Man Charged With Murder Following Sunday Night Shooting

January 12, 2015

A Pensacola man was arrested  this morning and charged in connection with a fatal shooting that occurred Sunday night.

Nicholas A. Nehring, 23, of the 3300 block of Adrian Road is being held without bond in the Escambia County Jail on an open count of murder.

The victim has been identified as Joseph E. Ross, 26, of Pensacola.

Pensacola Police Department Lt. Chuck Mallett said Nehring was taken into custody as he was leaving his house. Several firearms, including what is believed to be the murder weapon were recovered. Mallett said the shooting, which remains under investigation, is believed to be drug related.

The shooting was reported to police at 8 p.m. Sunday and occurred behind the Corner Store, 3818 North Ninth Ave. Upon arrival, officers found Ross lying on the ground. Nehring was developed as a suspect during the investigation.

Anyone with information on the shooting is asked to call the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1900.


18 Responses to “Man Charged With Murder Following Sunday Night Shooting”

  1. justin on January 14th, 2015 5:05 pm

    joe was a good guy. and my friend. he will be missed.

  2. pat on January 13th, 2015 10:01 pm

    Prescription drugs is killing our society, once addicted and out of control, that’s where your self made drugs come in, ( crack ; meth ; etc ) What this world needs is a lot of love and prayer. Amen

  3. goat lord on January 13th, 2015 3:21 pm

    Anyone who thinks that these societal problems and the plague of human suffering have nothing to do with them are the main causes of the problem.

  4. goat lord on January 13th, 2015 3:19 pm

    Joe was a friend. Unfortunately his addiction got the best of him. He was intelligent and he was better than this. It had nothing to do with marijuana…. Opiate addiction is a fierce thing. And his killer was involved in the same thing.
    You people need to adress the problems in society that make people turn to drugs instead of blaming those less fortunate than yourselves. Judgmental idiots are the main problem.
    Have an open mind and some sympathy for the family and realize that you wouldn’t be any better when faced with the same situation.

  5. Cathy W on January 13th, 2015 2:12 pm

    Sho-Nuff..have tried to message you on Facebook but it goes to your “other” folder. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I can not begin to imagine the nightmare you are living right now. You were there for me when I lost my husband and simply wanted to return the favor. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. there are not enough words to express how sad Chris, Brenden and I are. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and have asked Mom to put you on the prayer list at church.

  6. ezjack on January 13th, 2015 2:57 am

    Drug prohibition will never stop the drug trade as it never has. Over the millennia prohibition only serves to make money for criminals, crooked cops and politicians. People are gonna get what they want at any cost. Even destruction of their families or incarceration doesn’t deter them. We must accept that some people are gonna be users or addicts & minimalize the collateral damage. It should all be legal and available cheaply at a drugstore. This puts the business with people who build stores & pay wages & taxes & takes the money away from thugs. Cheap prices & consistent quality minimizes financial & health problems. Constant ad campaigns showing the stupidity of being a druggy could be run with the taxes. Treatment should be walk-in & free instead of the exorbitant cost of interdiction & incarceration.

  7. SHO-NUFF on January 12th, 2015 10:08 pm

    The victim was my Son.
    It does appear to be drug related, but not sure. The young man that killed my Son was a friend and spent many days and nights in my house. You never know…
    And what a tragic loss for both my Son and him also.

  8. Sherry on January 12th, 2015 6:27 pm

    Its not drugs that are ruining our society. Its the person who uses and abuses drugs regardless if its legal or not legal. Even over the counter drugs when used inappropriately become dangerous. If ones under the influence they are under the influence. They are not sober. Period. People just need to make the right choices. Alcohol is the worst offender. Causes more deaths, addiction problems then any illegal drug I say pass it all put high tax’s on them and our country will be debt free and all the dumbies will take their ownself out of this world. Just saying.

  9. Patriot on January 12th, 2015 6:23 pm

    Chris in Molino, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are NOT entitled to your own facts:

    A quick search for marijuana related murders revealed the Labar Brown murder on Tiki Lane. I’m sure a detailed search will net more “marijuana murders”.

  10. susan on January 12th, 2015 5:33 pm

    If marijuana were legalized the cottage industry would decline. We don’t have enough law enforcement to control it. The U.S. has lost the drug war.

  11. matchbox on January 12th, 2015 4:03 pm

    Im very sure that if it was a drug related shooting that marijuanna wasnt the drug here.

  12. chris in Molino on January 12th, 2015 4:02 pm

    I’ve never in my life known of or heard of anyone getting killed or any kind of violence for that matter, over marajuana.
    Furthermore, people do not commit robberies to support a “weed” habit. Anyone who thinks so is ignorant as heck. Now, im sure there is the occasional burglary or theft by young teens who happen to purchase weed from the proceeds, but thats few and far between. The priority wouldn’t even be to obtain weed, it would just be to obtain income where they see no other alternative. Weed is a secondary motive. Also, never heard of anyone overdosing on marajuana. There are much worse legal drugs. AND the only reason it’s not legal already is because the govt has spent billions upon billions telling you how bad it is and they gotta save face. When they finally do it’ll only be after some AMA report saying ,” it’s not as harmful as we once thought”.
    There is a major drawback however. It is DEFINATELY a gateway drug and for that reason alone, should never be legalized. Our children dont start at cocaine etc. They start with marajuana.

  13. haley on January 12th, 2015 3:53 pm

    Yeah, I am little dumbfounded over the remark that legalizing pot would create more drug related crimes? Hmmmmm. I really don’t know the answer to all this crime around drug deals, etc. I know it has become almost epidemic but I don’t think the non-legalization is the answer. I think like Wayne says above, that the legalization wouldnt create more crimes. I would think just the opposite as there is no one regulating the sales/distribution of it except a bunch of street thugs. Legalization might change that. Drugs are bad. I just don’t know how to fix it. Incarcerating this dealers doesnt seem to be the answer in less they are given a substantial amount in jail. But, who knows. These senseless killings have got to stop.

  14. David Huie Green on January 12th, 2015 3:14 pm

    Just so we are clear, marijuana is not the only drug in existence. Making it legal will not make all illegal drug trade go away. To do that you would have to make all drug sales and usagd legal. (Or convince all people to eschew all illegal drugs.) David for reality

  15. Ryan on January 12th, 2015 2:31 pm

    David, if marijuana was legal, there would be no reason for drug dealers to kill each other over it. Dumbfounding..

  16. Wayne Early on January 12th, 2015 2:31 pm

    @ David I’m dumbfounded as in how you can figuratively assume that the legalization of marijuana leads to shootings, assaults and murder. A bit farfetched don’t you think?

  17. David on January 12th, 2015 2:07 pm

    @Bob C “Seems that the great majority of our shootings, assaults and murders have a direct link to drugs.”
    Very good point and people want to make marijuana legal.

  18. Bob C. on January 12th, 2015 12:23 pm

    Seems that the great majority of our shootings, assaults and murders have a direct link to drugs.
    How much help, intervention, does our Sheriff / Police get from the Federal Agencies of DEA / Homeland / FBI / ICE and others in preventing, investigation drug cases and the dealers, big and small…?
    Drugs will be the ruin of our society…..they need to be stopped.