ECUA Begins Trash Service In Northern Santa Rosa County

January 2, 2015

The Santa Rosa County Board of Commissioners has entered into an inter-local agreement with the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority to provide single-family residential solid waste collection north of the Yellow River. No other large truck provider will be able to provide service in the franchise area.

North Santa Rosa residents who would like curbside service should contact ECUA if they have not already done so at (850) 476-0480.

The new north end Santa Rosa ECUA services are $51.27 per quarter and include:

  • Garbage pickup: twice a week in a wheeled, 95-gallon container
  • Recycling pickup: on request by resident once a week in a wheeled, 95-gallon container, residents should request recycling service when signing up for service
  • Yard debris pickup: every two weeks
  • Bulky waste pickup: service on request via phone call from resident
  • Side door collection service for the disabled at no extra charge, Non-handicapped side door collection service, additional containers or bear-resistant containers at an additional cost.

The residential curbside solid waste service is not mandatory.  Individuals who do not signup for service will be responsible for transporting their household waste, recyclables, yard debris and bulk waste items to the Central Landfill in Milton or the Jay Residential Drop Off Station in Jay.  Additionally, the commission chose to grandfather in the small providers. Residents may choose a provider that is currently permitted and utilizes trucks that weigh 15,000 lbs. or less.

For more information, visit or


34 Responses to “ECUA Begins Trash Service In Northern Santa Rosa County”

  1. no response from ecua on January 5th, 2015 3:16 pm

    Wish y’all luck with the pickup. We were cut from two times a week down to once a week and the rates raise. This is a inside maneuver . And if you email customer service they will not get back with you, like ( We will get back with you in 24 hrs)

  2. Betty on January 5th, 2015 11:36 am

    Finally got me can at 8 am this morning. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT the truck came(ECUA) at 11:30 and refused to empty it. He says we are not on his list..yet we have a can. He just drives the truck…

  3. Jeff Brown on January 5th, 2015 7:27 am

    Read in a past article that ECUA won the bid with $48.66 per quarter rate. I am being billed $51.27. Why the difference? No cans, no service and already a rate hike. It is bad judgment changing services during the part of the holidays when the most waste is generated and services are usually curtailed for the holidays. Way to go ECUA and Santa Rosa county commissioners. I will be bringing my 15 bags of collected trash to your office today and every Monday. Get rid of the monopoly and bring back Waste Management.

  4. theresa hart on January 4th, 2015 11:37 pm

    I signed up Dec. 13, here we are Jan. 4, no cans! I have called 5 times only to be told it will be here the next day! Day after day no can. I was told just put it out by the road. But instead maybe I will take it to the County Commissioners office and trash up their office for putting us in this position.

  5. Tim on January 4th, 2015 6:59 pm

    Come Tuesday morning I will deliver my trash to the commissioners office behind McDonalds if I still donot have a can and service. I am fed up with this whole garbage situation.

  6. Disgruntled!!! on January 4th, 2015 3:03 pm


  7. Betty on January 4th, 2015 2:36 pm

    It is Sunday the 4th and still NO can……What a cluster fluck of a disaster…The only up side is…the ARC workers will make some extra money picking up all the trash scattered by critters…

  8. c.w. on January 4th, 2015 1:57 pm

    I signed up Nov.24. Had no problems getting my can and the garbage was picked up on time. For the ones that are having trouble getting a can, all the blame should go to the county commissioners. People received little to no notice. I saw the notice on the county web site, but many people don’t have access to the web site. Another poor job done by the CC.

  9. M.G. on January 4th, 2015 10:53 am

    I like the fact that I will be saving money each quarter and that I will get recycling. I hated when they took the bins away in Milton. That being said, this is all just a dream I think. I signed up on 12/19…still no cans. My trash day is Monday (tomorrow). So do i get a discount on my bill for not being able to put trash out? My outgoing provider already took my can on December 30th. So my trash has now been piling up in my house. Really appreciate this.

  10. Aaron Southard on January 4th, 2015 7:37 am

    I Signed up on the 23rd of Dec, No cans yet! However, neighbors on both sides have ECUA cans, over full of course. They were to picked up Friday, still sitting there full this morning. In North Santa Rosa we cannot put our trash in a bag on the side of the road due to coyotes and small animals. All I see on these comments is a lot of whining and complaining (like me). And all I see in the ECUA responses is excuses! Why doesn’t someone down at ECUA step up and fix the problem rather than hide behind there business title. All it would take is some effort, The lowest bidder, is not always best, you would figure our elected officials would know this! I don’t want a written response from ECUA on here! Get off your butt, grab some keys and get to work, your emails will wait.

  11. Leeroy on January 3rd, 2015 11:32 pm

    Good ole passing the buck here……

  12. dlcme on January 3rd, 2015 10:14 pm

    I recieved my cans late and my first pick up was to be 2nd and now its the 3rd and can have not been emptied. I want Waste Pro back. They picked up when they said they would.

