Portion Of Stefani Road To Close For Bridge Replacement

January 26, 2015

Work is schedule to begin this week to replace an existing bridge over an unnamed branch on Stefani Road in Cantonment.

The $919,509 project includes replacing the existing bridge, repaving the approaches, new guardrail, minor drainage improvements, sodding, and placement of new pavement markings.

Stefani Road will be closed to traffic during construction. Motorists may utilize Green Hills Road, Pine Forest Road and West Nine One-Half Mile Road as an alternate route, according to the Florida Department of Transportation. The project is scheduled to be complete summer 2015.

All planned activities are weather dependent and may be re-scheduled in the event of inclement weather


4 Responses to “Portion Of Stefani Road To Close For Bridge Replacement”

  1. Frustrated Mom on February 19th, 2015 11:44 am

    What exactly is considered ” inclement weather”? Each morning and afternoon as I drive past the bridge covered with machines and cars, there are zero workers. We all need to be informed why the work is not being completed in a timely manner. Why start it at all?

    This fiasco has added 10 minutes and wasted gas to an already irritating route.

  2. old and grumpy on February 10th, 2015 6:44 am

    Just saw that a casino in Las Vegas was destroyed by implosion early this morning, and in it’s place a new 63 story casino/hotel will be built. The target completion date is December of this year, probably long before the little two bridge on Stefani Rd is finished. Anyone else see the irony?

  3. old man on January 26th, 2015 4:04 pm

    new bridge on stanfi rd how many deaths has this bridge caused? while the intersection at 97 and 29 project keeps being delayed . state verses county or manbe i dont see the big picture

  4. traumaqueen on January 26th, 2015 5:40 am

    Awesome!! Longer commute to work via detours.