Florida Prison Health Care Brings Back Old Worries

January 22, 2015

For more than 20 years, the state of Florida and lawyers representing prisoners wrangled over inmates’ health care, resulting in nearly a decade of federal-court oversight of health services in the Department of Corrections.

Now, lawyers who represented prisoners in the mid-1970s say conditions may be worse today than they were when attorneys for Michael Costello, an inmate at Florida State Prison, convinced a federal judge that inadequate health care amounted to a violation of Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment.

“It’s going backwards, backwards, backwards,” said Jacksonville lawyer William Sheppard, one of the lawyers in the landmark Costello v. Wainwright lawsuit. Sheppard played an integral role in the settlement of the case, which included a court-appointed special master and monitor to ensure that prisoners received the health care they needed.

“It was the number of people that were dying, and that really caused the federal court to appoint the special master back in the 1980s who worked for 10 years to enforce the order,” Sheppard said. “It’s not going to get better. It’s going to get a lot worse. And when it gets to the breaking point, there are going to be lawsuits. It’s as simple as that.”

Less than two years ago, private companies took over health care for the state’s 100,000 inmates. But newly appointed Department of Corrections Secretary Julie Jones is now threatening to cancel the companies’ contracts, renegotiate or put them out to bid again.

“The department has maintained a clear message that the care of inmates is the number one priority in the provision of health-care services. I have personally met with our health-care contractors to express my expectations of excellence in quality care. I will continue to take steps to ensure that the department’s expectations are met and that all parties are held to the highest standards of transparency and accountability. Anything short of timely, effective and appropriate health care will not be tolerated,” Jones, who took over as secretary less than three weeks ago, told The News Service of Florida on Wednesday.

Jones, appointed by Gov. Rick Scott to take over the agency in the aftermath of reports of questionable inmate deaths and brutality by prison guards, told the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday that she is in discussions with Corizon Health and Wexford Health Services about possibly terminating the contracts, which would require 60 days notice from the agency or 120 days notice from the companies.

Corizon is being paid $1.2 billion over five years to provide health care to more than 74,000 prisoners in North and Central Florida, as well as part of South Florida. Wexford will receive $240 million over the same period for health care for about 15,000 inmates at nine South Florida facilities.

Jones also accused the companies of failing to live up to the agreements and of putting inmates at risk by providing inadequate health care.

“Wexford Health appreciates and shares Secretary Jones concerns about the level of prison health services being offered. However, we are confident the overwhelming majority of those concerns do not apply to the 15,000 inmates under our care in South Florida,” Don Hulick, director of operations for Wexford Health Care in Florida, said in a statement.

Jones’ threats came just months after the two companies were promised extra money in exchange for agreeing not to walk away from the contracts.

On July 29 — less than four months before Scott, who pushed for the privatization, was re-elected — former Department of Corrections Secretary Michael Crews quietly agreed to pay the companies another $3.2 million to stay on the job for another year.

In the amendments signed by Crews in late July, the state agreed to pay Corizon an additional $2.9 million and Wexford an extra $300,000. Both companies complained that they had not received medical cost-of-living increases — about 3 percent — which were contingent on authorization by the Legislature, which did not approve the hikes. Crews used money set aside by the Legislature in the budget for growth in the prison population to underwrite the contract amendments.

Two months after he inked the contract amendments, Crews threatened to stop payments to Corizon, saying the Missouri-based company failed to follow through after audits revealed shortcomings in multiple areas, including medical care, nursing and staffing.

“We consider it our mission to care for patients as we would our own family — with integrity and respect — and to deliver the very best treatment possible despite often challenging circumstances. We take this responsibility seriously and remain steadfast in our commitment to creating and strengthening a culture of patient safety. We share Secretary Jones’ commitment to patient care and look forward to working with her and her team in this endeavor,” Corizon spokeswoman Susan Morgenstern said in an email.

Jones’s scrutiny of the contracts came in tandem with her push for more oversight of prison health care. Right now, Jones and lawmakers rely on the Correctional Medical Authority to audit the companies, which are then responsible for fixing their own shortcomings. The Correctional Medical Authority doesn’t have the ability to impose fines or other punitive measures on the vendors.

The Correctional Medical Authority was created in 1986 as part of the settlement in the Costello case. The state’s prison health system stayed under federal oversight until 1993, when a judge decided that the federal government could relinquish its role as long as Florida remained committed to using monitors like the authority to ensure that prisoners’ rights were not being violated.

