Senate Seeks Stability In Prison System; Evers Takes Wait And See Approach

January 6, 2015

A Florida Senate committee on Monday launched a preliminary review of the state’s beleaguered prison system, taking a first glance at how inmate deaths are being scrutinized since reports of abuse and corruption were published last year.

The Department of Corrections is grappling with investigations into inmate deaths at the hands of prison guards, lawsuits from whistleblowers who claim they faced retaliation for exposing cover-ups of inmate abuse and questions about inmate health care after the state’s privatization of health services began more than a year ago.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement took over as the lead agency to examine inmate deaths based on a “memorandum of understanding” between the department and the corrections agency in an attempt to inject more objectivity into the reviews, interim FDLE Commissioner Rick Swearingen told the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on Monday.

Of the 104 cases the FDLE has investigated, nearly a third — 31 — have been closed, Swearingen said. The majority of the cases are non-suspicious, he said. But the workload has become so great Swearingen is asking for an additional 66 workers and $8.4 million to cover costs of investigating the inmate deaths and use-of-force incidents by local law enforcement agencies.

“I understand,” Swearingen said. “We may not get to the point where we can say we have confidence. Rest assured FDLE will be the third-party unbiased investigator until that happens.”

Committee Chairman Greg Evers said he wanted to give Swearingen and especially Jones a few weeks on the job before deciding what the Legislature needs to do — if anything — to address a laundry list of issues, including inmate deaths.

Evers, whose Panhandle district includes three prisons and several work camps, said the committee would work with Jones to develop recommendations “to change the direction” of the department after the information-gathering stage is complete.

“There has to be a change of attitude. … How do you legislate a change of attitude? The jury’s still out on how we implement it. … But I think having a secretary that has a consistency of being there for four years would definitely be a change of attitude,” Evers, R-Baker, said.

Appointed by Gov. Rick Scott last month, Jones is the fourth chief of the corrections agency since Scott took office four years ago.

When asked if he was frustrated by the turnover in the agency’s leadership, Evers scoffed and said, “To say the least.”

Bradley, who served for two years as the powerful chairman of the Senate criminal-justice budget committee, has filed a measure that would require approval from Cabinet members, as well as the governor, of such appointments. Bradley’s proposal also would create a nine-member Florida Corrections Commission to help oversee the system. Among other things, the commission would conduct inspections of prison facilities, identify problematic facilities and monitor violence involving inmates and officers.

Evers said having the prisons and prison workers in his district gives him a more-intimate knowledge of the issues facing his committee.

“I think that it actually makes (my job) easier because I have a better understanding of the mentality of the folks that are working at the prisons from dealing with them on a day-to-day basis,” Evers said. “I have a better understanding of the problems from not only the inmate side but also the Department of Corrections side.”

by Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Senate Seeks Stability In Prison System; Evers Takes Wait And See Approach”

  1. Jesse on January 7th, 2015 8:47 pm

    Kathi, I know from personal experience that abuse by guards is a very rare thing. I watched plenty of inmates abuse other inmates. As a former inmate x3, and 20 years incarceration spread out over 35 years, I can say the inmates are not the victims. The problem with the guards is not that they’re abusive, that would take effort . Most (99.9%) are too lazy to put forth that kind of effort. The inmates however are animals and act like such. They are bleeding the government dry. I am ashamed to say that I am part of it. If you do gooders want to help the poor inmates, repeal mandatory sentencing guidelines. This would separate the salvageable from the scum.

  2. chris in Molino on January 7th, 2015 8:39 pm

    Mr.Evers, you cant legislate a change of attitude, not when its legislation that created it. They build these prisons in these po dunk towns where everyone works for DOC. Fathers tell their sons about the “job”, they tell their sons. Its also a business. Companies like Sprint amoung countless others depend heavily on corrections. They have yearly expos to try and sell the latest greatest whatever. When 7 gaurds beat Frank Valdez to death in 99, boot marks on his forehead, every rib broken, testicles crushed, etc. All because he kicked his door because gaurds had drug another inmate up and down a stairwell by a noose and refused to feed him and wouldnt let medical see him. As a prison nurse you cant speak out cause if your not down with what they do, you wont work there. 7 gaurds indicted for Franks death. They were moving the trial to Gainsville because prosecuters didnt think they could get a fair trial where FSP is located. 7 prisons in 5 sq miles. Prosecuters lost cause some DOC official went to a politician with some sway and said if the trial stays here you get re-elected. If it dont, you wont. Easily possible with most people in 3 counties working for DOC in some way. I witnessed beatings and killings by gaurds the entire 5 years i spent at FSP. BTW, privatization has been in DOC a long long time. Wexford Health Services out of Pittsburgh has provided healthcare in South Fl prisons for 15 years now.

  3. No Excuses on January 7th, 2015 3:32 pm

    Well said Kathi! I am a federal prison employee, and that is one of the first things the Warden who hired me told me. “The inmates are here for punishment. It’s not your job to punish them.” Wise words indeed.

  4. just saying on January 7th, 2015 6:42 am

    I for one could not agree with what Kathi just wrote. Being there is the punishment.

  5. Kathi Iannone on January 6th, 2015 9:55 am

    Here is a novel idea – how about you talk to the inmates and their families. Some of the abuse by the officers is obvious. You can also start with food service!

    Prison is where someone is sent as punishment, it is NOT up to the officers and staff to PUNISH the inmates!