Town That Can
  35. Century- Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow at the Edge of Florida
  36. Century – No Other Place Like It
  37. Welcome to the Town of Century, a place to plant a memory.
  38. The world is open to possibilities, looking for persons of capabilities.
  39. Stamped with tradition and integrity, with hearts of goodwill and charity. Welcome to Century the gateway to and from the Panhandle of Florida.
  40. Welcome to Century – Gateway to Florida
  41. Welcome to Century – Gateway to the Sunshine State
  42. Welcome to Century – City of Hope
  43. Gateway to the Gulf Coast
  44. Century- A Place to Call Home
  45. A “Teaspoon” of Love- for a “Century” of Honor


28 Responses to “A Century That Lasts Forever — Century Approves New Slogan”

  1. citizen on February 20th, 2015 10:52 pm

    This is so wrong this town has always been a saw mill,lumber town and we are changing the name after years just doesn’t make since.

  2. Linda (Black) Davis on February 20th, 2015 8:42 am

    Josie, I do not know you but I commend you on the slogan.No town or city is perfect and negative commentsdo not make it better. Just like families—none are perfect. We just strive for better. As for this town–many of us have grown up, moved away, but something draws us back, because just like Dorothy on the “Wizard of Oz”—there is no place like home! WE make who we are, and I hope Century does last forever.

  3. Renee Preston on February 19th, 2015 9:38 pm

    Congratulations Josie! We are very proud of you. I am sure it meant a lot to you to have your slogan chosen considering you used to work in Century when you lived in the North end of the county.

  4. yo on February 19th, 2015 5:31 pm

    Century….next stop Willoughby

  5. Lebowski on February 18th, 2015 10:34 pm

    Century -It Could be Worse, Maybe

  6. james on February 18th, 2015 9:53 pm

    should have read Century the home of thugs and drugs!

  7. LucyGirl65 on February 18th, 2015 2:42 pm

    Century building a community for the future!
    Century ensuring a future community!
    Century changing a community to ensure the future!
    Century changing our future Community!

    Just a few I was thanking of is it to late?

  8. Anastasia on February 18th, 2015 9:12 am

    Bad choice for a positive slogan. So Century is stuck with a slogan that is not a majority decision of Century citizens? Not right in my opinion.

  9. HC on February 17th, 2015 10:22 pm

    I apologize, I did speak out too soon and too opinionated with out thinking it through. it is easy to comment here..Perhaps it is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt..

  10. EMD on February 17th, 2015 5:35 pm

    I think the name is a very clever play on words. Congratulations, Josie. Maybe people should think of a way to help the citizens of Century to have some pride in their town and try to better it locally. Maybe the drugs are due to government paying people to have babies and to stay in poverty. Century needs some kind of jobs for folks to do. Maybe cleaning up and making it look better. I worked in that area for five years and saw and heard much. With my own ears I heard two young teen girls discussing how many babies they needed to have to live on government welfare dollars. Neither were married. If the government is paying them, the ones who are able NEED to be doing something, besides having babies and doing alcohol and drugs. They need a purpose and some pride in their own selves and in their town. And I do not mean false stupid pride. I mean caring. There are some good people in Century. They just need a vision. “Without a vision, the people perish.”

  11. V. Baggett on February 17th, 2015 3:17 pm

    Congrats, Josie! I like the slogan. I can’t believe so many people use this venue to be so openly negative. Good grief!

  12. Stephanie odom on February 17th, 2015 1:16 pm

    In the words of Taylor swift…..haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate!!! I think the slogan is clever, and who says that just because she lives in Milton currently doesn’t mean she is from Milton. I am a supporter of the new slogan!! Good job Josie Leonard, and congrats on winning!

  13. blackbeltscorpion on February 17th, 2015 12:51 pm

    The first city in Florida? Really??

