Sneak Peek: Gov. Rick Scott’s Inaugural Address

January 5, 2015

Tomorrow, Governor Rick Scott will give his second inaugural address. Below are excerpts of his remarks as prepared for delivery.

While we are focused on growing jobs in Florida- we must realize that positions our state as a fighter in a great movement against the silent growth of government.   Many States, like Florida, are fighting to limit the growth of government and grow opportunity instead.

Over the last 20 years, millions of people have escaped from states with climbing tax rates to move to states with lower taxes. Why does this matter?

For starters, estimates say individuals who escaped these high tax states have taken with them around $2 trillion in adjusted gross income.

They are voting with their feet…

They are leaving states like New York, which lost $71 billion in adjusted gross income from 1992 to 2011. And, they are leaving Illinois, which lost $31 billion in adjusted gross income over that same period.  The people that left New York and Illinois had one thing in common – their number one destination was Florida.

In fact, this national battle against growing government so intensely affects Florida that we just recently surpassed New York as the third largest state in the nation.

In Florida we are proving that government can do better without getting bigger.

I have a message today to the people of New York, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania and others: MOVE TO FLORIDA! We want you to keep more of the money you make because we understand it’s your money.  We want your businesses to grow and succeed.  We want to compete globally and win.  Over the next four years, I will be traveling to your states personally to recruit you here.

Keeping our costs low doesn’t end with tax cuts – it also includes lowering the cost of higher education opportunities as well.  That is why we have already worked with the Legislature to stop tuition increases in our undergraduate programs.  And, to make higher education even more affordable in the next four years, we will increase the number of $10,000 bachelor degrees offered at our state colleges; while also holding the line on graduate school tuition.

In addition to cutting taxes, we have an ambitious agenda to KEEP FLORIDA WORKING and become the global leader for job creation by the year 2020.


4 Responses to “Sneak Peek: Gov. Rick Scott’s Inaugural Address”

  1. John Johnson on January 6th, 2015 8:32 am

    Gene, “Slick Willy” is a well known nickname for Bill Clinton; I have never heard Charlie Crist referred to, by that name. However, if it is Crist you are talking about, then YES, he would have been a better choice.
    Do you really think Crist was personally responsible for the ENTIRE country’s economic down turn? Come on, now.
    People lost jobs in every State of our Union, not just Florida.
    Charlie Crist is not without faults; who is? But he didn’t steal any money from my pocket, not to mention your pocket.

  2. Gene on January 5th, 2015 9:12 pm

    John, SO…You think Slick willy would have been a better Choice? NOOOTTTTTTTT!!! I remember the hundreds of thousands of Jobs lost under him.

  3. John Johnson on January 5th, 2015 4:49 pm

    EXACTLY, Don!
    Hard to believe that we put a known criminal back in office. What is wrong with us?
    He stole from every tax paying Florida citizen by defrauding Medicaid. Why do we overlook that? Why?? It’s NOT okay!
    BTW, I am a life long republican and can prove it. Scott is bad for Florida, but that’s moot now!!

  4. Don on January 5th, 2015 1:11 pm

    So he will be advocating more “menial” jobs like waiting tables,housekeepers,
    pool cleaners and landscapers to fill the needs of the newly arrived hordes with
    fat pockets….