Law Seeks To Finalize Last Year’s CareerSource Escarosa Name Change

January 9, 2015

It has been about year since the local nonprofit employment and training agency Workforce Escarosa rebranded as CareerSource Escarosa. The name change included one-stop service center in Pensacola, Century and Milton. Across the state, 24 regional workforce boards and nearly 100 one-stop career centers were renamed under the statewide title of CareerSource.

And the now, the change is one its way to being fixed into law.

Members of the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee on this week advanced a proposal that replaces throughout state law all references to the former Workforce Florida, Inc., with the new name.

“We’ve already moved forward with this,” CareerSource Florida President Chris Hart told the committee. The name change, which occurred in the first quarter of 2014, is part of a rebranding of Workforce Florida to boost awareness and improve access to the employment-related agency. As part of the new brand, each region retained its own identifier:

Orlando-based marketing firm IDEAS was hired for nearly $500,000 to oversee the rebranding, which was authorized as part of the Regional Workforce Boards Accountability Act of 2012.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.

Pictured: The sign change last February at the main Careersource Escarosa Center in Pensacola, formerly known as Workforce Escarosa. file photos, click to enlarge.


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