In the midst of deciding to privatize prison health care in 2011, lawmakers shuttered the agency by eliminating its $717,000 budget. That same year, Scott vetoed a measure that would have done away with the authority, calling it a “valuable layer of oversight.” The next year, House and Senate leaders allocated $580,000 to revive the agency, shrunk from 12 workers to six with an oversight board of seven governor-appointed members.

But critics of the revived authority say the agency no longer has the power it held when U.S. District Judge Susan Black agreed to end federal oversight.

Sheppard said his office receives requests for assistance almost daily from inmates who say they are unable to get medical services ranging from treatment for chronic illnesses like multiple sclerosis to more run-of-the-mill conditions like hernias.

The complaints echo those he fielded three decades ago at the height of the Costello litigation, Sheppard said in a telephone interview.

“It’s the same piece — they don’t treat me. It’s getting access, and then once you get access it’s being seen properly and then what the doctor orders, you don’t receive,” Sheppard said. “You’ve got a lot of people dying and you’ve got a lot of unexplained deaths that are floating around here.”

Last year, 346 of the state’s 100,000-plus inmates died behind bars. More than half of those deaths — 176 — were initially unclassified, meaning that state investigators had no immediate explanation for the causes of death. According to the Department of Corrections website, 146 inmates died due to heart attacks, cancer, gastrointestinal diseases or other medical problems.

“To me, it seems like (Florida) would be ripe for a lawsuit now. That’s if the federal government doesn’t step in first,” said Mike Manguso, a senior research fellow at the Tallahassee-based Project for Accountable Justice.

Manguso worked for the Department of Corrections for nearly three decades and served as a policy analyst for governors Jeb Bush, Charlie Crist and Scott.

“(Inmates) don’t deserve a little bit less than someone on the outside. They deserve to be treated as humans. It’s just ridiculous. The state has a responsibility. If we have custody of them, under the constitution, we’re required to give them a certain level of care,” he said.

by Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida

Pictured: Inmate medical facilities inside the Century Correctional Institution. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Florida Prison Health Care Brings Back Old Worries”

  1. Judy Martin on July 19th, 2017 4:38 pm

    My son is at RMC west. He has HCV, as many people do. But I feel if the state is going to send you to their facility, and you are a ward of the state, then the “State” should be responsible for your “healthcare, nutrition, other physical and physiological” needs too. Most inmates don’t trust the medical staff. Due to the lack of care many, many inmates die or are disabled due to the (lack of) healthcare. They will not treat an inmate, if they’re gonna have to wait for a dime. If you look at the deaths, they were all due to heart attack, cancer, or natural causes???? How about “No Healthcare”! Isn’t it enough to pay for your wrongs??!! Send their children, husband, or wife………it would all be different!

  2. Tina on July 12th, 2015 5:04 pm

    I have read these comments and feel sick to my stomach. There is a definitive difference between those incarcerated, who have no way to obtain private healthcare and those who are not, who have the ability to obtain healthcare. These inmates DO NOT get free healthcare. They typically pay between $5-$10 to see a doctor, and a copay for some medications. This burden is shifted to the families, as they expected to help those incarcerated. Many people in jail/prison are there for VICTIMLESS crimes, meaning there is no member of society out there suffering from their action. Those who a repeat offender in many instances do not go back for the same crime. WE as a society sit back with our pompous judgements spouting Christian ideals, however WE do not live the lives we speak. EVERYONE at ONE TIME or ANOTHER have violated a law, willingly or not. SO STOP SPOUTING YOUR IGNORANCE. There are Constitutional rights that apply to ALL CITIZENS… thats right ALL. We sit out here throwing a fit about gun control because it violates our rights, we talk about prejudice and racism…. some of your comments are prejudice and racist. We ban historical artifacts due to sensitivity issues, but we want to refuse basic human rights? We live in the most sue happy state in the union, and you would risk litigation that cost you more money because you do not educate yourself on all the facts… What about those who sit in prison for years and come to find out they are innocent… Really! Also a lot of these expenses come from guards abusing, even murdering these inmates… is that legal or fair? EDUCATE yourself, understand the principles before you speak. Explore resources if you have no healthcare. Medicaid is funded by taxpayer dollars, some of those people have $3 copays… are they wrong for that as well…

  3. chris in Molino on January 23rd, 2015 2:13 pm

    Sorry bout that, i was thinking of Molino Jim aka Yankee Jim

  4. chris in Molino on January 23rd, 2015 10:41 am

    No, molino (yankee) man is providing false information again. The FDOC performs procedures like that at RMC or “Lake Butler” as they always have. They do have whole floors at a local hospital in Jacksonville. But they can put you to sleep and do minor procedures at the prison. However, even at the hospital, the doctors are contracted by the state. Just like nurses, if their not ok with what DOC wants, they wont have the contract. It is just like that.