  13. Tim on January 3rd, 2015 8:17 pm

    Do we have a refund comming from our previous providers for those of us that paid for 3 months in November?

  14. Tim on January 3rd, 2015 8:13 pm

    This is ridiculous that first, Waste Pro decided to stop my service 2weeks prior to Jan 1. Now I also have no ECUA can even though I also registered on Dec 20. I also called to verify that I was on the “registered for service” list and was told I would have a can by Jan 1st. Monday is pickup. Will ECUA pick up what the animals scatter if I put the trash bags out? I would like to see how this contract with the county is written and what the commissioner received on our behalf.

  15. Dano on January 3rd, 2015 1:29 pm

    What I don’t understand is how ECUA is “spot-fixing” this huge problem. My neighborhood is a good example of this operation at work. Looks like about 2/3ds received their can on time, the rest of us, not so much. I registered before the 26th and was told at the time that crews were already delivering cans. No cans for me though. So I’ve been calling every day and no one has informed me to put the trash out by the road (not that I could with the critters around here) or that there was a holiday schedule for pick up. I was told I’d have the can any day now… then told by the 31st, then by the 1st… and here it is, the 3rd and I’m having to put up with smelly trash. I was told to ask the neighbors to use their cans. Really? Why should I have to do this? Regardless of my frustration, I’ve been polite to the phone operators. My neighbor OTH, has been very aggressive with the operators, insisting on talking to the supervisors, and writing emails to the county commissioner. Which one of us do you think now has a trash can? Not me.

    And how inefficient can they be? ECUA has been in my neighborhood three times with trash cans, spot delivering cans. Each time, the deliverers have told us that we’re not on the list. (What?! Did I decide to use another carrier or something?! Of course I’m on the list. What choice did I have?) I think the rumor is true that I’ve heard… ECUA was not prepared (surprise) for the transition and ran out of cans and has had to disperse them to the squeakiest wheels.

    Thank you, ECUA, for this smelly inconvenience. Thank you, Mr. Salter, for what I am afraid will be a stinky situation for a long time.

  16. bill on January 3rd, 2015 11:44 am

    I read that those customers who signed up before Dec. 26 were guaranteed a can by Jan 2. I signed up Dec. 23 online and was called back within the hour for verification. BUT , I was called back the next Monday and left a message about needed information., info I had already provided. I am not feeling very confident in this transition. Waste pro picked up on schedule their last day of service and removed their container. If I were to put bags of garbage on the roadside they would be spread everywhere in short order because animal control is lacking around here.

  17. chillywilly on January 3rd, 2015 10:30 am

    I blame SRCC and ECUA, Politics Stinks

    I smell a Rat

    Rate Increase and Mandatory garbage pick-up, no competition
    get ready for it, it is coming.

    They are really looking out for us, not

  18. shiloh on January 3rd, 2015 4:59 am

    You people are blaming the wrong people. It’s the SRCC who started this whole mess. Deliver your garbage to the CC meeting room. This whole deal stinks to high heaven.

  19. Bob White on January 3rd, 2015 4:16 am

    Still waiting for my cans too. Called a couple of times and told I would be called back with an answer. Also still waiting on a call back. Was never told I could put my bags out. My rates went up only two dollars per quarter, but with more pickups than before. Good promises. No service. Why is ECUA in Santa Rosa anyway?

  20. JHS Mom on January 2nd, 2015 10:39 pm

    Cans were delivered earlier in the week. We are on the Monday/Thursday pick up schedule and were told we would have pickup today. Can at curb all day. No Pickup!!

  21. willis on January 2nd, 2015 8:53 pm

    @ Nathalie Bowers
    Where’d you go ???

    @ Everyone else
    I think everything will work out okay. Change is sometimes very stressful on both sides. Time and effort will make it work.

  22. RAM on January 2nd, 2015 5:49 pm

    Put garbage out by the curb as instructed and ECUA didn’t pick it up They did come through our neighborhood my husband seen them

  23. chillywilly on January 2nd, 2015 5:45 pm

    This is a joke. ECUA underbid to get the franchise area.
    Eliminate all the competition, is never good. ECUA can afford to
    Operate at a loss, until all the competition packs up and has
    Left town. Then comes the rate increase with no competition
    And next mandatory garbage pickup for residents . What ever
    Happened to free enterprise.

  24. Larry Davis on January 2nd, 2015 5:20 pm

    Here is my e-mail to ECUA (as yet unanswered).


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    On 12/17/2014 upon hearing on the news that the county Commissioners had decided that ECUA was to be my new waste collection service, I called & set up new service. I was told that “service would start prior to 01/01/2015, actual date yet to be determined.”

