Students To Move Into New Ernest Ward Middle School Next Monday (With Photo Gallery)

January 26, 2015

Students are expected to move into the new Ernest Ward Middle School in Walnut Hill one week from today.

Many of the school’s teachers spend a portion of their weekend setting up their new classroom, which contain all new furniture and new technology that includes triple smart boards with “smart pens” that can be used by students from their desks.

All of the items such as computers and furniture, with the exception of library shelving, will be brand new. The school includes new to Ernest Ward technology such as a closed circuit television systems with a complete TV studio, closed circuit video monitoring, electronic security and access controls, and more.

The $20 million facility is not quite complete; there’s still minor work to be done throughout the building, and the school’s agricultural classroom and band room won’t be completed for several more weeks.

If all goes as planned, students will report to their homerooms in the old EWMS building on Monday, February 2. They will escorted grade by grade into the new facility where they will get the grand tour. There will be changes to student drop-off and pick-up areas as well on February 2. Those changes and complete move-in details will be published on

About a week later the move into the new building, demolition on the old Ernest Ward will begin. That demolition and new parking lots are due to be completed by the end of July.

OPEN HOUSE: An open house and tours for the public will be held on Monday, February 16 from noon until 4 p.m.

For more photos, click here. photos, click to enlarge



4 Responses to “Students To Move Into New Ernest Ward Middle School Next Monday (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Mom of 2 on January 29th, 2015 5:51 pm

    Is this registration for new incoming students in the fall.

  2. Audrey on January 26th, 2015 6:17 pm

    All I can say is WOW! This new school looks awesome & the tech is awesome as well. My son & daughter went to Earnest Ward; bet they would’ve loved going to the new one.

  3. Mrs. Ellis on January 26th, 2015 9:44 am

    Woot! Woot!
    It is C E L E B R A T I O N time for everyone!
    Admin, Faculty, Staff, Students, Parents and community.
    We all have been waiting for this day and the exceptional opportunities this facility can be used for educational, physical and social growth.
    I am SO PROUD for the years I was a teacher at the “old”EWMS…..and so thankful for what this new facility will be to the future Golden Eagles.

  4. molinoman on January 26th, 2015 8:17 am

    Beautiful. Everyone going there should be full of pride and take extra care of the facility for future generations.

    To the kids: Just think, one day in the future your children may go to school here. Please take care of the school so it is something your children will be proud of attending. You are the caretakers now and should feel blessed. Take advantage off all the new tech and amenities.