  5. Molinoman on January 22nd, 2015 10:05 pm

    Crystal- operations, even ones as routine as moving skin cancer spots are done in hospitals contracted by the DOC. So whoever you know got hacked up got it at a normal hospital.

  6. chris in Molino on January 22nd, 2015 9:51 pm

    @Marcos Watch
    They’d never do that because they have control enough now. Nowdays you’d be hardpressed to even see a fight at some prison. I spent eleven years in FDOC, five of them at FSP in Starke. In at 15 in 1994 out at 26 in 2005. Show me a gaurd with that attitude and I’ll show you a gaurd with a patch missing from his skull from a #5 master lock. Being ugly to someone cause they’re in solitary (CM 1) and think they cant get to you ? I’ll show you a gaurd with a sharpened paperclip in his neck shot from a blow-gun made from newspaper. Then again, those are the old days. I will say this : i may have made stupid choices which I’ll pay for forever. But prison is just an experiment, a prelude to what society will soon be. I see it everyday. And its nothing that will be forced on society, they’ll ask for it, guised as protection. Sheep to the slaughter baby..

  7. g- on January 22nd, 2015 8:26 pm

    I know people who go to work everyday and can’t afford to go to the Doctor…..so why, why, why do I care?

  8. Crystal on January 22nd, 2015 8:07 pm

    I have a friend that is in a Florida prison and he thinks he has skin cancer but will not go to the doctor provided. Why?? Because the men that have gone to the Prison Doctor for skin cancer have horrible scars from where the doctor cut on them and did not take care with what they were doing.

    I realize the men and women that are locked up was convicted of a crime, but they should still be treated like human beings.

  9. Marcos Watch on January 22nd, 2015 3:23 pm

    Oh well! Don’t go to prison and you won’t risk shotty healthcare! Keep it shotty. Let it act as a deterrent! Hire only Combat/ military Vets as CO’s and train them in MMA and let them run the prisons!

    Won’t be a cake walk anymore now will it???

  10. chris in Molino on January 22nd, 2015 2:30 pm

    Yes, the solution is to stop making money off the taxpayer. Stop sending people to prison for minor offenses that can be dealt with in community settings. FDOC is a business. They want it to be bigger. It’s no different than the tax collecter, building permit for a backyard shed, or unreasonable FWC rules. Every govt entity is now solely designed to get a dollar from your pocket. No ? Then why, when an illegal immigrant commits a crime in FL does he first serve his sentance before being deported ? There are many. They’ll tell you this privatization of healthcare just recently occured. The only thing recent is Corizon. Wexford has been treating medical, dental, and mental health in south florida prisons for almost fifteen years. Medical is high also because of reasons not described. Who do you think gets experimental procedures and medications before FDA approval. What, you think these huge companies don’t prey on someone who has your level of rights ? They get the latest greatest dr ugs long before you ever heard of em. FDOC doctors used to routinely cut off the wrong limb during amputation at Lake Butler. Please save your righteous indignation for a family member who has a brush with the law. If you don’t have one already, your in the minority.

  11. Bob C. on January 22nd, 2015 8:36 am

    Many inmates go to local jails (11 months + 15 days maximum) or state prisons and come in with life-long health / mental illnesses.
    These people have committed crimes against society and when put behind bars they become wards of the county / state and by law must be cared for.
    The whole range of law-abiding citizen illnesses is reflected in the confines of jail.
    Add to that mix the fact that many of the inmates have for years chosen of their own free will to abuse their bodies with drugs, alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases and that adds to the burdens of “the system” to comply with laws and lawyers demands for prisoner rights.
    Some may commit crimes in order to get into jail / prison so they can receive health care that is not available to them on the outside due to no insurance.
    This is all a horribly expensive and a rapidly expanding problem for those of us who are hard working, law-abiding, community minded persons and the burden of taking care of the criminal element is bending the back of the camel.
    Nobody wants to see another suffer but there has got to be some solution to this problem.

  12. Jane on January 22nd, 2015 4:46 am

    If you have 100,000 people anywhere a certain percentage die from cancer, heart attacks etc. I would be interested to know what that percentage is on the outside of prison. i know several people on medicare who can’t afford to have medical issues treated because they can’t pay the 20% up front, so they have not been able to get medical help. What about them?