Some High School Report Cards May Be Incorrect

January 15, 2015

Some high school report cards issued in Escambia County may be incorrect. If a student takes a course with a state end of course exam, or an online course, or a course an at alternative school, their report card may have errors.

An automated phone call is scheduled for tonight to parents of students impacted. According to Superintendent Malcolm Thomas:

“Final grade calculations for courses with state EOC exams will not be considered accurate until those exam scores have been entered into calculations.  Scores from those exams arrive on different dates and times, and will be processed as soon as possible.

Due to a technical problem,  courses taken online or at an alternate site such as Community School, will not currently be on the report card.  A message will be posted on the parent portal in Focus, and principals will do a call out to you when these issues are resolved.  If you wish, you may request a new copy of your child’s report card at that time.”


4 Responses to “Some High School Report Cards May Be Incorrect”

  1. northofI10 on January 16th, 2015 9:29 am

    I tried that as an excuse MANY times!…Without success….

  2. Daniel Webster on January 16th, 2015 7:47 am

    There’s a possibility that it may affect lower level schools as well…

    Insider trading info…*

  3. Susan on January 15th, 2015 4:53 pm

    A lot of my teacher friends have complained since the school district has bought Focus Gradebook. It seems that it is very time consuming and grades disappear and reappear. Hopefully the district will drop it and go to something more accurate and user friendly. I would think parents of high school kids especially would be concerned about their grade point to get into college programs.

  4. Bob C. on January 15th, 2015 9:54 am

    So, if my kid is taking a course with an “EOC exam” how will we know if he actually passed the course or if he has to repeat the course?

    Kids are already into second term of school for the year and if are Seniors then all things hinge on their current courses. If he needed to repeat the course it would be very kind of the district / state to let us know so that could have been done.

    With all the words of transparency, accountability and access there is the appearance that something is not getting done correctly and in a timely manner.
    Kids are held to high standards and expectations and are tested to near exhaustion then evaluated based on some smoke and mirrors basis.
    Teachers are held to those same sort of standards.
    When will the folks who are running the train have real answers?

    Hope my kid gets out of high school this year and that the grades are right at the end of the year so his college admission won’t be held up due to this seemingly continuing mess and excuses.

    Bless their hearts the kids do try so hard and not getting full pull on grades is a downer for them.