  14. Century is bigger than you thought on February 17th, 2015 12:48 pm

    All of you are a bunch of sour haters. I happen to know Mrs. Josie Leonard pretty good. As a matter of fact we went to school together, Northview High, the school for century and the whole northescambia region. She graduate, goes to college and lives in Milton now. So HC, is it a bad thing for someone to still support their hometown after leaving? Is it a bad thing that their are people coming out of century and leaving their mark on the world? Dont be mad just because your slogan didn’t win.

  15. john on February 17th, 2015 12:40 pm

    That just proves how much century leadership knows about economics, that fifty dollars could have stayed in Century and benefited the city economy.

    Hey, you can change the name of the town, but if you don’t change the way you run things nothings going to change.

    If Century wasn’t supported by so many social programs state and federal it would have dried up long ago.

  16. Heather Leonard on February 17th, 2015 12:32 pm

    A Century that lasts forever…………….sounds like a place of strength and endurance. Sounds like a place that is blessed because no matter what, it makes it through the good times and bad times………. it lasts forever!
    Just so you know….The winner is a talented graduate of Northview High School
    Way to go Josie! and go CHIEFS!!

  17. chris on February 17th, 2015 12:13 pm

    @HC: Most likely residents of Century would have chosen a slogan that would portray Century in a realistic, yet less than positive light.

  18. HC on February 17th, 2015 11:33 am

    I don’t know why the town council picked this slogan, or for that matter, why it was even considered. That slogan was submitted by someone from Milton, not by a Century resident. Why would the Town of Century even allow a nonresident to submit slogans for consideration? Only residents of Century should have a say so in any matter such as this. If that was not stipulated in this “informal” contest then be fair and pay the person the $50; however, before you spend any money on new signs reconsider. The selected slogan has negative undertones that people will pick up on right away. A Century is only 100 years and nothing lasts forever. “A Century That Lasts Forever” sounds as though this town is stuck – no progress, no moving forward, etc. I am disappointed in our town council. People coming into our town – Century – should see signs that welcome them and also that project something positive. Century IS a GATEWAY, something positive.

  19. Sue Ellen on February 17th, 2015 11:23 am

    “Century — it’s still there?”

  20. Retired on February 17th, 2015 10:46 am

    The Century where Time stopped, The clock broke..Nothing happens..Groundhog Day movie…Welcome to the Twilight Zone…Reconsider…bad choice…like a nightmare..

  21. Resident on February 17th, 2015 10:37 am

    I hope they reconsider and embrace change and hope and a new identity. I am disappointed in their choice, it says nothing of the above but just more of the same..How about putting it to a vote to the community? This is not about a law but adopting a slogan the people will embrace. The only thing inevitable about life is change, I saw some very positive and realistic offers on the list most were better than this one in my opinion.

  22. Pond Street Ladies on February 17th, 2015 10:20 am

    Sounds like ‘Century, Stuck In The Past”.

    Same old, same old. That’s Century.

  23. BT on February 17th, 2015 10:13 am

    LOL at “Century – If You Can’t Stop, Wave.”

    It brings to mind the discussion about bringing a hotel to Century.

  24. chris on February 17th, 2015 10:07 am

    I am certain that prospective new businesses are lining up already, thanks to the new slogan.

  25. ProudArmyParent on February 17th, 2015 9:34 am

    “A Century that lasts forever”. that’s horrible! That just makes it sound like we are doomed to repeat the past.
    Look Coke tried to make things better with the “NEW” Coke, it was a whole lot worse.
    There was nothing wrong with the “OLD” slogan, just get rid of the sawmill blade.!
    At least the “A Dawn Of A New Century,” sounds positive!

  26. Resident on February 17th, 2015 9:18 am

    “A Century that last forever”

    What does that mean? I think of a place stuck in the past, a past of unemployment, poverty and drugs. — Oh wait, that is Century!

  27. Bama on February 17th, 2015 6:38 am

    LOL is all I have to say

  28. 429SCJ on February 17th, 2015 5:50 am

    Last forever. I think a fellow named Milton once said that.

    I guess that Mayor McCall can say that is better to oversee in Century, than to serve on a board in Pensacola.