Read The Full Escambia County IRS Audit

January 16, 2015

Due to an IRS audit, change is coming to the ranks of volunteer firefighters in Escambia County, including a policy that will force some volunteers to resign by the end of January. has obtained the full IRS audit results, which outline numerous findings used in determining that fire services volunteers should be paid as employees.

Click here to download the IRS audit results (4.3 MB pdf).

For the complete story about the audit and resulting actions. click here. file photo, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Read The Full Escambia County IRS Audit”

  1. Eric on January 17th, 2015 10:50 am

    I was a volunteer firefighter and EMT in the 1960’s through the 1980’s. “Just Listening” hit the nail on the head. Either you are a volunteer or an employee. I did my VFD duties as a feel-good service to my fellow man, not to make money.

    In the days when we had to go door-to-door soliciting donations, we barely met expenses and made-do with what we had. At people’s front doors, we were sometimes treated like dirt. It wasn’t fun.

    As a VFD treasurer when the switch to taxes (Non-ad valorem assessments) came into being, we had plenty of money to fund purchases of a new truck and buy equipment that we wanted. We were ecstatic that we had a much larger budget and didn’t have to beg for money.

  2. GATOR on January 17th, 2015 8:44 am

    The County should give the all volunteers the option to receive the stipend, not get rid of the county employees for wanting to give there time and all to the community because of this, seems to me that the county is trying to find all and different ways to push volunteers out and use the money for more carrer fireman….which isnt a bad idea dont get me wrong but that would mean possible fire tax going up once again and who knows what else.

  3. Proud mother of VF on January 16th, 2015 8:50 am

    Sounds like they need to pay Volunteer Firefighters minimum wage! My son commits many hours of service and training and $300 a month is no where enough for what is required of them or for the sacrifices they make to do this service for their community. By the time they pay taxes on $300, they barely make anything for their service as it is. As being a bonofide employee of the county, minimum wage is only fair!

  4. just listening on January 16th, 2015 7:56 am

    “volunteer” – Generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote goodness as improve human quality of life. In return produces a feeling of self worth and respect. There is no financial gain for the individual.

    “Stipend Pay” – A fixed and regular payment such as a salary for services rendered or an allowance.

    Paid employee? – Sounds like this is what we have.
    Paid Volunteer? – what is this?

    just saying