$1.5 Million In HVAC Upgrades Planned For Northview High
February 11, 2015
On any given day at Northview High School, students can often be found sweltering in one classroom while students are freezing just down the hall. Heating and cooling problems have plagued the school for years, and now the Escambia County School District is set to make repairs.
Bids have been received to replace air handling units and variable air volume boxes in two buildings. Low bidder was The Wright Company, Inc for $496,630 for the building containing the gym and theater, and $1.087 million for the main education building. The improvements will be funded by half cent sales tax monies.
The Escambia County School Board is set to consider the project at their February 17 meeting.
Northview High School opened 20 years ago.
6 Responses to “$1.5 Million In HVAC Upgrades Planned For Northview High”
This problem has been on-going from day one. Some people had portable heaters under their desk from the time the school opened. They told us at the time that the temp was regulated from Pensacola. Some areas too hot—some too cold. I am sure that time has expired for any warranty of any kind to be in force. But— it is a shame that the tax payers, once again, must bear the cost of shoddy workmanship.
>>> I think the original builder should be made to fix it, at no charge.
Since when do builders offer 20 year warranties?
The school isnt all that old. Didnt the original work come with a warranty? If its been going on “for years” I think the original builder should be made to fix it, at no charge.
One way to get better quality work is to go with experience and the track record of the company, not the lowest bidder. Many times, some companies will undercut the competition just to get the work when their company is not capable or big enough to do a job like this one. You often get what you pay for. It’s not often that you get a “deal” and expert, quality workmanship with the needed attention to detail.
I am glad for the upgrade and I hope the new system will work properly from the beginning. It seems that something is not right with the process of inspection when schools are upgraded or newly built. This has been a problem for years. Not only is this a problem at NHS it is also a problem at Bratt. The renovated wing at Bratt Elementary has a similar problem since our last hurricane damage when the heating and cooling were replaced with a new system. The auditorium has a major heating and cooling problem since reconstruction was completed. It was a known problem before the final sign off of construction. When parents come for programs they are typically sweating or freezing. Sometimes it is almost unbearable when there is a large crowd. It is a shame that the initial construction company was not held accountable for this problem. Even more ,the local and district workers have worked on it many times, with only temporary success. There must be a better, more cost efficient, way to ensure that students, teachers and parents are comfortable when at school.
I thought the Escambia County school system had HVAC certified employees on staff, is this job to big for them to do? How about using the students at George Stone vocational school in the HVAC program to help like they did on career houses years ago. This would give well needed hands on experience as well as save tax payers dollars.