New Coast Guard Display Opens At Naval Aviation Museum

January 28, 2015

The Coast Guard Aviation display at the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola was refreshed and rededicated with a ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday. The Coast Guard aviation section has new displays of older Coast Guard aircraft spanning the nearly 100 years of Coast Guard aviation.

Pictured top: Rear Adm. Jake Korn, commander, 7th Coast Guard District (center), cutters the ribbon for the refreshed Coast Guard Aviation display at the National Aviation Museum Tuesday. Pictured inset:  Korn stands with Jeff Drew, one of the last living Coast Guard World War II veterans. Vice Commandant John Currier, retired (left), Frank Leamy, Jr., Capt. George Krietemeyer, retired and Rear Adm. Jake Korn stand in from of a restored Douglas RD Dolphin fixed-wing aircraft after a dedication ceremony of the Coast Guard aviation section at the National Naval Aviation Museum. Photos by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jonathan Lally for, click to enlarge.


One Response to “New Coast Guard Display Opens At Naval Aviation Museum”

  1. Jack Drew on February 1st, 2015 8:28 pm

    It was a great day for the Coast Guard and Navy at last the public will understand that the Coat Guard reports to Home Land Security not the Navy. We were taken over by the Navy during WW2 my check showed Coast Guard/Navy but what does it matter we all Navy-Marines-US.Air Force-Army-Coast Guard are here to protect America and each branch of service is doing a great job we who served in the Guard in WW2 are about gone now but the crew we have on board today will carry the flag until they to are relived I just wish I could do it again.Jack Drew