    On 12/17/2014 I called & talked to Carroll (?) & I was told that the trash cans would be delivered no later than 01/01/2015.
    It is now the afternoon of 01/02/2015 & there are no trash cans. & your answering service told me that they do not know when the cans will be delivered. Further, she if they were not delivered for Mondays pick up I could just put out my trash bags & they would be picked up.

    My concern with this is that if the promise to deliver the cans was not met, how can I be sure that the truck will actually come by Monday & that they would take the time to pick up the trash bags. Additionally, I do not have any idea as to what time I need to put out the bags. I do not want the critters to get into the bags & scatter everything all over the place. & by the same token, at 0 darkthirty Monday morning, I do not want to hear the trash truck ditty-bopping past my house & all my trash still sitting in my garage.

    So my main questions are:
    A) When can I actually get the cans?
    B) Can anyone assure me that my trash will actuall be picked up Monday?

    Thank You,

  25. Tim on January 2nd, 2015 3:34 pm

    Waste Pro decided to quit picking up in my neighborhood early. Dec 12th was our last pickup. I called several times and they promised to pick-up on the next day. I called the 5th time on Dec 24th 12:30 and was told it was Christmas Eve and they would pickup on Friday. I called Friday and they told me that the truck could not turn around on my road so they would have to figure something out ( after 2 years of service, suddenly the truck has issues!?). I have 6 kids and about 25 bages of garbage by then. I told the lady on the phone that I needed it picked up that day, Friday the 26th, and she said no. I told her I would deliver the trash to their location and she smuggly told me to bring the container while I was at it. I delivered it to the office front door and pile 25 bags of garbage against the front door. The look on their face through that glass door……… ;-0

  26. Nathalie Bowers, ECUA Public Information Officer on January 2nd, 2015 3:14 pm

    Mr. Miller- I’m sorry you were given inaccurate information; the online system is working and I’ve been advised that your account is set up. You should receive a can today.

    RAM- That does sound very unusual indeed and I apologize for the misinformation. We will look into this but please, just place your bags out if you have not received a can by your collection day. Our own crews are working to assist the can delivery company’s crews and they are working 7 days a week until all cans are delivered.
    Our intent is to have cans delivered by Sunday, Jan. 4 to all who signed up by Dec. 31.

  27. Tom Miller on January 2nd, 2015 1:43 pm

    ECUA just informed my today that the on line registration did not work, and that I needed to register at that time (today, while on the phone), and we would get our cans in 7 to 10 days. Nice job ECUA! Great way to kick off a new program! Provide customers a bogus method of registration, and don’t tell them about it. So, it looks like at least a couple of weeks of stinkin trash in the garage.

  28. bobinbusan on January 2nd, 2015 11:23 am

    ECUA Begins Trash Service Today In Northern Santa Rosa County, For CARTHA-

    If you still do not have a can, please place your bags out and our crew will pick them up. Thank you.

    Done and waiting for the pick up

  29. RAM on January 2nd, 2015 10:47 am

    For Nathalie –
    I contacted ECUA service center this morning regarding as to when I can expect a container to be delivered and when will or if the trash will be picked up in the meantime. I was informed that they should deliver the container sometime next week, no specified date or time.
    What’s so unprofessional and unrealistic is the man said I should wait outside for the truck to come through the neighborhood and flag them down so they can pick up my garbage. They would need to check to make sure I have an account with ECUA. So I ask the man so I need to get my lawn chair and sit by the road all day and wait for the garbage truck? He said yes basically…. yeah NOT ME….
    BTW…he sounded like he read this from a Q card….standard answer…..and wouldn’t let me get a word in….

  30. Nathalie Bowers, ECUA Public Information Officer on January 2nd, 2015 9:49 am

    For CARTHA-

    If you still do not have a can, please place your bags out and our crew will pick them up. Thank you.

  31. Mel2cuts on January 2nd, 2015 9:18 am

    No notice from Santa Rosa County… notice from Waste Pro, my provider. Cans picked up mid holidays…….no answer at ECUA. I filled out the form online as instructed….I guess they will get that on Monday. Why not emplement the change after Jan. 1? Genius, guys!

  32. RAM on January 2nd, 2015 8:29 am

    Yeah, one day we had garbage service w/Waste Pro then the next no service no garbage container. Had to call to find out they are no longer in our area and to call ECUA. Wonder how long it will take ECUA to get us a garbage container. It took Waste Pro 6 weeks. I’m sure it’s going to be a while, taking over Waste Pro customers.

  33. CARTHA on January 2nd, 2015 7:23 am

    So am I the only one that ECUA and the Santa Rosa County Commisioners promised to have cans delivered to by 7pm last night and as of 730am on January 2nd still have not received them? The execution of this endeavor has been a a complete fiasco. Someone needs to be held accoutable for the lack of insight on switching providers. Not acceptable at all.

  34. c.w. on January 2nd, 2015 3:05 am

    Waste pro was charging $70,35 per quarter. ECUA is charging 51.27 per quarter. I bet we will see a increase real soon.