Jay Man Charged With Sex Crimes After Being Caught With Student On Campus

January 30, 2015

A Jay man has been charged with multiple felony sex offenses after using allegedly using  a phone app to contact a local student and sneaking onto the Jay High School campus to meet the juvenile.

Curtis Joshua Cannon, age 27 of the 13000 block of Highway 89, was charged with two counts lewd and lascivious battery on a victim age 12 to 16,  lewd and lascivious molestation with a victim age 12 to 16,  solicitation of a minor, and transmission of harmful material to a minor. He was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail without bond.

The alleged relationship between the victim and Cannon came to light after they were seen kissing and hugging in the school parking lot by a teacher who told a school resource officer.

The resulting investigation revealed the pair would meet on a trail by a barn before school hours, and Cannon tried to get the teen to skip gym class and leave the campus with him. The victim told the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office investigator about multiple sexual contact incidents that occurred, with many of the incidents occurring while both were clothed.

The pair communicated through the smartphone app “Kik”, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. A search of the victim’s phone found where Cannon had allegedly sent inappropriate photos, encouraged meetings and contacts, and even discussed love and marriage using the Kik app.

According to an arrest report. Cannon told deputies that his lawyer had advised him not to speak to anyone about the allegations.

Due to Florida law, the victim’s age and gender were not released by the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office.


15 Responses to “Jay Man Charged With Sex Crimes After Being Caught With Student On Campus”

  1. Tj r on February 1st, 2015 12:38 am

    it is so sad that no kid can go or do anything without having the fear of that something could go bad and that this could happen to someone in what I use to think was one happy small little town

  2. brenda b. on February 1st, 2015 12:09 am

    i pray for the town of jay!!!!! we have this problem all over the world .talk to your childrens go through their cell phones WE HAVE THAT RIGHT they belong to us get involved.PRAY ABOUT IT PRAYER CHANGES THINGS

  3. Susan on January 31st, 2015 6:42 pm

    Good example of the problem with students allowed cell phones in schools. They can have them out and in use in the hallways and when they go to the restroom and lunch. This is only going to get worse. The superintendents of Escambia and Santa Rosa need to rethink this policy.

  4. Beth on January 31st, 2015 12:19 pm

    When I was growing up, stuff like this happened all the time but it wasn’t talked about. It happened when you snuck to be with the older crowd. It was “cool” to hang out with 23-25 yr olds…..when things turned physical, you didn’t tell anyone because you blamed yourself…..this will never leave this young person no matter what. Prayers!

  5. Concerned partent on January 31st, 2015 10:32 am

    These people that mess with young children needs to be in jail. It is not just young and grown men doing this, it is young and grown women doing it too. I don’t think children should have cell phones. They should not get them until they are on their own and out of the house. Parents just give them the phones and don’t monitor what they are doing. The parents don’t think their children are doing anything wrong. I don’t think these kids ought to have their phones in school. They do nothing but stay on them all day.

  6. john on January 31st, 2015 8:59 am

    Was he on campus more than one time like we have all heard? I am concerned about the safety of our other kids. How was a 27 year old man meeting her at school,…………….on campus………………… This is scary

  7. Bonnie Lambeth on January 31st, 2015 8:33 am

    It nasty that grown men can’t just take the time to find someone their own age, he messed his life up for sure. He knew what he was doing when he got himself into it. And for all you people sticking up for a pedofile saying Oh he would never do something like that. Before you go to assuming why don’t you ask yourselfs would I trust him with my own kids? Just because you didn’t see it happen that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen you hear everyday a preacher, police officer, and etc. fool with little kids and y’all go on with how they’re bad people. Well stop sticking up for a man who messes with kids he deserves to be where he is.

  8. troubled on January 31st, 2015 7:35 am

    @diane k, yes you do have to respect yourself, but you have releize that he is sick and there is no cure !!! Every day he is out is a day he Might mess with another Child!! I hope the Child gets some help.

  9. Tiff k on January 30th, 2015 8:49 pm

    I went to school with josh and just because u might not think he would do something like this doesn’t mean he didn’t… He got caught with a girl that is at least 10 years younger than him… It is horrible and disturbing that he would even want to b with a child… So whoever can get on here and read this article and all the eveidence against him and say he didn’t do this is crazy!!!

  10. John on January 30th, 2015 7:35 pm

    How do you know it was a young lady?

  11. Michael Lovett on January 30th, 2015 7:27 pm

    I go to Jay High so yeah im scared

  12. perdido fisherman on January 30th, 2015 4:21 pm

    What do you mean he didn’t do it, he was caught red handed kissing the young lady. He is a pedophile, get use to it. I hope he never gets out of jail. If he does get out i hope it’s in a pine box.

  13. heather jordan on January 30th, 2015 1:46 pm

    Anyone who knows josh knows he did not do this he is innocent, I think its crazy how people are guilty until proven innocent luv u josh

  14. rasbone on January 30th, 2015 10:49 am

    Come on.That is a sick man.But knows what he is doing is wrong.The young lady might look mature but has the mind of a teen.Thoughts of sex with that child should not even be on the mind of a man his age.SICK,SICK, Sick.Put his behind behind prison walls forever.

  15. diane k adams on January 30th, 2015 1:12 am

    God bless us please.
    People are without morals or
    Respect for any one .
    Children killing parents, parents killing children.

    The world Is going to H— In a handbasket.
    I pray that people wake up and realize that it is not all about them.

    Respect comes from within. If you don’t respect
    Yourself how are you going to respect others?